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THE KAST. iNviewof statenitnts which have 'i tely gaiued considerable curroncy, that a strike would probabl ccur in tbo Pennsylvania coal regions dming August, tho Phiiadelpbia Times hnn been investiyating the matter, and prints correspondence fim the most important coal centers. These all ?gree in the statement that no strike is an'icipattd, and that none islikely to occur. At Philadelphia, a few days since, a charch tent, in which a largo congregation had assembUd to liBteu to the preaching of the gospel, wai stnick by lighlninpr. creating the wildest eoustorntion. Alittle girl was killed, two childrcn daugorouely wouudi d, and several oiher persona prostraied by the elcotric fluid Et. B. C.jnant, cashier of the Eliot National Bank, of Boston, i a defaulter to the extent of $70,000. Speculatiou. Michael Winn, of West liandolph, Vt., fatally shot his wife and babo while they wero inbed tleeping, and killed hhnself to avoid arrest. THE WEST. What the farmers lost the lumberuion in eonie measure gained by tho recent h.'avv rains iu Wisconsin and Minnesota. Tho (loods that injnred the crops swelled the rivers and permitted the log-drivera to do business on a inagniticent scale. A dispatch from Boiso City, Idaho, Bays " the stage between Silvcr City and Boise City was attacked by Iudians and the driver killed. The hostiles on their way Dp Snake river stopped at Ranechniager ranche, and encountered a LUinber of Chinese employés, four of whom they Blaughtcred. The Indiaas are raiding all through the Snake River and Owyheo country, and drivi'ig off all tho stock. Gen. Howard is iu pursuit of the ïnaiu body, estiroated at 200 btrong." A Salt Lakb dispatch announces the total destructiou, by flre, of the towu of Alta, Utah. The place coutaiued abont 200 wooden buildings, all of which aro now in ashes. Th loss is estimated at -ilOO.OGO, and is the mot disastrous that has ever vinited the Territory. Chioago papers announce the failure of Mr. James II. McVioker, the proprietor and manager of Ciiioago's leading theater. His tmbarrasi-ment was cinsed by his liability as a bondsinau for DaTid A. Gage, the defaultiiig C:tv Troaburer of Chicago. Judgnient wa tflven against himsejf and his fellow-boudsmen for $500,000- a gom which the vcicran manager feit that be never would be able to pay. The public generally will be gratilkd to learn that Mr. McVicker will niaintaiii his position as the manager of his ilteattr, and that the lattar institutiou will not be closed on acconnt of his tinancial misfortune. The theater will reopen on the 19th of August, and wl[ continue, as heretofore, to r.i liutain its position as the leading place of amusement iu the West. A Silveb City (Idaho) dispatdi says iheroare now over 100 voluuteers out from l'oise and Ouyhee in pursuit of the savages. 'i '■■! Hi'ter aie traveling leisurely tbrough the country helpinj; themelvcs to stook along the liuo of march A San Francisco dispatch kis that "Miohael lïeese, news of whose dealh at WaDenstein, Gerniany. han jnst been recelvéd, leaves au estáte ápproximated at ÍIO.000,000 or more, and, with the exception of Senator 8haron, was the largest real-estate owner in the city. Some years ago he made a will leavipg the great bulk of bis estáte to beuevolent institutions." Thisee women were yesterday killed in the Mississippi bottom, teu miles west of Joaosboro, ïll., by the f nry of the elementa. The top of an oak tree was twisted off and feil upon tin-m whi!;: they were running toward a house for ohelter Thé Topeka (Kansas) National Bank has failed. It is claimed that the bauk is able to pay in f uil all depositors. .... LatenewB received f lom Montana indícate that the Nez Percas Iuáiaus, who cscaped and joined Sitting Buil after ihsir defeat at Bear 1' : v mountaiu last fall by the troops uuder Qbd. IMiles, are returning to their formerhome in Idaho in pmall bands. THE SOUTH. A paety of masked men rode into Monroe, La., at 1 o'clock, one morning last weck, forcibly took from the parish jail four colored men who were confined there charged with routder, took them to tne Court-House Kqnare, and huug them to the limb of an oak tree. Considerable alarm has been excited ia the ci'ies of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys by the outbreak of virulent yellow fever at New Orleaua. Stringent quaratine regulatious have been established at the larger plaoes, and there have been few cases north of Vicksburg. Bobebt Thompson, colored, and Mary