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CniOAGO elevators contain 840,898 buehels of wheat, 3,373,898 buahelu of corn, 767,709 tushels óf oats, 140,709 bushels of rye and 295,949 bushels of barley, making a gram! totil of 5,318,329 bushels, ajainst 2,234,424 bushels at this period last year A fearfnl hail. rain anl wind storm visited Fargo and Moorheid, DakotiTerritory, afeweveniugsago. Stones au large as hen's-oggs fe'l, imiashing all the windows on the corth and wout sidenof the houses. Every nnfinished frame buildiug in Fargo waB b'own down and the roofs off a dozen buildings. In Moorhead a child wa) killed by ahsilstme, and peveral bonnes laid out. Lcaded c irs were blown from the track. . ..A Cheyenne dispatoh eays : "Tbo paityof seventeon who started in pursuit of the would-be train-robbers reached the canon, twolve milos north of l'orcy station, yestorday evening. wherc they fonnd traces of a eharp tight. No bodies wero found at thia place, but, afier follorting a traú up the canon and ont in the bed of a dry creek, the bodiei of the two nun, Widdowfield and Vincent, were found half covered np with stones and dirt. Widdowfield had been shot twico in the Deok, wbi'e his companion rec.ivod four balls through bis body." A boid operation by higbwaymeu is reported from Concordia, Lafayette county, Mo. Three highwaymen entend the principal bank of the town about mid-day, and, with oocked revolvers pointed at hishead, compellcd the casbier to keep quiet while they proceeded to gather in the contenta of the vaults. They secured about i'4,000 in currency. leaving eome $3,000 in ilver, and rode off in a soutberly direction.. . . After a vacation cf everal weeks, Manager McYicker. of Chicago, has onco more cpenod his own theater, for the season of 1879. Tbc attraction sehcted for commencing the sea son was last winter'a grcatest New Yoi k success, "Diploniacy." a play pronoimced by thocritics the strongest in plot aud incidcat óf the large munber brought out that year. .Wall icVs New York combination. strengthonf d by several of McVicker's new company, appoar ii tbc caïtc, nudtüe result is oue óf the most enjoyable ontertaiuments ever givon at tliat popular bou-e. WmijE tbree men were ascendiag in au elcvator in Kings'and, Fergueon A Co. 's building, St. Louis, tho otlier day, the wire rope broke, and elevator and nun wero p-ccipitnted to the gromd Hoor. ïo of them wore killed and the tliird mortally wouuded. A Louisvillb (Ky.) dispatch gives the following Bhocking incident of the yellow, fever plague : ' Andy Armstrong, late mate of the John Porier. the Ohio river eteamer, bas arrived hore. He is the only snrvivor Ieft of the entire crew who remain'ed on board, and the picture he paints of tho terrible fate of the Porter is horrible in the extreme, and recalling in some of its ehastly do'ails the ancient uiariner of yore. The men who shipped at Louisville were all taken down beforo thev reached Cincinnati. himself excepted. He says the situation of thiDgs frightened away both nursc and üector. At Galipoli?, Ohio, people with öhot-guns prevented the boat froiii Jandiii" and when his last compauion died tbey would not permit him to come afchore to b'ury the body, which was cast into the rivor." Qon. James Baker, who bas justreturned toSh Pau from the north übore of Lake Superior, reporta forest fires extending almost continuoiiBly foi 160 miles. The fires started near Duluth," anc spread back of Beaver bay, Grand Mare's anc Horse-Bhoe bay, encircling Grand Portage thence to Thunder bay and Silver Islet. THElndiandiffiuttiesinthefarNortbwest have been extinguished in a council in Washington Territory, at which Gen. O. O Howard presided. The chiefs promied to give up the Indians who had murdered white? anc announeed their future peaceful intentions. President Haxes, accompanied by Secretarles Devens and Thompson, arrived a Chicago on the morting of Tuegday, Sapt. 3 took rooms at the Grand Paiific Hotel, at noon of that day reviewcd the firemon's procession formally opened the National Firemen'a Toni namejit on Wednesday feoncon, and on the afternoon of that day departed for St Paul, to attend the Minnesota State Fair Keports from man localities in wïs consui, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota says tbs Chicago Tribune, indícate that ther will be no No. 2 barley this year. The erop wa senoasly damaged by et weather d'iring ""veet... .Chicago's contributions for th relief of the yel'oT-fever sufferers at tho South amouut to over 30,000.... Duting the