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Mr a collision en the Vermont Central railroad, ncar Northfiuld Farms, one night laat week, the cugincer, flroman aud one passeuger were killed. Botat, B. Conant, the defaulting easfaier of tbc Eliot National Bank, of Boston, ha been held for trial in bonds of $20,000 Teruon Brothers" paper raill, noar Nortbamp ton, Mass., has been destroyed by flre. Loss, 8112,000. The Atlantic coast from Connecticut northward was swopt by a furious tornado on the 9th inst. At Wallingford, Ct., it was attonded by a d'Rtreüaing loss of life and property. Ninety buildings were leveled to tho pround, twenty persons killed, and about forty more or less injnred. At Watortown, N. Y., a vast amonnt of property was destroyed by tbc sudden riping of the waters. On the Oonuecticut coast a vessel wa struck by lighbiing, Rplit in two, and sunk iiiütantly. Hundreds of buildings in the line of the storm were strack by lightning, and many people killed by the olectiio fluid. The daniapt! to farm property is describid as simply appallii'g. Barus, fences, etc, were Bwept away like cbaff, and the growhig crops of grain leveled to the ground. Altogetiier it was the most violent and destructivo visitation of the kind that has ever been experienced alóngthat coast. A terbible explosión in a steam sawuiill, at Shamokin, Pa., last week, cansed the Instant death of tbreo persons, and the fatal woxinding of throe others. The funeral of twenty-five of those killed by the tornado in Wallingford, Ct., took place on Simday. the Hth inst. Ten thonsacd pooplo wero present, and fulty 2,000 carriages. The jam was immense, and the sceno one of great sadness. The cemetery was surronnde by the local company of National Guaids, and 125 spec:al officers. The interments were made iu fifteen graves. Work on the big East River bridge, connecting New York and Brooklyn, bas beeu suspended for want of funds, and 500 men THE WEST. Chicago elevators contain 325,944 bnshols of wheat: 1,052,476 bnshels of corn; 128,730 bnsüels of oats; 72,242 bushels of rye, and 253,613 bnshels of barley, making a grand total of 1,833,005 biuhel, against 1,744,932 busbels at this period last year At Fort Keogh, D. T., a gambler named Collins Bhot Biler Thomas, of the Twenty-fifth Cavalry. The soldiers of his company surloundod the jail and wounded the Sheriff. The Sheriff then abaudoncd the jail, and a fight ensucd between the prisoner, Cjlline, and the soldiers. A Boidier named Hurley was killed, and another named Sanders wounded. i Anolher cjmpauy of soldiers put down theriot, A terrible disaster occurred to a passenger train on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis railroad. near Mingo Junction, Ohio, a few day ago. A passenger train, running at a. speed of forty miles an bour to mako up lost time, collided with a freight train coming in an opposite direction, was throwu down an embankmeut thirty feet high, and completely wrecked. Fifteen persons -ere killed on thé spot, thirty-tbreo badly wounded, several of them beyond hope of recovery, and fifteen slightly hurt. Most of the viotims wora English and Germán immigrants who were on their way to tho West. Tte accident took place just bef ore daj break. A dense fog prevailed at the time, whi'ch obscured the view and added to the misery of the sitnation. The cauee of the calamity i's attributed to the conduclor of the ireight train, who acknowledged that his watch stopped twenty minutes before tbc collision, but without his knowledge Encouragtd by the absence of troops, the availablo forces baving all been fent to Idaho to look after the hostilc 15annocks, the Arizona Indians are becoming troublesome. Numbers of them have gathered in the neighborbood of Yuma, creating great alarm among the people, who have armed themselves and made preparations for defense. Considerable excitercent has been ercated at Cincinnati by the development that a manufacturar in that city is enjraged in the manufacture of a large quantity of hand grenadee, presumably for the Comrnuuists. An extremely malignan t type of hog cholera prevails in Green county, Wis. Nearly BOO head of swine feil viclims to it in two weeks. THE SOUTH. The three iuternal revetue office rs under indictment in South Carolina for the tuiiiDg or an ujicit distiüer, white resisting arrest, havo been eurrendered to the Federal authoritiee, In obedionce to the writ of babeas oorpns recently iasued, and thero will probably be no more tiemble about the caso In the Unitel States Court at Charleston, S. C, last week, 138 illicit ditillers pleaded guilty with the undtratandirg that jadgmer.t le suspended and they no more viólate the law. Thebe has been a sudden and