Cross, white, who Vcre married in 1877, and who havo since lived together as man and wife, nero aiTaigned beforo a magistrato in Alexaudvia, Va., last week, and committed to jail to swait the action of the Corporation Court. The penp.lly fixed by tbc law for the principáis is confinement in the Penitentiary not iess than two years. Tbcb yellow-fevcr pestilencc is increasiug at an alarming pace in New Orleans. A peculiarity is observable that the disease attEclssal! clatees and in all localities in the city, tlm native and colored elemente, usually ex::i)t, suffering along with the rest. lt is sgreed, moreover, that the pestilence is of Lime origiu, and not imported from tropical points, and that the iilthy condition of tho City, arising from insufïicient drainage and lack of pre por Kauitary measures by the local EUthorities, is the cause of its existence and rapid t-pread. TLe most extraordiuary precautions are being taken bv the river tonus above New ürleans to ward off the approach of the epidemie. The prevalenceof yellow f ever at New Orleans has isolatcd that city almost as effectually as thcugh it were located in another hemispjhere. Towns in Texas and on the MisHissippi livtr are infoicing quarantine regulationswith auch strictdess as to impose absolute non-interoonrae with the Cresoent City. At Aieksburg a New Orleaus man who persisted in landing from a stcamboat was fined Í250 and (orcibiy ejected from tho city. POLITICAl. Tuk IlrpublicaEs of Mainc Lave nomuiated Gov. Ccnnor for re-eloction. Wade Hajípton has been renoininated by tho DeiL-ocrats for Governor ot South Carcin The President bas appointed Henry C. Tun, of Kansas, agent for tho Iadiane of the Kanea ageney, and David Keru, of 111 nois, agent for the Indians of tho Crow agency. GENKKAI.. A kowing match, between the wellk nown oxpertc, Hanlan and Koss, bad a ridicu'ous termiüation at St. John, N. B., last week. Wben a mile and a quarter had been roweö Hanlan was some lengths ahead. Koss' shell here capsizcd, ai:d a boat went out and picked him up. Hanlan rowed over the course leisureiy in 3üm. 58s. Kohs saya the pii.-ig of the rowlock woiked out, and he upset, breaking the box of the boat: but it isbelieved Eoss purposely uptet to avoid defeat, which was inevitblo. A San Antonio (Texas) dispatch anuonnces that "Liut Kelly, with a detachroent cf Umted Stafes cavaJry, crossed tho Rio Graode, mar tin: n;cuth of Sau Felipe creek, to recovc-r stolen htock, on tho trail of raiders. He pased uear the town of Los V,icas, where lic wati joined by the Alcalde of tbc town, avl Dther Mexicana, who assisted intherecoveryof neventeen cattle and one horso. The Mexicans rendcredevery posiblo asi-istaace." The committee appoiuted, under a ïesolutiou of tho National Housft of Repreeentatives, to cousider tho financia! and labor (lopression queetlÓD, is now holding its ttossions in Now Yoik. 'J'he committee consists of Mesara. A. S. Howitt, of New York J. II. ThompsoD, of Pennsylvania ; W. W. Kice, of Maesachnsetts ; Thomas A. Boyd, of Illinois, end H. L. Hickey, of Ohio, and all but tho last nnined are iu attendance. They sit daily, and hear all persons who choose to appear before tbem. A nnmbcr of representat'.ves of the vmious labor organizations have appeared and gtven (he:r views regarding lie I rivaiüng depresfiou. Tho most of them attrilmte tlie haid times to labor-taving machineiy. Thu army Connaission authorized by lbo recent se?Hioa of Congress, and which has been holding secret sessions at a Virginia walering-place, adjourned last week without. il i i beheved, coming to any practica! concluioo - l;.ib Ingersoll, acoompanied by his fiüinly, Sïiled for Europe list week, intecding 10 remaln abrircd tUreü monthe. Fauttres : The Mastiu Bank, of Kanfas City, Mo., holding largo arnounts of public funds, iucluding 5250,000 beionging to the Htaíecf Missouri ; the Crowthcr Iron Cornpany. c;f PittBbnrgb, l'a., liabilities .!G0,000-, the inoinnati grocory firm of It. M. Bishop A Co., of wbich the Oovenior of Ohio is tfce head. lial üitics $:!(!0,0a0: tbe marble-mills of Vail, Bhortwel] x Co., New York. liabilities Y100,000. - Lew Davif, a torg And dance man with the California Miugtrel. cut his tbroat In yje dr.