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Hon. Ira B. Card, Democratic

Hon. Ira B. Card, Democratic image
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didate Congresa, spent part of yesterday iu our city, aud mado a favorable impression upoa those who met him. The voters of this county will be given an opportunity to hoar him beforo election. Johx Heffhox, of Detroit, has accepted tho National-Greenback nomination for Congress, but says, " I shall neither imperil, by noglect, niy private business, nor contribute a singlo dollar for the customary wethods of influencing votos, usually called ' campaigu expenses ' " Which won't bo a gratifying aunouncernent to a host of inipocunious Greenbackers who have been praying for a candidate with both the means and disposition to " sliell out." -mm-- - fr-ea Leading local Republican politicians are counting on an easy victory in this county : basing their hopes on the nuniber of Democrats who have taken the greenback inania. For weeks these Republicana have been patting the soft-shell Democrats on the back, lauding the greenback scheine, and telling them to "go in." Perhaps a sufficiont numbor of Democrats will get the wool pulled over eyes to give the county away, but we shall not believe so uutil after election. The Adrián Times has given its readers a photo-lithographed copy of the following letter, written just iive uionths ago by the Natioual-Greenback candidate for Congress in this district : Readino, Mich., March 25, 1878. Hon. Edwin Willita : Dear Sir- I have just written Mr. Waldron, Mr. St. John, and Mr. Knickerbocker to invite them to address an "Honest Money" meeting to be holden here next Friday evening. The Greenback element is becoming quito strong in this county as to numbers, and although it doei not seem to cruist the best olemeuts it promises to carry the township elections in a majority of cases in this county, and will, it it progresses as has thus far, control the fall elections both in this county aud district. It will either "summer kill" or get on its feet. Vh:it do you advise 't Very rospoctfully yours, L. H. Thomas. Tho sud'lon conversión of Dr. Thomas is no proof that the "best elementa'' gravitate to the Greenback party any more now than in March last. In this State Domocrats with greenback inclinations are accustomed to say at every opportunity that if the Lansing State Convention had followed the lead of Thuriaan or Hendricks and adopted the Ohio or Indiana platform, they would have continued to rally under the oíd flag. Can these friends inform us why the Ohio or Indiana Democratie platform, soft enough in all conscience and their model, failed to satisfy Ohio and Indiana Greenbackers? In both those States the NationalGreenback party is as aggreasive as in Michigan, and as persistent in the support of its own candidates. If a voter favors no paper circulation not convertible into coin the Democratie form of Michigan ought to satisfy him : if he is an irredeemable or "fiat" money man he could only be reconciled to the Democratie party by tho adoption of the Toledo-Brickpomeroy-Samcary platform and the Grand Rapids ticket. That is the truth in a nut-shell, and no Democrat should regret the choice made. - - - .4-4 - b- - No DemOCEAT who believes in paper money redeemable in coin at all times, on demand and at the will of the holder, has any business in the ranks of the National-Greenback party. The leaders of the National-Greenback party, in this and in other States, favor "absolute" or "fiat" money : that is greenbacks uever to be redeemed. The New York and Conneoticut and Ohio National- Greenbackers so declared in convention, and the Michigan platform, demanding " the unconditional repeal of tho so-called resumption act" and new issues of full legal tender " paper money" can be construed in no other way. Then Brick Pomeroy, the godfather (if not the god and father) of tho National-Greenback party in this State1 is in favor of unlimited issues of "absolute money." Those GreenbackerB whom we occasionally hear vigorously assert that they are not irredoomables had better take their bearings, botter retrace their steps, better get out of this new party of repudiation and dishonesty. For that is just what the National-Greenback party is. What a set of financial old fogies and know-nothings, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thos. Jefferson, Robert Morris, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe, Andrew Jacksou, their associates and successors, of the rovolutionary period and the first half contury of the Union were. Why did they borrow money and pay interest, or oppress the people with taxes, either to carry on the revolutiouary war or the war of 1812, or to build the capítol, custotn houses, 8hip8 of war, etc, or pay the salaries and other running expenses of the Government? Why did n't they buy a paper mili and start a printing office, and print successive issues of greenbacks, "fiat" or "absolute money" and let tho taxpayers go scot-froe V That sort of financiering would help a full treasury, relieve the people of oppressive burdens, and make times lively. We have lost confidence in those old worthies. Butler and Pomeroy and Field and Cary and Thomas and "Sale ratus Smith" and the lesser satellites would have dono a heap better.


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