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- Ueu. sherwood, ot Toledo, t'ormerly a Republicau ineinber of Congiess, addressed the National-Greeubackers ou Monduy evenmg, on theLourt House Squave. Mr. Thomas, caudidate fur Cougress iu this district, who has witliin six mouths twice been a candidate for ifhce ou the Kepublican tickst aud agaiust t ie greenbackers, said a few words aud uiAde a few contingent promisoa, - contingent on nis election. II. J. Haire, of Jackson, unleaded himself vigorcusly, aud B. E. Fruzer, of this cify, his muiden greeuback speech, mi pledged luuiself tirst to take care of liinjsHt and work tor liin own interests secondly, to let his voice be heard from this to election wherevor he oould get a hearing ii this Congress'xual district (proviJed, we aup pose, Thomas' " barrsl of money " holds out) and thirdiy, to maiutaiu the iuterests of tho laborar agaiust the cauitalist. Kobert makes a seriou9 mistake i f he assumes that the intereets of the laborer and the capitalist are at all antagonistie. The laborer cannot flnd employment uuless somelody is able to hire aud pay him, and that somebody is for the time being a capiUHst, thougli it inay be on a Bmall acale. Where capital is most abuudant and most active there the laborer will flnd the steadiest einploymunt and the best wages. And to have nbundant capital there must ueeds be capitalists. - " me TiXimpIe oí 1 ranee" is the title of a pamphlet oí G4 pp., published by I). Appleton & Co., New York. It contaius an essay on " Tlie Faymont t the ludemuity " to Germany, and auother on " The Management of the Currency siuce the Germán War, 187074," by Arictor Bonnet, translated by George Walker." It is.a complete refutatiou of the claims of the greenbackers that the example of France favora an unlimited or irredeemable currency. Price jO cents. - The Kev. A. J. Eldred, uominated lor Congress by the Democracy of the Fourth district, tiles bis in this wiae : " With the concurrenee ot' the appointing power of the M. E. Church, I will if elected, answer the wishes of the Democratie Conventiou and serve the whole people as their true representativo, to the bust of my ability." Suppose the " appointing power don't consent. " then what ? - The Eveiüntj IVcws devoted its issue of Mouday last almost exolusively to Detroit, its history, business facilitios, business iutereats, ifec. Detroit business meu don't know their uwu luujrüsiö ii mey uian i gouuie up a large edition and give the review a wide circulation. - We have the eleventh auniml circular of the Cincinnati Consorvatory of Music, of which Mies Clara Baiir is directress, and Miss Bertha Baur family governess aud assistant secretary. The Missea Baur are daughters of the Rev. Emil Baur, of this city. - This is tho "arf aud art' " way in which the Dexter Leark-r puft's a groeaback orator : "Mr. Brown had a large audience last Saturday evening, aud made a speech that pleased all who eau agree ivith his sentimeuts." - Judge Coolidge, of the Secoud Judicial Circuit- Berrieu and Caas couuties- has resigned,- his resiguatiou to tuke effect Sept. 1. This creates the fourth vaoancy to be fillod by election the coming fall. - A Marquette Monument Asaociation has scribed for the proposed monument, which it been organized at Mackinaw, aud Ï3.000 subis expectad to iucre.ise to Ï10.000 by the first of August, 1879. - Uuder the new management the Ypsilanti Commercial does n't play second fiddl to the greeubackers, or make so many mouths at Fresidout Hayes.


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Michigan Argus