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Doings Of The Common Council

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The regular meeting oí the Council was held on Monday eveuing, at which all the members were present except Aid. üesimer. Petitions were preseuted for side wal ks ou oast side of Main street, between Ann aud North streets ; on northeasterly side of Maiden Lane, between Broadway and resideuce of P. Donovan ; on west side of South Thayer street, in front of block 7 south range 10 east ; on north side of North street, between State and Ingulls streets ; on south side of Ann streot, between División and Fifth streots ; on west sido of División street, botweeu North and Detroit streets. The above wero referrod to the Sidewalk Committee. A petition was also preseuted for a stone gutter on south side of Hurou street, between Fourth and Miiin stroets, aud referred to the Street Committee. A petition was also preseuted for a street lamp on Bowery street, midway betweeu División and State streota. The necessity for the lamp being urged it was ordered to be erected imraediately. Upon the recommendation of Marshal Johnson, Wm. Porter was appointed deputy marshal and policemen, for night duty, at same salary as other policemen. A communication was received inviting the appointment of delegates to represent this city ia the Convention for the Promotion of American Commerce, to be held in New Orleans next December. Noue of the Couucil siguifyiug a desire to bo made delegates, and some iusinuations about Yellow Fever being made, the connnunicatiou was laid on the table. The Treasurer's mouthly statement shows the following balances in his hands belongiug to the several funds : First ward, $4?. 66 ; Seeond, $289.45; Third, $48.11 ; Fourth, 1101.75; Fifth, Í34.16; Sixth, $31.25 ; General, 1887.25 ; General Street, $118 97; City Cemetery, $26.38 ; Contingent, $3,880.06. Total, $5,457.04. The Recorder's monthly statement shows the following condition of the several funds: General fund, overdraft, $3,297.57 ; General Street, overdratt, $1,684.20; First ward, on hand, $34 96 ; Second ward, on hand, $250.16; Third ward, overdraft, Í546 31 ; Fourth waid, overdraft, $289.12 ; Fifth ward, overdraft, $101.26 ; Sixth ward, overdraft, $129.70 ; tingent, on ñaud, 13,794.28. The Marshal reported a disbursement of $51.57 amoug the city poor duriiig the month of August, divided amoug the several wards : First, $11.56; Second, Í3.98 ; Third, $7.48; Fouith, Ï24.62 Fifth, $1 85; Sixth, $2.28. The Marshal roported tlmt six arresta had been mude during August by the pólice : on tor obtaining money under false pretenses, one for assault aud battery, two tor being drunk and disorderly, one for disorderly condnct, and one for violating baek ordinance. The Fluauce Committee submitted a list of bilis exumined by thein, recommending their allowance aud paj'meut. The bilis were allowed and warrants ordered drawu on the several funds for the following aiuounts : General, $498.58; General Street, $169 44; Contingent, $169.07 ; Second ward, $ 40.41 ; Third ward, $1 10.613 ; Fourth trant, 1226.59 ; Fifth ward, $10.02. The committee also reported back, without recommendation, the bill of Dr. C. Georg, for $13.00, for medical attendunce, medicines, provisions, etc, furnished the family of Mr. Kleff, of the Second ward. The bill stated that the services were rendered at the direction ot the Marshal. The Marshal being interrogated demed having authorized the making of the account, but had absolutely refused to authorize the rendering of said services at the expense of the city. The claim was laid on the table. The Sidewalk Committee reported in tavor of the construction of a sidewalk on south side of Washington street, between Main street and T. & A. A. R. depot. Also in relaties to the nou-compliance on part of John Clancy to certain orders for three several aidewalks in different parts of the city, and recomiuended that tho same be referred to the City Attorney. Both reports were adopted. A committee consisting of Aid. Bower, Haudy, and McDonald were appointed to renew lease of market grounds in the rear of Opera House, il' by them deemed ailvisable. A. M. Bodwell made application for authority to ciit down two sha Je trees in front of lus prennses on Fourth street. The matter was referred to tho Marshal. Aid. Gott protested against the growing practice of presenting accounts for allowance at the meetings of the Council, thereby giving the Finanaa Committee no time to ascertain the correctuess of the bilis, etc., and claimed that uuder thu practice bilis have been allowed a second time, and that other crooked doings had occurred. Ho oöered the following resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That no bilis be allowed by this Oouncil unless presented to the Finauce Committee at one of its regular meetings. A resolution was adoptect orderiag a yearly lioeuse granted to G. J. Whitney, lessee of the Opera House, tor amusemonts, lectures, ote, to be given therein, at some reasouable piice per year to bo determined by the License Oommitteo. Aid. Hutzel made an effort to have a street lamp erected ou the córner oí Washington and Second streets, and urged it; importance. Other Aldermen urged the claims of other localitie8 for streát lamps and deired them to be included in the same motion. The motion was uot adopted. The matter oí suita agaiust hackdrivers, íor the colleotion of the Rjcorder's ucease fees, was brought up aud a considerable ot discussiou was iudulged i. MotioiiB being made to direct tho City Attornfty to discontinue such suits; requesting the Keeorder to issue liceuses upon presentation of Treasurer's receipt for liceuse money paid, without requiriug his fees, etc., none of which were adopted. The clock indicating the liour of 11 a motion for adjourument was adopted.


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