las week of the existence of tho Bankrupt law the euormous number of 734 petitions n bank tRwïïïf? in Chicago. Total liabilities '2d,356,253 ; total assets, $4,140.705. THE sniITn The yellow-fever reporta f rom the Sontb, on the 29th uit., were not encouraging. At Mempbia the plague had become moro violent. But 3,000 white peoplo were left in the city. New cases, 119 ; deatlis, 58 The pnyHcians were completely worn out, and were resting, wlulo friends of the sick were searchlng in vain for medical attendanfc. At New Orleans the death rate was steadily advancinfj ; deaths for the preceding twenty-four houre ö. At Vieksbnrg a larger number of new cuses were reported than ou any previous day though the mortality was not ho K k'0!'1 which had a Populatie of 3,500 when the plague apoeared, was almos completely deeerled : not a single bu.ines house open except two drug stores ; the Cour House was locked np, all the officials havin (led the town not hing but hearses anr] coffin Z be,Beell ihc 'treetg. Grenada, Mis, reported tnenty-two death in tho precedin twenty-four hours. With the excootion o pnyeicianu and nurses nearly every living hoi 0 . íOwn was Jowo with tüe plague. A nit T' the fevcr tremol malignant, and showed no abaternent. Advioes fromNasbvi]le,.Tenn., repor tint Collector Wcodcock, of that district, ha been proseauting such a vigorous war againB illidt diBtillers that many of tho "mooiishin era have made overtures to United States Com mtssioner Slalher, proposing to execute bond tor appoar&ace at tho next tenn of eonrt, wit the uuderêtanding that a reasonable fine sha do impoeed. with nromisn that thev will here af ter observe the law. TIn offer wiïl probabl ba accepted. A dkpatoh from Austin, Texas, say a aquad of Btatc troops under Capt. Fays en countered a large body of Indians froih tb Fort Stanton Reeervation at Water Hole, aboi forty miles northwest of El Paso. The ranger were fmeed to rotreat on account of the over riT1? f?r f Indians. loing one man and the Indians sevcn. Ben Hadley and Diamond Powel were hanged in the presence of 4.000 pecple a Long View. Texas, on the SOIh lüt., for th murder of Aug. Eeincke. Yellov-fever bulletin for Aug. 31 New cases in Ticksburg for the prccediD twenty-four hourp, 160; death, 13. Mempb -New casen, 100; doaths. fl7. New OrleanRrho deaths increased to 59, the largist numlx of the seanon to date. Cantón, Miss.- Th a8i3ufïg,htflllI-v fata'i baif ' oatesre pirted had died, and very few ha n ebyerei renada- Sliglit increase in the .leath n rmterial for 'he spreading of the fevcr. The deatns in New Orleans on Sept 1 uumbered eighty-eight, and the fever was o the ir-crease ; wholo nnmber of deaths to tha date, 1,003. At Vicksburg tbere wre nineU f.l ne?' Clse8 of 'ever and twentvfh' rhifcgabbjth day has been a Bnd one fo h-f'í'?'! death baTine vis'f1 Khty-on n-iisoho!d.s and sickness more than 10U nioro Pcople go about tho treets in mouruing, au Canstian borial for their dead h a bdtín whic few are blessed with. At EInnvooi challo greyes are dog, ard sometimes a ahort prave is uttered ry a minister, but, more frccjnenfh h&s'Tl li'"n0 rvice' and tho dead file pni awa OBNERAL, The Governor of New Mexico ha applied to the President for military aid i impprossing distiubances in that Territoi which be thinks amount to invasión or inau reetion. Marauding bands of Greasws f ron the lloxican eide are in the habit of iovadin ivow Mexico, plundering tho pcople, and mail taimng a state of war wbicn the Territoria arces are not ablo to .suppres. WASHINGTON Dennis Kearkrï, the labor agitator called at the Vhite House the other day ani had a íhort coiivorsation with the Presiden dniïng wliích he ccm]lained bitterly of tl unhappy condition of labcring mot), depro ion of business, and general hard Urne iae Premdent argued the subject in quiet niauLcr. and is reptrttd a lia ving done all the talkrog, "givin Kcarney veiy little opporlunity tosayanything l iie.l rendent explaintd that the country ha nat yet fully reecvered from the effect of 11 Kreat war, but that matters wero begicuing t adjuet themEelves to ante-war conditions; tba for several years thcre was au inflated cond tion of bii8ine?s. with a surplus of mone. which many mistook for propertv, but that no' business was gttting down to bed-rock, so t speak, and the peoplo wero learning again th value of a dollar. He ta:d he thonght that a money sbould have a gold basis, aüd that re sumptiou would do mnch to relieve hard tin;e which he did not thiiik wou'd last muc longer." It is again