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John Heffron, Of Detroit, Fruit And

John Heffron, Of Detroit, Fruit And image
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oyster dealer, and a popular business man, bas been nominated tbr Congress by the Xational -Green back ore. Hon. O. D. Coxger, of' the Seveuth Congressional District, now serving out his Hfth term, has beun nominatod for another heat by the Republicana of his district. Uut a single ballot was taken, the vote standing for Conger, 14 ; for 1$. W. Huston, of Tuscola county, 1 o. The Washington I'ost nmkes Assistant-Postniaster-General ïynereay that ho has "conversed with several leaders of the Grant movement and that they aro indeed in earnost in pushiug Gen. Grant for the Presidency ;" also that Postmaster-Genoral Key is to havo the second place on the ticket. Grant and Key ! ho.w do you like it ? TnE Colorado Xational-Greenbackers nominated a candidato for State Superintendent of Schools who unhesitatingly and unblushingly declared himself in favor of repudiation. A fit man to put in charge of the eduoational work of a State, to be pointed to as an example for teachers and scholars. Tho "fiat money" fellowa have queer ideas of propriety. Isr THE Frce Prets of yestorday appoars the letter of Hon. O. M. Barnea.accepting the Democratie nomiuation for Goveruor. It discusses the platform on which the uonventiou placed him, at length and in a caitdid manner, fully indorsing while elaborating its doclarations. It will meet the hearty approval of the great mass of Democrats of the State, and ought to satisfy the Democrats with greenback tendencias that an inconvertible or irredeemablü ourrency would be ruinous toevery intorebt. The Democracy of the Sixth CongreBsional District have nominated Hon. Hugh McCurdy, of Corunna. Mr. MoCurdy is an able man, a good canvasser, well posted on the issues of the day( and above all sound on tho financia! question. He is opposod by M. S. Brewer, present incumbent, and James I. Mead, of Lansing, National-Greenbacker. The latter gentleman has boxed the political compass and is as thoroughly unreliable as the idle wind. Mr. Brower is, of coursf, a Republic&n. The sober second thought of the Wayne County Democracy gave Gen. Williams a renominatinn for Congress to the great gratifiaation of his numerons personal friends throughout the State, and of the Democracy generally. Gen. Williams has made a record whioh roflects credit upon his district and the State. His compi-titors were City-At torney Maybury and ex-Mayor Wheaton, both of whom pledged a hearty support to Gen. Williams. The First district may be counied safe for the Democracy. NoTicixa the recent Democratie County Convention held at Hillsdale, the Standard (Republican) says : " After the nominations were made, Ilev. I. B. Card, the nominee for Congress, addressed the convention, giving his, and the position of the party on the financial question ; denouncing irredeemable currency and advocating the gold and silver money standard, quoting Benton, Silas Wright, Cass, and others." Which entitles Ira B. Card to the vote of every Democrat who has not forgotten the traditions of the fathers.who does not lieve that an aot of Congres can créate something out of nothing, and who believes in honest money. Tnis is what Mr. Conger told hit convention on the lGth iust., tbat is tbe convention which noininated hiin for a sixth term in Congress : "The subdued soldiere of the Confederacy control the House of Representativos to day. They already number the days that intervone before they control the Senate, and they already boldly fortell their control of the Executive after the next Presidential election." And much more of the same sort, with not a word touching the overshadowing financial issue of the campaign. Evidently tho " bloody shirt" is the gonfalón under which Conger proposes to rally his forces. That distinguished French writer Bonnet, in an essay on "The Circulation of the Bank of France under tho LegalTender Act of 1870," snys: "When buiness is carried on with metallic money, we have an infalhble meaus of discovering whetber transactions are on a sound footing, and whether they are kept witlnn reasonabl limit; it is the prico of that inouey. As it has a valué in itsolf, and cauuot be mcreased at will, if it becomes scarce, it is sure siga that the equilibrium is disturbed, and tbat gpeculatiou is playiug au exaggerated part. Just a the thermometer marks the variations of temporat ure, eo does the price of the precious metáis indícate the state of commercial relations. England understands this ; she is sometimos diêturbed at having to pay de&rly for money, but sho nevor rovolts against this uecessity, but Bubmits without coniplaining. With us, on tho contrary, and in other countnes, not only is there irritation when a riso iu the price of money takos place, but an atteinpt ia made to escape it, by resorting to expeneuts, such as p.iper money. This is like pufthing up the pointer of the barometer, wben it mark bad weather, te inako it indicate bitter. The b:id weath'er continúes notwth-tandinii ; and eo, in the matter now unííer discuasion, tho expedients which are artopted to allay the crsia serve to make it worae " Whioh we uomuiend to our NetionalGreoaback finaucitirs, who, adopting the homeopathie maxim "like cures liko," (or "the bair of the dog will euro the bita"), reject tbe bomuopathio belief in infloitesimal doies, and p oposT to ii.flitte an irvedoetoable curruncy with the avoweJ purposu o.' curiog tbö evils growing out ot iuflation.


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