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- A. L. Noble has goiie to New York after hiB tal] stock of clothing. - Dr. Herdinan is having his house on Hurón street made larger : a rear extensión. - Judge of Probate Harriman returned from his visit to Vermont on Saturday last. - Joe T. Jacobs has been in New York some days, and will report large purchases of clothing. - A letter addressed to Ann Ditz, Ann Arbor, is "held for poatage" in the l'lmt postoffice. - Phil. Bach has gone down East, and we'll bet on a new stock of goods soon at Bach & Abel's. - " Little Mack " has goiie where all euterprisiug merchante go: after a new stock of clothing. - J. M. Swift & Sisters are ahippiug flour to Pennsylvania via Toledo and Ann Arbor Kailroad. - A meeting of the Pomological Society wil be held at Firemeu's Hall to-morrow, at l 1-2 o'clock p. m. - The Dexter schools opened last Monday, with Prof. C. F. Field, late of the Manchester school, as principal. - Mesara L. A. Barnes, P. C. Ferrier, .and William Campbell, were elected school trustees at Ypsilanti last Monday eveuing. US - Col. Schoffiuld and wife, of Fort Duncan, Texas, are visiting Mrs. F. Button, on Jifferson street. Also Mrs. Scombs, of Boston. - Eck & Co., of Toledo, hare taken the coutract for the inside wood-work of the new Court House : to he completod November 15. - Fred. Schmid, of Mack & Schmid, has gone to New York. Keep watch of their advertisement and you will know wheu the new goods come. - Golden Bule Lodge No. 159, F. & A. M., of this city, contributed $50 on Tuesday evening, for the relief of their suffering brethren in the South. -The trac of the T. A. A. K. li. will be immediately extended to a conuection with the M. C. R. R., near the cattle guard. Hiram Kittridge has the contract for grading. - Dr. P. W. O'Toole, a gradúate of the Medical Department in 1862, has returned here from Bay City, and will attend lectures the coming Bession and practice his profession. - The new bell for the Court House, which has been at the depot soma two or three months, was brought up and putintothe building on Monday. It weighs 2,415 Ibs., including the yoke. - At the union temperance meeting held in the M. E. Church on Sunday evening last, addressed by J. C. Bontecou, a collection was taken up for the yellow fever sufferers in the South, amounting to about $60. - At a meeting of the Building Gommittee held on Monday, the plans for i'uruiture tur the court room and several offices presonted by the Phosnix Furniture Company of Grand liapiris, were mlopted. Contract not yet made. - Charles B. Davison, Chief Eiigirier, and Moaes Seabolt, Assistant, are oHLciallv repreaenting the Fire Department of this city at the Chicago tournament in progress this week. Several firemen have also gone up to witness the doings. - President Abbot and wife and daughter of of the Agricultura! College, speut Sunday and Monday in this city, the guests of Mrs. Charles A. Chapin. Mrs. Abbot was the first preceptress of our High School, and hos a large numberof friends here. - A horso belongiug to Jacob April, standing hitched in front of the Abous Office, on Wednesday forenoon, fought nies so vigorously that he threw himselt down on the sidenralk. The bystanders detaohed him from the buggy, when he got up uniujured. - On Monday, Dauiel Pierce, oï the town of Dexter, the inaane man who so alarmed the people of the neighborhood that he was a tortnight or so ago lodged in jail for saie-keopiug, was brought before Judge Harriman on Monday, and after due examination ordered committed to the new iusane asylum at Pontiac. Sheriff Case took hira to his new quarters on Tuesday. - Edward A. Hyde,who escaped irom the insane asylum at Poutiac last week, was arrested in this city, on Tuesday and is now in jail. Hyde had been secreting himself away from the city in a half-starved condition, waitin for funds from his mother, which came under cover to a friend ou Tueaday.and the nezt train, had he not been discovered, would have taken him to Wisconsin. - J. Keek, furniturs manufacturer of this city, feela aggrieved at the action of the Couit House Building Committee. He saya that without notice that his plans were unsatisfactory, the Grand Bapids manufacturera were permitted or requested to revise their plans, and that in doing so they adopted one of the most approved features of his cases made to fit the cornera of the rooms. That is the reasou he declined to bid on the Grand Bapids plans. - There was a large attendance upon the annual meeting of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society at Chelsea on Wednesday, about 2U0 partakiug ot the bountiful dinner provided by the Chelsea people. James Frisbie, of Sylvan, read au interesting paper on the early history of that town. Mrs. N. H. Pierce, of this city, read a report on the history of the county, and speeches were made by Dr. Ewing, Samuel G. Ives, Mr. Roeier, and others. Hon. A. D. Crane, was re-elected President ; J.D. Williams was re-elected Secretary, but declined to accept, and the vacaucy was filledby theelection of J. Q. A. Sessious. Dor Kellogg declined a re-election as Treasurer and James J. Parshall, of this city was elected. The names of the other offieers have not been furnished us. - The citizens of Jackson, pursuant to a al made by the Mayor, held a large public meeting a few eveuiugs ago, to consider the promotion of their local and business interests by the early construction of a railroad from their city to Pontiac: looking for competition (cut off by Vanderbilt's purchase of the Central ) to a connection with the Grand Trunk, which will be completed from Borneo to Pontiac in about two months. The meeting appointed a strong committee to take the matter in charge. We suggest that this movement furnishes our city a subject for thought. By building a road from this city to Pontiac - only 32 miles- the Grand Trunk can get to Toledo and a connection with the Wabash and other roads south and west on a line nearly as short as now by the Canada Southern or Michigan South ern, over which it haa to pay local ratea. We understand that this connection can be secured if our citizens will give the project material id. Will they do it ?


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