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- Tho "Aldino Pub. Co.," of 18 Vesey street N. Y.r recently offered us, and other news paper publishers, "a special illustratt d volume ot specimen sheets, eutitled 'Ten Yeara' Prog re8s,'" in payment for the publication of the Aldine prospectus. We accepted, as did numerous brethren of the press, and when the "Teu Years' Progreas" carne to hand it consisted of scattering numbers oí the Aldine for 1874-5, bound in a paper cover,- a regular Aldine cover with the nnc titla pnnted theroon. The "volume" was thin and the frautj practicad upon simple-mintied newspaper men - especially those who already had the Aldine for the years named (our case) - still thinner. The "Aldino l'ub. Co." ueed not expect to niake auything in the long run by suoh sharp practice. - A Nationo I-Gh'eenback Club has been organ ized in this city with the following officera : President, Charles Thayer; Vioe-Presidents, John Finnegan and William Deubel ; Secretary, M, H. Brenuan ; Correspanding Secretar}', Henry C. VValdron ; Treaaurer, Warren Tremaine ; City Committee, at large, Charles Thayer; First ward, James J. Parshall; Second, Thomas F. Leonard; Third, Warren E. WaJker; Fourth, Kichard Beahan; Fifth, Tonathan Sprague ; Samuel O Benham. - Hon. CJeorge W. Fish, of Flint, has seocted the Consulate at Tunis in preference to the one at somo port in Ciiiua, roceived his initructinn, and left his home on Monday last ior hia post of duty. Ho has his reward for ais part in nmking Judge Christiancy Senator, but thora ís no tolling what the Sonate will do with him when his name shall come up at the next session for coufiïmation. Thnt body has "set itown" on the Dr. once. - Moses W. Fiokl has the sama knaak at fli?uring up large political majorities that he has in insertiug large attomey fees m hia ten per cent, moi tgagea, a hundred dollar fee in a hundred dollar mortgage. Witness his promÍ8ÍI1K 1 Wodnesday's JS'ational-Oreentmck Convention 2ó,000 jnajority m Wayne couuty lor ' Saleratua " Smith and Johu Heffron, with less than 30,000 votes in the oounty. - A. McMillan, of the Bay City Observer, formerly of the Dexter Leader, has been nominated for County Clerk by the NationalGreenbuckers of Bay County. Mac didn't make a very long atuy with the Democracy. - Dr. Macleuu went lo Saud Lake.Kont Uounty, a few days ago, opened a patient's wind-oipe, inserteii sivst tube rhiI set him breathing.


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Michigan Argus