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- Regular meeting of Commou Council next Monday evening. - Vigilaut Fire Co. advertise an excursión to Put-in-Bay, via Toledo, on Sept. 13. - The Catholic school, on North street, opens on Mouday noxt for the Fall term. - Hill & Delauey have their thoir uew wagon shop on Main street up and inclosod. - Another lot of Texas Mustang horses were brought to jhis city laat week and disposed of. - Dr. Dunster ha3 broken ground for an additiou to liis house (on the north side) on División street. - The four weather vanes on the new Court Houso indícate wind from four directions at the same time. - Lumber for the station building at Samaría, on the T. & A. A. E., was shipped from this city on Woduesday. - J. O. Banks, who recently sold his house on State street, has decided to remove to Whitehall, Muskegou county. - A plank sidowalk is being coustructed on the south side of Washington street, between Second street and railroad depot. - At Manchester, September 5 - Thursday next - a picnic is to be the order of the day for the benefit of the Cornet Band. - The next regular meeting of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Soeiety is to be held at Chelsea on Weduesday next, Sept. 4. - The Court House Building Uommittee was in 8essiou on Monday, but adjourued for a week without contracting for f uiniture. - A delegatiou of Kuights Templar went to Toledo ou Mouday afternoon last : to join in an excursión to Put-in-Bay on Tuesday. -Miss Lucy O. Andrews has resighed her position in the High School to take a higher salary in a Youug Ladies' Seniiuary, Detroit. - The premium list for the Gouuty Fair, to be held in this city October 1-4, is out, aud the liberal offers ought to insure a large exhibition. - Mrs. Geni. Hunt has mechauics engaged in materially enlarging the house on State street which recently purchased of J. O. Banks. - Hurou street has heen materially improved at the crossiug of Second street by stituting a large size Juckson tile or pipe for tho open gutter. - C. J. Wliitney, of Detroit, lias taken a season lease of Hül's Opera House, and proposes to give our citizens a series of first-class entertainmeuts. - The official proceediugs of tho (Joinmon Couacil of Ypsilanti, "pubhshed by authority," Bhow three successive meetings, Aug. 12, 19, 20, with "no quorum present' - The wife of Frauz Kapp died on Friday last. Her funeral was attended on Sunday afternoon by the A. O. U. W., of which order her husband was a member. - In a bar-room atfray at Owosso on Saturday night last, William Fauth, formerly of this city, killed a man named Bonesteel. The claim of aelf-defense is made. - She said she wouldn't, but she'will : that s Miss Julia M. Barry, of this city, will return to Marshall, aud be preceptress of the High School ot that city auother year. - The gold cornet won by Prof. Boos nt the mie u.iuu cómese, ana usea ty Inm in the RiceKnox Conoerts, will be on exhibition in the afternoon of Sept. 11, at Moore's bookstore. - The annual school meeting is advertised to take place 011 Moriday next, at Firemeu's Hall : the polls to open at 10 o'clock a. ni. and close at 2 o'clock p. m. See official notice.

- Sarles C. Edwards, of Milan, whose severe injury by the falling of a bridge, which he was engaged in repairing, was chronicled in the Argus of August 16, died on the 19th inst.

- The great Firemen's Tournament takes place at Chicago next week, commencing on Tuesday. The M. C. R. R. will carry passengere at reduced rates of fare. Comwell Fire Co. of Ypsilauti have arranged to attend. - William Dancer, who settled in Lima in 1834, coming from Northamptonshire, England, but who has for several years resided m Dexter, with his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Taylor, died on the 16th inst, aged neariy 79 years. - Another new locomotive has been placed on the T. & A. A. R., named " Gov. Ashley," makiog its first trip to this city on Mondáy evening. It has taken the place of the " Pan " on the passenger run, and is operated by EuRiueer Brown. - Company A's quota of new Sharp's rifles arrived in this city on Wednesday, and wiU be distributed to the members at a meeting of the company next Monday evening. A large quautity of cartridges for the new rifles have also been received. - Architect Buuting's has been in town for several days during the past week, examining the work on the new Court House, and left for home Wednesday afteruoon. His plans for a Í100,000 Court House at (Jlarksville, Tenn., have just been adopted. -Agent Sharpless says that tbe Michigan Central is doing a larger freight business than ever before. The road is full of trams day and night, and it is impossible to get cars enough bo keep the warehouses and elevators empty. Im't this a sign of better times ? - The Aequs office has received a busket of magnificent peaches- Early Crawfords- from J. D. Baldwin, and another ba8ketof the same variety from Luwrenco & Fritz. These growers have been shippiug large quantities of this variety dunng the present week. - On Saturday of uext week, Sept. 7, the executors of the estáte of Benjamin Pryer, deceased, will