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The New Tariff Law

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 John J. Crittenden, John Davis, William L. Dayton, George Evans, Albert C. Greene, Jabez W. Huntington, Reverdy Johnson, Henry Johnson, Willie P. Mangum, Jacob W. Miller, James T. Morehead, John M. Niles, James Pearce, Samuel S. Phelps, James F. Simmons, Daniel Sturgeon, William Upham, Daniel Webster, William Woodbridge, 

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McKny's new Turiiï bilí haa dóululess bcforc iliis become n luw by réceiving tbc atfnction ol the President. The bül IiiuIh hard fi}ht in the Semle, nn! was engrojaed only by the casting Wlo öf the V'.cv. President Dulliis. tlio vote standing 27 lo '27. Tbc li. II lin illy patsed the Sennto witli au uniendincnt by vlic followiui vy : Ykas - Allen, Aslilcy. Aicliioson. Atherion; B;iyly, H.nton. Breee, H'.igl', Cnlliotin, Cuss, Choimcrs, Co'quitf, Öickinson. Dix. Fni'-fie!( flniincgan, Uimstnn, J..irnnpfin, Lewis, Mcüuf fir, Pcnnyliaeker, Rusk.Semple, Sevier, Speigln, Turm-y. Wrsicoti. Ytilcc - 2-. Kats - Arcbr. Dirrow, iJenien. Cnnienm. Cilley, J. 1. Claytott, J. Cl'ivton, (orwin, Crinenden. Davie. Dnyton. Evans. Green, Hun. linjion, Johnson, of Md . Johnson of La . IVfah"guiri, Millar. Morchend. Ni!cs. Peuroe, Phclps, Siniinoiis. Sturgeon, Uphani, Webster, 27. 'J'he bill wis ihen taken to the House nnd pasyccJ. - ye;ií 1 18. nnys i)2. Grom ndignoiierti wna feil in Pcnnèyl-nnia ot the cuuisü iif Dall.isin suMaintng tho bill. Tein'ffblHt generolly pnsis by s unll mnjoriiioa. Tbc Freo Pre?' siVi-: ; li is reinarkabte liia ntie volt; carried iho iniiH" of 1624, one voie the tnrifT' of I8ÍS; oe voto in cacli house cnrriet i Ito tniifl' uf Iï54'J. nid onc voto in ili S in ile curned tiic tarirt' f IS-.ú throuirh. The qne vuic ihai carricd tbc inr.ffoí Ic!42, wao tliat of i diünocrüi, olir.g imder tlic instruciiunsi of a wlnj. ligislutUie. and the one voic which carritd tb in riff of 18-(), was of a wliiy voting uudo tin: (ïs'roclion) ui q ckupooratic !t(ji?laimt;. The Sut-Treasury bll it pending in Conrcss. snd soniü action will be bad on it. It is iiow said tliai tbc II n L i Bül, the grêatmensure of tho West. ivill bo Jefenied by tlie veto af Mr. Polk. If ihis shauld lie llic case. whnt will llio wratern iouglifactt) sny who shouied so lüiully lor sluveholder Polk?