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AO ARBOR MARKETS. The fullowing prices were paid yesterday b, déniers in tbis city : Applea, dried, per lb, 67c. Hi'uim, per bu., $1.2S@#1.50. Iiutter, por lb , 9w loc. Cbeese, per lb., 10c. Kggs, per doz., 10@12c. Ifay, per ton, t8.oó@10.OO. Lard, per lb., 7@8c. Poultry, chickens, 10c turkeya, 12c. Beef, per lb., 4%c Pork, per cwt., $3,90@4.00. Clover seed, per bu., 4.55 Corn, per bu., 50c. Oats, per bu., 22@25c. Potatoe, per bu., (0@75c. Wheat, ber bu., 97@l.O2. Wood, per cord, $4.00(36.00. Flour retaile at f 2.75 per cwt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TOÊ SALE! The subscriber offers for sale his house and place on the corner of Huroo and State streets, upon liberal terms of credit for a large part of the pur chaae money. He raay reut it to a gentleman coming hert to edúcate hls cqildren, who will take hiin and hia fumily to board; but it will not be rented for a boarding house. Aim Arbor, August 28, 1878. 1702w3 E. C. SEAMAN. FÖRSALE. The wi'st half of the northwest quarter of section 20 in the township of Ann Arbor- 88U acres. 80 acres under iinproveuient, wlth good buildings fenccs, well aud cistern. For terras apply on the premisas, Ann Arbor, Aug. 29, 1878. 1701ml ELLEN C. CONNELLY. VTOTICE! The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Toledo and Ann Arbor Kailroad Company will bi held at the office of the Company, over the Savings Bank in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, at 10 o'clock a. M., Wkunesday, Octoiikk 2, A D. 1878 The polls will be kept open two hours. The stock transfer books will be closed on the twenty-firet day of September preceding. Also for the transac tion of such other business as may properly come before that meeting. Dated. August 29, 1878. JAMES M. ABHLRY, Ai .h v iMiKit W. Hamilton, President. 1702 Secretary. APERA HOUSE, ANN ARBOR. WED NES DAY. SEPT. 11. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Hice-Knox Concert m. w. rinitis, mAi,ii[. MRS. FLORKNCE RICB-KNOX, Prima Donna, Contralto. MRS. MARIA RICE-COOK, Soprano. MISS CORA E. PERRIS, Mezzo Soprano. PROF. LOUIS F. BOOS, Champiou Cornetist and Pianist. PROF. J. S. HANA, Solo Violinist and Pianist. Aliniss io FIFTY CENTS. Reaerved Seat Tickets on sale at Moore's liookstore, two days before the Concert, without extra charge. PURE GUM RUBBER BOOTS Being free from adulterative mixtures, will give longer service than common Rubber Boots. Their great popularity has led to mjny eheap imitatious, haring a Dull Finibh, but ttus season the "CANDEE" CO. WILL VARNISH Thelr PURE GUM BOOTS, and to diitlngulsh them from the common kind, will attach s RUBBER LABEL on the front of the leg, beuIng the inscription CUSTOM MADE. PURE GUM. These Boots have the Patent M etl Heel PI a tf , which prevente the heel wearing away ■o quickiy , and they will have also the patent Outside Stationary Strap Instead of the very inconvenlent web naide ■trap, used on other makes of Boots. ASK FOR THE "CANDEE" BOOT. Eatate of Nelson B. Cole. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the 3ounty of Washteuaw, holden at the Probato Ofice in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the wunty-ninth day of August, in the year one thousand eight huudred and seventy-eighl. Present, WilliamD. Harriuian, Jiulu of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Netaon B. Cole, deceased. íHizubeth H. Cole, executrii of said etat, comes uto court and represe nts that shc is aow prepared o render her final account as such executrix. Thereupon it ÍBOrdered,thatSaturday,the tweiityirst day of September next, at ten o'clock in he forenoon, be assigned for examining and alowing such account, and that the devisecs, legaces and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other