sell at auction ten acres ot fine timber, located in the township of Ana Arbor, four miles uortheast of the Court House. A good opportunity for some live operator. ( - Soruebody went through the house of Squire Jones, of Fifth ward, during Wednes% night, aud succeeded in getting about 2. '■Squire don't seem to care muoh about the loss, lut he don't like to be treated with so littlè respect, and hopes for an iutroduction to his visitors next time. - The Bridgewater farmers' picnic held in Short's grove on the 2lst Uut., is reported a great success : a feast both for the social and Physical man -womau. iucluded. ïhe followg officers were elected ior the ousuing year : nwdeut, Ueorgo S. Rawson ; Secretary, H. C. Ulhoun ; Directora, W. W. Hess, H. R Pal.' er, George Calhoun. - Tho city schools opened on Monday. The attendance in the High School is roported less 'han during the flat week of last year : owing, 11 is thought, to the changes in the University Wurees, which will euable pupils to prepare in ore of the local schools. The addition to the int ward building being incomplete some o teachers occupy but half a day, changing 011 with others. It is expected to occupy the new rooms next week. - James Carroll, who was at work for Thos. Ooilier in running a threshing machine near the Catholic Church in Northiield, on Tuesday afternoon last got his leg caught in the horse power. The flesh was badly lacerated and torn but no bones braken. He was brought to this city anü the leg was dressed by Dr. Maclean. - Tired of life, or to test hia physical powers, John Wade, a youug man residing in this city, purchased flve ounces of laudanum at the drug store of Tremaine & Co., on Tuesday afternoon and took euough of it to keep several doctors busy during the night. Emetics, atropine, and electricity were all resorted to. Yesterday he was thought out of danger - Oa Tuesday evening, while on his way froin his store to his resideuce on State street, at about half-past uine o'clock, Augustus K. Hall was knocked down by two " footpads " and robbed of $25. The robbery took place on the corner of División and Bowery streets. Mr. Hall was considerably hurt about the head, and did uot recognizo his assailants. - It was a trot on Huron etreet the driver of E. Duffy's delivery wagon sought to indulge in on Mouday afternoon last, but the horso got the better of him, inflated his speed (greenbacker like), and turned into Main atreet at a break-neck pace. He brought up in front of the store without collision or damage, but every hair in the diiver's head stood on end. - The following persons have been selected for Superintendonts of the several departments of the coming County Fair, to be held in this city Oct. 1, 2, 3, and i : Cattle, John B. Dow ; Horses, W. H. Lewis ; Sneep, Robt. (Jlazier ; Swiue, J. S. Henderson ; Poultry, W. B. Everest ; Fruit, J. Austin Scott; Agricultural Implemento, A. Hawkins ; Grain, Seeds, etc, I. N. S. Foster ; Floral Hall. John L. leigh. - During SuQílay mght some evü disposed individual or equalizing communist entered the meat market of Henry Matthews, through a rear window, broke open his money drawer, bagged the small change, amounting to about $2, and escapod undiscovered. Mr. Matthews had forgotten to lock his safe when he left his shop on Sunday, but the burglar negleoted to go through ït, whioh oniission left Henry from 10 to $12 richer. -John M. Wheeler, Esq., and his daughter Clara, Iett yesterday afternoou for Europe, and will sail by one of next Wednesday's steamer8 from New York. It is understood that Mr. Wheeler will be married ou Monday next, at JeiFersouville, Iud., the briJe eleot beïng Miss H. F. McCuuley, late a teacher in the Detroit High School and a sister of Mrs. Anna E. Warden, of this city. May next is the day set for a return to this city. - During this week Wood & Son, at the depot, have shipped a car load of peaches a mostly Early Crawfords, and all 01 nearly all grown by Messis. Lawreuce & Fritz. J. D. Baldwin and other growers have been sending off the same variety largely, by expresa. J. J. Parahall, J. G. Bird, J. N. Gott, J. S. Hendorson, B. E. Nichols, and S. Mills have been supplying city grocers and customers and filling express orders. Other varieties will follow the Crawfords. - Uu Tuesday moruing, John Fohey, a oarpenter at work in the upper seetion of the tower of the Court House, lost his tooting and feil a distance of 31 and l-'2 foet strilting on a teraporary floor. No limbs were brokeu and ou beiug lowered to the ground he was able to walk. He was taken to his father's house, and is yet in a ciitioal condihon. Internal injuryis feareil, with a tendenoy to infiammation. Youug Fohey is about 20 years old. - Messrs. Eexford and Wilsey, Superiutendents of the Foor, have been to Pontiac this week to make araugements for a transfer of the insane from the Couuty House, which is required under the law of 1877. Aa soon as this is dou the Superinteudeuts iutend to devote the present insane quarters to those of the aged poor, fitting up rooms so that a man and- wife if both iumatea ot the house- may continue Ufe together. A good arrangement