reported that Judge Deven osires to relinquish the Attoruey Genoralsbip, i3 that he wil] do foif ho can socuro the apOlutment cf United States Judge for the Now ingland circuit, which office has reoently beer ado vacaut liy the death of Judge Shepley, of aine. TnB Postónico Department kas taken nportant actiouwith regard to the transportaion of gold and Bilver coin through the mail, irculars have been prepared directing postIVice oflicials to receive gold and silver coin as lird-olaBS mail matter in packages not to ex;od four pounds in weight,with tho additional ïatge of 10 cents for registration. The now ysttm o ' regitration of third-class matter will jo into effect Oct. 1. POtlTICAL. Gen. Jok Johnston bas been noniiated for Cougross by the Domocrats of the iichmond (Va.) district The Connecticnt tate Convontion has mado tho ollowittg nomiuatlons : Governor, Jesse G. laldwin ; Lioutenant Governor, George V. Uogers, Jr. ; Secretary of Slate, A. S. Beardsley: Treatsurer, W. 8. Williains ; Comptroller, Edmund Tuttlo. The Tennessee Greenback Convention, iu eession at Nashville last week. nominated Judge E. H. East for Governor. Bekï. F. Butlek, in response to a cali signed by 50,000 voters of MaHsachusetts urging him to stand for Governor of tbe Commouwealth, has written a letter acceplingthe DominatiJii Col. Mcsby, of rebtl guerrilla fame, hae been commissioned by tho President as Consul at HoDg Korg, China. The following ticket was nominatod by tbe BepnbUoans of Kausjg in convention at Topeka, last weck : Governor, J. P. St. John; Lieutenant Governor, Ij. U. Humphrey : Secre tary of State, James Sroitli ; Treasurer, John Práñcea ; Auditor, B. I. Bombrako ; Attorney General, Willard Davis ; Chief Jnstice, A. H. Horton ; Superintendent of Publio IustructioD, Allen U. Ijeimn. FOKIÜC.N A Viksna dispatoh says : "there is a momentaiy ecseation of Austrian military opcrations until the four newly-mobilized divisionö ha! arrivcd at their des'.itiation In a few days the whole mobilized force, numbering from 120,000 to 130,000 men, will be united, and operations will bu proEecuted ou & larger scsle." News has been reeeived at Vienna that a división has been sent to the relief of Gen. Szapary, whoe army is reported to be in a ciitical position, beiog hemmed in on the bauks of the 1 isna river by a strong force of iusui'gonts. TnE International Money Conference, which rocently assembled at Paris, adj rarnod gine die on the 29th uit. A correspondent, summarizing the gcccral result of the conferencü,._ay3 uie existiug complications ircclude the foiluation of a moneUry uuion. The Englih iiegotlators prononnce the consequences of Gorman demonetination disaetrous. Monometalisoi is advocatoi by only three small states. The sentijient against the further demonetization of ailver is oyerwhelmiug. The iniluence of tho conference is deemod impottant for the future of silver. The Europeai) delegates adoptcd reaolutions thanking the United Statí1.- for brinfíin" al)out au exchange of opinión oninipoil&ut moDetary queations; aleo fctating ihat, in view of the divergerce of opiniou manifested, and the impoBsibility of even staten iiaviiig a doublé sland ird in making aoy engagement in. reference to the unhmited n.iutage ot eilver, thore ia np ground for discHSjiug (juestionE of any international ratio. At a public dirmer iu Paris, the other day. the French Minibter of Foreign Affairp, Waddington, said thathe oonsidered the general penco of Europe perfectly secure. Thb town of Miekalez, íd Hungary, has been almost entü'cly dcstroyed by a great flood. Óne thousand houses were swept away, and almost 500 people drowned. The town of Erlau was alfo vi-iUd by a diaastrous freshet, by whicli whole rows of houses were demolished and & uuniber of people drowned Berlin dispatcbos annonnce the departure of four prominent Germán financiers for America, undor orders from the Government, the object of tLeir mission beiog to exatuine. the American system of taxing manufacturad tobáceo - nhütier for tho purpose of adopting it or avoiding its blunders the dispatchea omit to say....Èight persas were killed and thirty badly in j ured by a raiïway accident between Loiidpn and Dover, Eng. A CoKSTANTiNOPLB clispatcb says the Avistriaa army of occupatiou has been guilty of niany execssea and cruelties in Bounia and Herzegovina. .. .The Boanians interned at Niches rovolted. Great uumbers were killed and wounded by the Montonegrina before the revolt was uppreHsed. rTTf k T


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