ersous interested in aaid estáte, are requircd toapearat a acssion of said court, then to be holden at he Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, in aid county, and show cause, If any there bo, why he said account should not be allowed : And it s further ordered that said executrix give notice to he persons interested in said estáte, of the penlency of said account and the hearing thereof, by ausi'ng a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Arffus, a newspaper prlnted aiul circulaing in said county, three successivo weeks previons o said day of hearingWILUAM I. HAHHIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of lrobate. Wm. O. Doty, Probate Eegister. 1702 Entate of William Dancer. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washlenaw, ? ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the yutiTity of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office n the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twentjixth day of August, in the year one thousand iglit hundred and sevcnty-eigbt. Present, WiHiam D. Harriinan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William Dancer, eceased. On reading and nllngthe petition, duly vcrifit'il, of Mcxuruler Dancer, nraying that acertain instrunent now on Üle in thfs court, imriwrting to be he last will and testament of said deceased, muy eadinittud to probate, and that he muy be apHHntt'fl executor thereuf. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenbixd day of September next, at ten o'clock in he foienoon, be asslgned for the hearing of aid petition, and that the devisees, legftteeft, nd heirs at law of oaid deceased, and all ther persons interested in said estáte, are reuired to apptiar at a aession of said court, tlien to e holden at tho Probate Otfice in the city of Ann rbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why lie prayer of the petitioner should uot be ranted : And it is furiher ordered that aaid peitioner give notice to the persons interested in aid catate, of the pendeucy of said petition and he hearing causinga copy of this orer to be published in the Michigan Argus, a ewspaper printed and circulatcd in said county, li ree successhü weeks previous to said dtiy of heariig. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A truecopy) Judgo of Probate. Vm. G. Doty, Probate Registor. 17O2td Animal Schooi Meeting. Notice is hereby giveu that the Annuiil Meeting of School District No. One of the city of Aun Arbor, will beheld at FIREMEN'S II ALL, In said city, on Jffionday, September 2, 1878, for the election uf three Trustees in place of James B. Gott, Leonard Gruner, and Lewis O. Riüdon, and for the trausaction of snch other business as may legally come belore said meeting. The polls for the election of oificers will open ot 10 o'clock a. m. and close ;it 2 o'clock f, m. The business meeting will comraence at 'Z o'clock p. m. By order of the Board Of Trastees, JAMES B. GOTT, Secretary. Ann Arbor, Aug. 22, 1878. 1701w2 The CROWNINGGLOKY fs the only Cooking Stove in the world with the Bakín Oveu I ) f tii! íhí? Kc;iri uní, and over the rear extensión uPoetable Planishkd Ooppkr Kesehvoir. It is manufactured only by SHERMAN S. JEWETT & GO., ftuffalo and Detroit. None but llie genuïne artilea have the name 'Crowning Glory." For sale 5y one enterprising dealer in every place. It is the only Stove ín the world with a Warming Oven under the Firebox, and front door opening over a dejichitble shelf iu front. Buy the only Cooking Stove ever mad i exactly suitable for the Farmer's ibO. 1687m6 49" 50,000 Letter and Note Heads just received at the AKGXJS Office. Now is the imr d hand iu your orders. BSTEAOTS OF T1TLES. AU purtiea who are desirous of ascertiiining the condition of the title to their