terrible outbreak of ye.low fever at Grsnada, in the northeru central Eection of Miseitssippi. The place is remóte f rom New Orleans, and has undoubtedly been infected by railroad passengere fleeing from the plague in that city. OKSEIMI,. The authorities at Washington have adviees from the Mexican border whieh indícate that the Mexloans are about to make a show of reíistanes to the passage of United States troops acress the Rio Grande in pursuit of cattle-thieves. Several successful incuraionB have receutly 1 een mude by the eoldicrs nnder Gen. Btackeuzie, and Mexican dignity appears to have been wounded bv these frequent expeditions. The International J. onetary Congress met at Paris on Saturday, Aug. 10. The object of the conference is to bving about a greater unif ormHy of the coin sya eni between nations, especially as regards th? doublé gold and silver standard. The Americjn delégales in tho gatherirg are cx-Gov. Keuben E. Fcnton. f Xtw York; Prof. Walker, of Yalo College, and Mr. Groesbtc'i, of Ohio. A similar monetary conference was held in Paris in 1867. The Bankers' National A?sociation has just beid ita annual session at Saratoga, N. Y. Alexande r Mitchel), of Milwankee, was cnosen President for the eusuing year. The Orange Young Britons and 'Pren tica Boys of Ottawa, Canada, celebrated the rel!f or Derry on the 12th inat., by a proceBion and picnic. About 100 Young Rritons of Montreal carne up and took part. Muhfee'ing wAa roneed in the Cathol'c section of the eily, :uid the Montreal Britons liad to walk threo miles from tho city to tak e a train for home, in order to escape the violenceof a mob of about 300 at the depot, Whc-n the city Britons returaed from the jn: c'.ion. wnither they had acompanied tho Montreal party, they proceeded to the lower tona and attacked a number of Catholic houses, fliing their revolvers indiscriminately iuto every crowd they met, A number o. peóple were wounded, and the pólice made mauy arrests. POL1TICAL. The Demócrata of Delaware have nominated Jolm W. Hall for Governor. . '. .Kagene Hale has been reuominated lor Congress in Maine. The new Legislature of North Carolina is Democratie by a largo majority. There will be a lively flght for the Henatorship. Senator Merrimon i a candidato for re-election. Hib most formidablo coinpetitor is Gov. Vanee. The Demócrata of the Tenth Ohio Conressional District have nominated Gen. Tom Ewing for re-election to Congross Hou. Oodlove S. Orth cas been nominatod for Cougress by tho KepublicanH of the Niuth Indiana District Maj. E. A. Burke, who ngurea in tno celebralcd Wormley Hotul conference, bas been uominated for Siato Treasurer by the Louisiana Democratie conventiou. Burke bas developed ínm a commou day laborer, in ten years, to great wealth and contrelhng politica] iufluence Four delegates to the Louifjiar.a Democratie State Convention, who offercd to sell their voUs, wtre sumraarily expelled from the hall. Beverlï Doüolass, the íighting Virginia Congressman, bas been defeated for renomination Tb e ttepublicans of Colorado have notninated F. W. l'itkin for Oovernor, and James B. Bolford for Cougrce? The Houth Cpiolina llepïibl'cans held their State Conventiou at Columbia last week, and resolved to make no nominations for State offices. The Texas Greenbackers met in State convention at Waco on the 8th inst. and nominated Gen. W. H. Hamman for Governor. Gen. Bannino wa? defeated for a renomination for Oongress in the Setond Ohio District. WASHIlvdTOS. Thebe were coined in tbe United States mints in July, #80,(100 in eagleH and $1,847,000 in standard silver dollars, inclnding minor coins. The valne of coinago was $:i,(!27, ■ 983 .... The President and f amily and Becretary Sherman visited Newport last week. Mi. G. K. Chase, an agent of the Department of Jnstice, who was sent out 'o lnvestigate affairs in Utah, hap returned to ingtoD, and, it is said, will shortiy BObmit a roport rccommonding tlie removal of Gov. Emory and Chief Justioe Shaffer, both of whom have boon playing into the hinds of the Mormons Tho President has comrnissioneü Etterene J. Bal), of Indiann, as Consul at Pesth, Austria; Ata 0, Frindle, now Commercial Agent at the Balizo, Honduras, as United StRtes Consul at I'ara, Brazil; and William Thompson, now Agent at Southampton, England, to be Consul at that port. It is stated f rom Washington that " our authorities have deoidcd not to treat with Sitting Huil pon his arrivnl in this country, Imt to arrest him, with his principal follón er.', and hold them as piisoners of war." At a Cabinet meeting the other day - a Washington dispatch reports - it was resolved that hereafter the rights of American citizens ou the Mexican border nmst be respectcd, or