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- The amateur sports of Ohelsea have organized a club and commenced praotice upon sliooting at glass balls. The first order ior balis was 300, and three or the boys being very much afraid that the supply would give out before they had sufficiently tested their powers, abstracted six balls, went off by themselves, tested their skill uutil they were satisfied, aud not a ball was hit. Later six of them went out with üfteen balls aud twenty-five charges of ammunition: ammuuition all expeuded and four whole balls returned. At that rate it may be necessary to Ínflate the ammuuitiou stores to that indefinite extent which would satisfy the most irredeemable greeubacker. The balls are likely to hold out. - A meeting has been called for this ovening, at Firemen's Tf.ill. fn nnminafn ti.,.,, A.: - ■ ipy v 11 viuiiitvLu L11I Ct3 K.-H J 1 Li 1 dates for School Trustees. We don't kuow who the " Many Citizens " are, bat we suggest to them that they cauuot exercise too much care or discretion m manipulaiing the meeting they have called. It will be mach easier to select three oandidates wholly or partially unfit than to preseut just the men for the position. - Col. O. T. Beard, of Detroit, is advertised to spoak in favor of " Honest Mouey " at the following places in this county : At Manchester, Thursday evening, Sept., 5 ; at Ann Arbor, Fnday evening, Sept. 6; and at Ypsilanti, Saturday eveniug, Sept. 7. Prof. C. A. Kent, of Detroit, will also speak at the meeting in this city. - Messrs. Kirchberg, Winterhalter & Keenan, of Detroit, offer as a special premium for the best package of butter exhibited at the coming State Fair (not less than 15 Ibs.), a patent Boeker, new style, lady's size, and worth $25. We expect that a Washteuaw County woman will get that chair. - The Ypsilanti Sentinel charges Gen. Sher. wood with saying that "France has ten times the population of the Uuited States : " which proves that eminent Greenbaeker to kuow just about as much about the population of France aud the United States as he does about finance : and that isn'tenough to save him from a charge of idiocy. - August is popularly cousidered the last summer month, but the almanac maker tor the current year bilis summer to hold on until Sept. 22, at 10 o'clock and 51 mtuutes p. m. It is well to kuow the exact day, hour, aud minute. - An American Bar Association was organized last week at Saratoga, with James O. Broadhead, of St. Louis, Mc, as President. Judge Cooley, of this city, is the Michigan Vice-President.


Old News
Michigan Argus