lands, or parties who wish to loan money on real e.state will do well to cali at the HegiRter'n otüce and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said books are bo fnr advanced that the llegister can f iirnmti on sbort notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of land in Washtenaw County as sliowii by the original records. C. H. MANLY, Register. TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SAIËT Located in a desirable part of the oity, and in rood repair. Aleo a house to rent on favorable ruis. Xnquire at the office, er 22 THOilrfOX STBEET. Ann Arbor, March 14, 1878. 1678tf. Ucan iiifikr money faater at work for us than at anything else Capital not required ; we will sturt you. $12 per day at home made by the indimtrious. Men, womon, boys and girls wantod everywhere to work for us. Now ia time, i osil y (intuí and terms free. Addres ?bce & Co., Augusta Maiue. Estáte cf Sarles Edwards. RÍTATE OF "MICHIGAN, County of Washte3 naw, (9. At a eesdion of tho Probat Court br the County of Wnsliteunw, holden at the Proate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Montiy, the twenty-sixth day of Augusv, in the year n e thousand cight hundred and Heveuty-eight. Present, William V. Hairimun, Judgeol Probate. In the matter of the eutute of Salles Edwards, ecensed. On rtading and iiling the petition duly veriticd of ingeline Edward, prayinj; thftt abe may be aptointed aministratrix of the estáte of said du eascd. Theroupon it ia ordored, that Monday, the wt'iity-lhird day of Septrinbernext, at teno'clock n the forenoon, be assigned for the hearm. of siiid petition, and thut the hoirs at luw of laid deceased, and all other persona intarested n tmid estáte, are required to appear at session of naid court, then to be holden at the 'róbate Office in the city of Ann Arbort and how cauae, if aoy tbere be, why the prayer t the petitioner abould not be grtinted : And t is iurtlicr ordered that said petitioner give otice to the perrons interested in said cstute, f the pendency of said petition and the hearng thereof, by causin ft copy of thia order to be )ublislied in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper ninted and circulated in aaid county, tlirttí hucoeaive weeks previous to said day of heiiring. WILLIAM D HARKIMAN, f A true copy.) Judge of Probate Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register. 170S Creain I.aïd Letter and Packet Noto lemis n ml i Note Uead (Facket nd CongreHH) Just. received. ülve us your rder. Marble Works ! -OFANTON EISELE, Corner Detroit & Calharine Sts. - dealers in - Monuments &Gravestones Manufacturad of Foreign and American GRANITE and MARBLE. CUT BUILDIKG AND ARTIFICIAL STONE Manufacturad on short notice. Prices low aad work warrmited to give satiafaction. 1689yl MR. M. GOLDMAN, Wishes to state that ho is now located at No. 170 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, where eau always be found a full and complete stock of HUMAN HAIR GOUDS, of all descriptjons, to which the attention of the ladies te especial I y invited. ComblngS rooted and worked up in every stylt!, by a QOW and superior procesa, íor 50 cent per ounce. LadiOB1 and gent-s' wigs made to ordor on short notice. Orders by mail sol tod and will receive prompt attention. Ladtes' and jjents' cast off garments and weariug apparel taken in exehaüge. fY Motto : Sutisfaction in price and qualtty or no pay. M. GOLDMAX, 170 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. N. B.