blood will follow. Tho Secretary of War was instructed to notify Gen. Ord that his duty in the future will remain tho same as in the recent past- to pursuo and puniih mandden from Mexico, no matter where foufid A dauohter of Gen. Twiggs writes to the Secretary of the Treasiiry prutesting against the three valuable swords of hor father being giveu to the lady in England who claioiK that they were given her by Oen. Twiggs affer he left New Orleana. In a letter, which she produces, Gen. Tviggt' daugiiter suya that Ihis claim ia preposteróos, and that her 'father provided fcr the dispositiou of the swords in his will. The Treasury Department has sent for a copy of the wiil. President Hayes has aooepted an invitation to attend the Minnesota State Fair, t be beid at St. raul It is tke intentionof tte President to yisit his home ia Fremoat, Ohio, the last of this month, and theu go to 8t. l'au via Chicago on the eveuing of tho 3d of September Webb C. Hayes, sou of the President, will be married, early in the fa]], to a yonng lady of Fremcnt, ühio. FOHKIGN. There are 47,000 Eussians sick in Bulgaria, and constant reinforcements aro nee essary to lteep up the eiïective army. Gens Todlebon and Schonvaloff are down with typhus - The Mark Lam Sxpress reporta the EngliBh wheat erop in fair condition, an thicks the yieldwill be an average one- tha is, abont thirty lushels to the Rere. The Turks are slowly removing thoii men and material from Varna, one of the mag nificent fortresses which Eussia was unable to wrest from thom by force of arms, but which strikes its colors to the anthority of the treaties of San Stefano and Berlín, tho evaeuatioi will be cornpleted in about two months. No movement toward tho hurrender of Bitoum ha3 yet been made, and tho Kinsians are becominf, urgent on Hiat poiut Thefeverisincreasinf in Cyprus alarmingly. Forty membors of one Bntisb regiment have been attackcd Three thous.ind Muntenogrins havejoined tho insur gents in Herzegovina There are indications of au intention to proclaim a holy war in Bosnia. Right Hon. Wllliam E. Fobstbe, the well-known Liberal leader, will visit America in the autumn A marriace has been ar ranged between Prinoo Louis Napoleon, son of the Emperor Napoleon III., aud Princesh Thyra, third daughter of Christian IX., Küig of Denmark. Tho Princes Thyra ís a sister o: the Princesa of Wales. A severe b:ttle was fought between the Austrians and Bjsnians Aug. 8, in which the former were victorious. The Iofs of tho Austrians was lifty killed and woundod. The Bosnian force3 numbered about 5,000, and in cluded artillery and a Iarge forcé of TurkUl regulare led by regular officers. Four hundrec of the latter were captured A Trebizonc dispatch reports that the native tribes are gatheriDK in great forcé in the defiles leading to Artvin, determined to qppose the carryinc ont ot tho decisious of tho Berlín congrega. I is estimated that their numbers will reach 15,000 men , ... Aa exploaion in the mines or maga zines of the fortifications of K?rs, recently caused the destruotion of the oriucipal part o the town by flro. The American oflieers in the Egjptian army have all been disoharged except Gen Stone A Paris ditpatch says Lewis Baker who shot Bill Poole in New York in 1855, cioi in that city. Baker lived in Paris under the asoumed name of Jackson.. ..4. London dis patoh sajs there is a strong reason for believiug that the English Government intends to gain a footing on tJie tnain.'and o Asia Minor. The Scanderoon port of Aleppo 18 named as the probable objoctive point At Odessa, in Kussia, tenteneo of death was passeil upon one of the Nihilist agitators, anc four others wore condemned to hard labor. In tho excitement which f ollowed, tho crowd flrec upou the troops, woundinfi four. The fire was returned, aud tvyo rioters were killed Large concessious are promised by the Sultan to the Cretans, aod it is supposed there will be peaco and contentment in tho island when thete reforma are seeurecl. Uut it haa been determined in Constanünople to reject tho demam's of Grecc?, which aro considered unreasonable. The Kussian troopa are being withdrarn from Constantinopie, San Stefano and Gallipoh. The Turkish troops wil] occupy the positions immtd ately. Adrianople will be evacuated by the Russiam in Bil weeku, and Erzeroum and Bayaüid will be evacuated as bo: n as the British Heet ia withdrawn An apririog f Jtohammedau fanatics biu occurred at Livno, Herzegovina. The Turliish commandant was killed. The üoops made oommon canse witb the imargents, and inan-hed with them on Skoplio A Itussian torpedo cutter oxploded in the harbor of Nicolaieff, killing thirty-four persons.


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