-- ínf,-room of Dockrell'u Opera House, St. John, N. B., justbeforo thc Cüinnioncenient of tho [ performance. In a recent trial of speed nt Buffalo, the ce'.obr&ted horso Rarus eclipi-ed all the records herotoforc mado ín trotting, and pnt in the shade tho 2:14 oí GoldsmithMaid, whicb stood miequaled for so inatiy yesrs until liaras üotted into the same notch at Cleveland. ín the Buffalo race it was not expected that the horno wonld equal his Cleveland performance, as the track is not coni-idered as fast as that at the fornier city, bnt in tho second heat lio trottt d the niile in 2:13'. The time of the heat wasasfollows: First quartei, 38}L fccondf; second quarter, 32'('8econds; thirdquarter, '1% secondii; fourth quarter, 34;i4' seeonds. Mile, 2:133. This performance oatitles ltarus to the credit of the famest heat on record, and ho uow stands credited with the fastest mile on record (2:13J), the fastest mile on a half-mile track (2:16), tho tastest first htat (2:14), the fastesit secoud heat (2:13'.,'), tho tastesi third heat (2:14), aud the fastest tlivee consecitive heits on record (2:14#, 2:15, 2:14). George Aveuy, .Tohu Pari', and Frank Dillworth wero killed, and foiir other men serioui-ly wounded, by the expiofcion of a boiler in a saw mili at Enterprise, W. Va The city of Toronto, Canada, was visited, the other day, by & violent rain andbail storm, which d&maged properiy to tho amouut of $500,000. Montrtal was vi.-ited by f. small seetion of the gale, preceded by a perceptible shock of eartbqiitko. WASHIlTON. SrPT. Kimball bas completcd his selections of titos for life-eaving stations on the lakes. They are to be at Manistce, Ludington, Muskegon and Kenosha on Lake Michigan, and Sandy Beach aud i point liear Port Austin on Lak Huron. ïhe public-debt statement for Aug. 1 is as follows : S'.x per cent. bonds $ 733,561, 250 Five per oent. bonds 703.2(i6,6!5G Poïir and a huif per ccut. bonds 216,000,000 Four per cent bonds 112,850,001) Total coin bonrls $1,795,877,900 Lawful money debt i 14,000,000 Vlatured drb' $ 9,009,640 Lefial tenders 846,743 283 Certifratf s of depoait 51,200,OUO Fraetional eurrency 16.455,:'98 Coin atiul tjilvcr certificates 15 631,030 Total without üitereaf $ 4ïo 02ï 91 1 Total debt .f2,Jj7,117,452 Tulai intereat 26, 179, 'i 13 Oosli in trecsnry : t'oin $ 207,0C7,8-2 Currency 1,108,317 Ourrency hekï i'orrcüeniption of fractional ctrrrency 10,000,000 Special deposita beid for redeinption of cortifleates of deposit 51,200,000 Totel lntreastiry $ 269,316,170 D?ht less cash in trcasnry $2,035,580,524 Dc-crcasc oiuce July 30, 1S77 , 206 307 Bonds iKslied to Paciflo Eailroart CompMilfiOi interefit payable in lawful money; principal outstandiug 64,023,512 Interest accmed and not yet paid 323 117 Interest paid by the Dnlted State 89,8i5u3! Interest repaid by tran&portation of mails, etc 9,881,444 Balance of interest paid by the United S'.atcs S9,K3,69G CoMMtssiONER Katjm lias addreseed a letter to Collectors of all districts in the öontb. where troubles have arisen on account of illicit disfilling, settin;; forth tho wiHngDesa of the Government to deal lenienUy with all who wül stop iheir violation of the law. Aduces have been reeeived at the Iutorior Department that the railroad companies in the West iutend to combine with the Union Pacific Itïilroad Company in fightingthe recent dicsicn of Secretary Schurzupon the qnestiou of title to land grauts no,v held by railroad compaiiieí. Schurz' decisión was. that after three years from the time work wás completed all lands not then sold by the coinpany should be snbjfct to pre-emp"tion. Tho ïaiiroid corapaLies inteud in every case wher a fettltr moves on to lands uoder this decisión to serve him at once with a wiit of ejectment, which will have the practical eff t et of vitiating tho decisión of the Secretary, asno oco tttler or any couibination of settlers can afford to nght the" nnifed capital of the railroad companies The 4 per cent. bonds continue to go off "like hot cakes." Tho demand prosaises to be so heavy and continnous that tüe Secretary of the Treaeury bas ordered a resumption of work by the Government paper-mill. Another cali for the redemption of five million dollars' worth of C per cent. bondd has been issued by ihe Se:retary of thc Treasury. The funds for their redemption wül be ottaiaed from salas of l per cents. Interest will cease on the c.alied bonds on the Bth of November Tiie capital was visited oiie day last wtek by one of the worst wind and rain storms wliich it has experienced in a long timo. The wind bordered on a burricane througu the northwestern stction of the city, and umoofed a large numher of buildings. The damage to public and private property wil) reach at least $75,000. 