- Mr. Goldman has had unlimited experieuce iu the human hair business for over 18 years. GIVE HIM A TRI AU CÖAÜ A f ter some delay and niuch eflbrt, I have succeeded in Cheapeniog expenses so that best screened coal eau be delivercd about this city at $6 a ton. As $ gÍV68 no margin for losaos, prompt payment from all, and atlvance f rom uukuowu parties will hf axpeoted. Orders lor oue ton or more addresstnl to EUGENE B. HALL, Agent, wiU be ftlled at SG until the coal oonsolldatlOD duinge prlOfl for all the country. Ann Arbor, August 22, 1878. ISRAËL HALL. P.H. - To torrect theerroneous inipression, that my Kon's failuro is tbc resuttofour uii]rofítable stock business, t will state that four years ago I gave him S3,000 to join a man whose bouks showed had p;iid S0,UO0 toward tock to open a new biibinesöin Toledo. Kequiring moro capital, comjiany DOt68 WVF8 given for oiitstanding claims. In ilin'i wcfks the entiro assets were found to be less than the liabilities assumed. Au assigument was tim-lc, mul, umi yeftr after, the ussiitoe reported a compromiso in rolL Wow, the compromise is proaounoed Ulogfllj and that my sou is liable for several thoasand dollars, which, haring no moral forcé, I ani unwilling toasslsi In paylng All other claims Bgainal my son or Hall Brothers will le prompt ly puid by me on presentatiou. 1701 ISRAEL HALL. rpAKEN Ur. Carae iuto tlie inclosure of the subscriber on the 9th day of July, a dark BA Y MARK, about eight years old and weighing from fit o to 900 lbs. Budlv galled ou back by saddle. The mvm r ie retuested to claim sniil animal and pay charges. Ann Arbor Town, Aug. , 1H78. I69ÜW6 MICHAEL COWAN. RAILROADS. itlCHItfAN CENTRAL K.UUioAl. MAY , 1878. fiOINd WEST. === ; h c 'S i ' w ■ ee K 1.2 STATIONS. . . = a =C _L_ ?_ P_ ói_ r_ sa Uetroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 4 45 50 6 5i 'A, &. T. Junction, i 1S 10 00, 5 00 8 05 0 86 in , Wayne Junction 7 4e 10 2fi 5 32 3 30 7 u, !,, '" Ifpsilanti, I 8 10.10 45: 0 00 3 51 7 ;W ; jGeddes, __ " W Ann Arbor, 8 : 11 00 (i 30 4 05 8 10 TTT Dexter, 8 5fi 6 53 4 22 8 31 1 Chelnea, 9 15 7 (.8 4 40 8 V, " Grasa Lake, 9 47! 7 8 5 05 9 07 i 1. M Juekson, 10 2012 lSi 8 00 6 Oo! 9 411 .J'?.1 Albion, 11 04 12 48 (i 47 10 Sí , Jí Marfil, USO 130--I 7 15 11 K í? 1'. M. S Z ' BattleCreek, ÍS 19 1 55 ♦ 7 -ló 11 Galesburg, 12 52 1 8 08 12 11'; L__ _ , I A. M.l a" 5, Kalamazoo, I 1 131 2 381 4 SO 8 20 12 2i ■ -, Lawton, 1 64 8 08! 5 05. 10' Decatur, 2 11 i 20; 1 J; "" Dowagiac, 2 SU : 5 46 ! 1 5; Niles, 8 05 4 07 1 6 0 m7m BuchunRn, 3 19 1 6 431 2 54 Three Oaka ; 4:1 7 13 3 2xi " New Buffalo, 4 (13 4 07 7 28 3 45! Michigan City, 4 30 5 20 7 ... 4 is TH Lake, 5 13 0 02 8 40 S 04 s oí Kensinton, ; 6 05 ' 6 50 9 10 Chicago, arrive, I G 65 1 7 40 10 8u 6 45 j OPINO EAST. ilUIHI A.M. A. M. P. M. I l-.M pu Chicago, leave, 7 00 8 00 4 fio 5 ij . ' Kensington, i 7 50 . 9 JO 4 ■ ' $ 0.5 9 u Lake, 8 4u 10 80 6 45 ; 6 50 10 5 Michigan City, 9 2.i 11 10 6 35 7 4u 11 ,; New Buffalo, ! 47 11 27 67 11 S Three Oak8, 10 02 j 7 12 __ Buchanan, 10 32 i 7 43 ! i Nili-s, 10 45 12 15 8 12' ;. . n , Duwagiiic, 11 15 8 40' . 1 J Deeatur, 11 39 9 (15 1 . Lawton, 11 57 1 9 23 a. m. _ KnlHinnzfio, 12 33 140 10 00 6 60 10 '6 2 1 Oalesburg, 12 52 1 . 7 0!) S7 Battle Creek, 1 27 2 13 m m 7 40 II 08 3 11 SS W i -. Marnhall, 2 26 j 8 00 J ; 8 10 il 97 s 41 Albion, 2 52 8 21 a.m. 8 35 12 l 4 10 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 5 40 9 35 12 50 4 a, Graus Lake, 4 08 G ii 9 50 Chelsea, 4 4o e :il 10 07 Deiter, 5 00 G 47 10 18 Delhi, 5 10 6 55 . Ann Arbor, 5 20 5 10 7 10 10 33 2 05 6 s (ieddes, ! 5 28 Ypailanti. 5 38 5 24 7 27 10 45. 2 20 6 45 Wayne June, 6 02 6 45 7 62 11 05: 2 44 7 09 G. T. June, 6 33 6 16 ! 8 25 11 30 8 20 ; 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 48; 6 SO I 8 40 11 45 3 35 S I Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Kxpress arriveast Grand Rapids 2:2o p. m., aud leaves Grand Rapidi G:15 a. 111. 