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The Annual School Meeting

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The annual school meeting f or the district comprising this city and adjoiuiug territory in the town of Aun Arbor was held, pursuant to statuto and notice, oa Monday laat, at Firemen's Hall. The polls were opened at 10 o'clock a. m., with two tickets iu the field, - one a " Citizens' Ticket," nominated at the caucus held on Fnd;iy eveuiug, with the name of J. L. Burleigh substituted for Dr. P. B. Rose, one of the nominees of the cuucua. The threo Dames on this ticket were Leonhard Qruner (oue of the retirmg members), Dr. W. B. Smith, and J. L. Burleigh. The other ticket- christened the " People's Ticket"- contaiued the names of Leonhard (iruner, Noah W. Cheever, and Warren Tremain. The coutest waa spirited, and for the first time within the memory of the oldest inhabitants, euiididates (or their triends) ran hacks to and from the polls : this for the " Citizens' Ticket." At the close ot the polls, 2 o'clock p. m., 690 voters had put in an appearance and exercised their sacred privilege. The couut disclosed the following result : For Leonhard Gruiier, - 531 " Willard B. Smith, - - 405 " John L. Burleigh, - - - 387 " Noah W. Cheever, - - 201 " Warren Tremaiu, - - 1G0 Messrs. Gruuer, Smith, and Burleiah were doclared elected. The business meetiug was then called to order, W. D. Harriman, President of the Board, in the chair, and Secretary Jamea B. Gott ofüciating in the samo capacity. The ñrst business in order was the prosentation and reading of the ANNUAL EEPOET. The Board of Trustees of School District No. One of the city of Aun Arbor subrait the followiug report for the school yoar endiug this day, September 2, 1878 : EECEIPTS. From Balance to credit of General Fund, - - $82ü 01 Balance to credit of Library Fund, - - - 64 89 Tax voted to pay teachers salaries, ... 10,125 00 Tax voted to pay interest on Bonds due Feb. 1, 1878, 2,080.00 Tax voted to pay insurance, fuel, repairs, janitorB' services and incidentals, 5,06'0 00 Tax voted to pay Bouds due Feb. 1, 1878, - 5,000 00 Two-mill tax, - - 2,541 20 Primary School Fund, - 1,165 50 Fine money, - 34 77 Gas, Alphii Sigma Society, - - - 16 00 Gas, Cliosophic Society, - 16 00 Old plank sold Second ward, - - - 1 00 Binder, 1-2 fence Second ward, - - - 2 02 Tuition, non-resident pupils, - $4,529 20 Tuitiou, resident pupils, - 760 50 ■ 5,289 70 Total, 139,218 09 EXPENDITÜKES. Paid Salaries of Teachers - 117,790 13 Bouds due February 1, 1878, - - 6,000 00 Interest on Bonds due February 1, 1878, - 2,080 00 Rent of Fifth street School House, - 127 50 Gas from Juue 1, 1877 tn August 1, 1878, - 138 30 Insurancu, - - 415 50 Taking census for 1877, - 50 00 Librariau, - - - 30 00 Books tor Librury, - - 59 60 Janitors' services, - - 1,050 00 Wood and coal, - - 1,425 02 For additiou to First ward school house, - 1,974 44 Furniture, matting, and appertenances, - - 477 15 Repairs on buildings, fences and walks, - - 916 83 Incidentals other than above stated - - - 629 59 Cash on hand, General Fund, 10 97 " " Library Fund, 40 06 Total, ... $32,215 09 Pursuant to a vote of the last annual meeting the bouds of the district to the amount of (5,000, due Febtuury 1, 1878, have been paid and retired. The present bouded mdebtedness of the district is $21,000 payable as tollows : Bonds due Feb. 1, 1879, - - $3,500 00 " - 1880, - - - 10,500 00 " " 1881. - - 6,000 00 " ' 1882, ... 2,000 00 Of this suin there will become due on the fitst day ot February next : principal, $3,500, and iuterent ou the wliole suin at 8 per cent., $1,080. The Board retommeud that the amount uece8sary to provide for the paymontof the principal and mteroat falling due Feburuary 1, 1879, viz.: 16,180, be raised by tax. Exclusive of the estimated receipts from twomill tnx, primary school money, and tuitiou tees, tho Board estímate the amounts ueeessary to be raised by taxatiou the coming year as follows : For salaries ot teachers, - $10,425 00 Bonds due Feb 1, 1879, - - 3,500 Ü0 Interest on bouds, due Feb. 1, 1879, 1,680 00 Insurance on buildings, - - 510 00 Coal and wood, - - 1,500 00 Repairs, .... 1,000 00 Furnituro and incidentals - 1,000 00 Janitors' services several buildings, 1,050 00 .0,665 00 In order to furnish sufficient nccommodation for the children atteudiug the lower grades in the First, Secoud, and Sixth wards, the Board has fouud ït necessary to build au additiou to the First ward school building. This will for the time being not only relieve the lower grades but also furnish a room for a sectiou ot the lowest grade in the Grammar department. This course was deemed preferable to the erectiou of an entile new school building to be supplied with a full corps of teachers at a lare additioual expense. The amount of tuition received the past year is a testimouy to the high standing of our schools and the efficiency of our Superintendent and teachers. Whenever the high Standard of our schools shall be lowered, through the employineut of interior teachers, the ground now occupied by the High School, as proparatory to the Univeraity, will be transferred to private euterprise, thus divertin form our treasury a fund which uow nearly pays the salaries ol all the teachers in our High School. Amount received for tuition tor the years 1877-8, $5,289 70, For the years 1868 9, 1,677 87 An increase in uiue years of $3,611 83 The time is not far distant wheu the entire High School building will be necessarily used solely for High School work. Recent statistics collected and tabulated by Board of Eduoation in the city of Detroit show that the city of Ann Arbor pays less for the services of its High School teachars, in proportion to their number and the number taught, than is puid by any other city in the State, and not half as niuch as the average paid by cities mentioned outside of this State. Many considerations tend to give us the command ot the best teaching talent for less salaries than is paid eisewhere. Yet it is not for the best interests of the schools that we should allow their standard ta be lowered or the efficiency of the teachers sacnficed iii pursuit of an extrfme ecouomy. Where schools are supported by taxation the burden falls lightly upon the poor, and their interest lies in the direction of the freedom and thoroughnoss of the instruction For statistics bearing upon the several matters presented in the report, and for informatiou of general interest, attention is invited to the report of the Superintendent just made and herewith submitted. Schedule "A," accompanying this report, is an exhibit of the salaries paid teacher for the school year 1877 and 1878. Schedule " B " is a ÜBt of teachers employed for the school year 1878 and 1879, with their salaries. Schedule " C " is an estímate of the probable receipta and expenditures of the coming fiscal year. The term of office of three trustees, Messrs Lewis C. Kisdon, Leonhard Gruner, and James B. (iott, expires at the dato of this aimual meeting. The new school census just completed gives the uumber of children between tho ages of five and twenty as 2,423. All of which is respectfully subraitted. By order of the Board, W. D. HAREIMAN, President. James B. Gott, Secretary. The several appropriations recommended were cousidered and coucurred in, the aeveral taxes being voted. In additiou $1,000 were approprittted to be expended in improving the veutilatiou of the central building. Those Grocerles at EDWAED DUFFY'S are the best iu town. Hia line of sugars, Cortees, and Teas is especially good. The priees are the lowest in the uiarket. (lo and examine his stock.


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