1OKK1ÜN. The inquiry instituted into the Ehodope insurrection and ontragea in Roumelia, Tnriey, bas, il appeavs, resulted in damaéing disdosurea regaxi;ng the couree of the Kussian comm.'inders, and the Kussian Ambassador objeoted to it eerctinnanoe. Tho Ajeabas eadors of other lorêïgn oonntries, however, deciding that the ii quiry ehonld go on, the Jlussian representativo withdrew. In regard to the eieotion for members of Parliament in Gcrmany, a Berlin dispatch gaya tliat "the rclalive posiüons of the varióos partios are unchangod. According to the re tums, the National L'beral Electoral Ccn:;i"ttee estímate their party hss lost fifteen seate. The Coi sei vatives have gained twenty. The United Liberáis will thus atül have a maj'jrity inParüamect." A cable dispatch reportsthai Gen. Todleben refuses to withdraw aman froin tho vidniíy of Consïaatinople before the with dra wal of the Britishtíeet. Difticultios are a)so roported in regard to the return of the Turkish prisoners of war. Some idea of the streagth of the Socialist raovement in Germany nny be gleancd from tho fact that in the re cent Parliarnentary clections thoy pollec 30,000 votes in Hamburg, 12,000 ia Altona, 7.000 in Kie!, 10,000 in Breslau, 18,0Ö( in Prefden, 14,000 in Leipsic, ] 1.000 in Elberfeld, 10,000 in Nurr.berg. 6,600 in lLuiover, 4,000 in Frankfort, and 4.0C0 in Stiütgart Lord Haitington's resolution, condemniii, tho course of the Briti.-li plcnjiputentiaries ai the Btrlin Congress, was rejtctea in the House of Commons, by a vote of 388 to 105, anc Plunkett's amendmenr, takiue tho opposite course, was adopted without a división. Late advices from South America state that a pestilince is sweeping the inhabi tants of Bolivia, and a farcino is throatentd In tho smallest coracy in tho Department o: Cochabambia 600 bodies have been buried while in Bipefüpe 500 deatlis have occurred and the interment is diily augmented in number. Ttje fitlds are desolated, crops remain ungathered, miclaimed cattle room in all directions, almost all the dwejliDgs are abandonod aud aU thoso which are iuhabited are so inanj scènes of death and disease. Hundreda oi children areiuicai-ed for, and sustain their lives by eating grasshoppers. Macy bodies, in fome iuistances ihose of entiro familie?, remain nninterred, because th gravo-diggers are no' sufficient io numbers to execute the painfu duty. In his speeoh at tlie banquet given by tho Corporation of tho city of London, a few days sgo, Ird Beaconsfield qnoted, iu defen8e of hia beüef in the capacity of tho Turkt for civilization. a statement, Bent by American miesionaries to the Emperor of Germany. Ir Una paper tbc toleration enjoyed by Christians and tbo rrogress of educatioii i 'Crakey :-ince the Orinif an war, aro dwelt opon. ïiie premier ted that tluB téstlmouy ws BÓtperlor t auy oflicial report, foy ''ie Vf&a that of men oi the higheít principies ana of tublime character, who aevot d ihuir lives to the benefit of their fellow creatures." A cabio dis patch atinoncrcg roported negoiiaüons between Franoe and Tnrkoy for the cession to the foi-mer of lihodes ant Scio, two important i.slandü in tho Greeiai Archipihgo, coar to the we-t and BOnthwei coast of Asia Minor. Khodea ha an arfa of 420 square miles and a po ulation oí aO.COO Scio an area of ÍC8 rqnare miles and a popnlation of 62,000 NoMünfi, who attemptcd to mm-der the Eir.peror of Gormnny, lias mado a second attempt to tnke hls owd life The complete returns of tlie Oirman elee tions fhow tho result to havo bren the return to Farüarnent of 93 Conservatives, IK Liberáis of various sbades, and ÜG Uitramnn taues. In sixty-six cases second ba 1 1 ts will bc necessary. . . .The ratifications of the tri Barlin havo been exchanged by all the powers txcept Turkey. Tho Sultan, howevir, !■ nilied that he recognizes the valid ty of the treaty Formal proclamation of tito inde pendence of Servia iil be made at Blgradc on 1in22dof this montb. O.i the same daj tho rule of martial law wül c ■ A Bïighade dispatch says the - ment throughout Bopnia and Herzegovina i rapidly increasing tm t.lio Austrians advance and the inbabitantR aic cf'llecting in band The Austrians, advanoing toward Mostar, in Herzegovina, fought a hort engagement neai Catlak witb 500 insnrgentB; killed scveral o i and made somfi prisODers. Four Austrians wei e wounded. Austrian troopa are also niectiiig v.ith retistaocè iw Bosnia, A the ilieg il :oivex by the inhabitams with B völley, which waB rt'turned. They were again " attackou in wurnik, aod seventy Austrians killed.


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