8undays excepted. Saturday anj Sunday exoepted. tJUaily. H. B. LKDYAED, Gen'l Manager, Dotruit H. C. Wkntwokth, O. P. & T. AkI., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Monday, July 29, 1878. OOING NOKTH. OOING SOCTH. Mixed. Mail. .Mail. Miied. A. M. P. M. A.M. P. II, 6 50 4 00 Toledo 10 00 7 00 6 55 4 0:1 North Toledo 9 5J 6S 7 14 4 16 Detroit Junction ;m" 63í 7 31 4 27 Hawthorn ö 34 619 7 46 4 37 Samaría 24 604 8 01 4 47 Seola 911 J 49 8 11 4 54 Lulu 9 07 5 39 8 21 5 01 Monroe Junction 9 00 529 8 49 5 12 Dundee 8 49 .1 1" 9 02 5 19 Macou 8 42 tt 9 20 5 29 Azalia 8 32 429 9 51 5 44 Milán 816 353 10 10 5 54 Nora 8 06 3:8 10 35 6 07 Urania 7 53 Su 10 54 6 17 Ypsilauti Juncliou 7 4:: 1120 630 Anu Arbor 7 SO M J. S. MORÉIS, Gen'l Superintendent. J. M. Ashlky, .Ib., Aest. Stipt. DETROIT, HILLSÜALE AND SOUTHWK8TERN RAILKOAD. To take effect Aug. 19, 1878. OOIMO WKST. OOINO U0f. 8TATIOMS. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. Exp. 1(0 Ypsilanti.... 10:4s' 7:4o' l' " ■■ Saline 11:15 8:10 BankerB 0:15 2:30 Bridgewater..ll::O 8:28 Hillsdale .. 6 80 2: Manchester. 11:53 8:48 Slnnchester.. 8:25 4:19 p. M. Bridgewatir 8:48 4:37 Hilludale 1:35 10:30 1 Saline 9:1 4:iS Bankers 1:45 10:40, Ypsilunti.... 9:4.r 5:20 Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. CANADA SUVTIIERM K'Y MMS. The Ouly American Koute Throu'li Ouiadll. Trains leave M. C. 11. K. Depot, Detroit, city linie, as follows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. 111., Wag&eï car to Boston. Kast Day Express, daily, 12 10 ituon, Wagrier rar to New York and Boston. Lightning Express, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. ni., Wagner car to Burtalo and &och6BtLr. Toledo trttiiis leave 7 50 a. ni. except Sunday ; 3 10 p. 111. daily ; 6 50 p. 111. oxcopt Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. exeept Sunday. S For inforination and tickets apply toC.W. tiharpless, agent M.C. R. Ii-, Ann Ai'lmr. W. K. MUIR, Gen'l Manager, St. Tilomas, Onl. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, Oen. l' iiml Tlckef Agt. Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EAUNKD ! NEW GOODS ! And price LOWKR THAN EVBR. o I have purchasod in New York, for cush, anJ I am now daily receivinï ono of the largest .and most select stocks of Groceries in Washtcn County, consisting of a f uil und well aelected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new crop - including Gunpawden, luipeí iíil s, Younc Uson, 11 j sous, Japans, Oolonga, Cormonas, Cong-oun, Soucliong, unl 'l'uiinliays, Together with a full line of COFFEE8, cüdshIing of the following brands: MOOUA, OLD GOV'T JAVA.MARACAIBO, LAGUAYRE.SANTOS and Klo, both roasfed and ground ; a (ull and well aeiected Htock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythin in the line cf Puro SpiccB.Canned fruí tu, and Vegetables. We haveft full and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And HoBiery. AIso, a choice aaeortment of Liiáies and Gentlemen'! Underwear. Cail and exüio3ne Qoods and PriceB and we will insure sutisfaction. EDWARI) DUFFT. " Maynard'8 Kloek,-' cor. Main and Aun slreeU Ann Arbor, Micb. ■aTHighest cash price paid for all 'a produce.jga IN8DKANCH COMPAffi Capital, - - $3,()()0,0M). Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance lleserve, $4,735,092.86. ■iot Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insunuice and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, AnnArbor DPrta week in your own town. Í5 outfit f " 1 h h No 8Hder, if you want a buine All I I at which pursona of either sex cuu OM 0 U Ugreat pay all the time they WOTk, wnn or purticulars to H. Hallktt & CiPortlandPI Tl (1 fTllnisiness you can enaage in. $5 to 2J LJ L ' I 'per day made by any vtorker of eitb" iPlll I sex,riglitinth..irownlocallUe8. P JJJU lticularsand samples worth ■'", mprove your spare time at this business. Auar tinbon & Co., Portland, Maine.


Old News
Michigan Argus