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- There have been bonght 1 305,000 pounds of wool at Grand Kapids this year for $391,500. - James Donuelly, the oldest man ín Lenawee county, died on Suturday night last, aged 102 years. - Jeaeph Ij. Boatwick, formerly of Constantiue, died of yellow fever at Memphis, August 29, agod 52. - Deacon Mills, of Galosburg, boasts of being the oldest settler in Kalamazoo county, and of having plowed the flrst furrow, in 1831. He went thore iu May, 1824. - A son of James Ksraberling, aged 15, living near Colon, St. Joseph county, accidently shot bimself on the 2nd while hunting, so na to exposé the bowels. He died two days after. - The appraisers in the estáte of the lato E. A. Brush have valued real estáte and personal - good bonds and mortgage8 inoluded- at $1,379,237.65; doubtful notes, accounts, &c, $36,566.96. - The Leather Company's tannery in Springwells was burned on Sunday evening last. The insurance of $80,000 it is expoeted will nearly cover the loss. The Detroit öremen saved a $25,000 pile of bark. -Dr. G. B. Allen, a Charlotte physician of prominence, left for Memphis, Tenn., on the 9th inst., to give hi services in aid of the yellow fever sufforers. He goes under tho auspices of the Memphis Board of Health. - Jarkson Patriot : During the month of August not less than 300,000 bushels of whuat were sold in this county at a price approximating closely to $1 per buskei. This single month's marketing of this one product therefore has placed ia circulation here a trifle less than $300,000, or seven dollars for every man, woraan and child in the county. - Kalamazoo üazttte : In the case of tho Adrián persons charged with stealing wheat from the warehouse there, Mr. Underwood, Prosecuting Attorney of Lenawee County, appeared in behalf of the pecple. The defendants, six in uumber, put in an appear&nce Monday evening and furnished new bail. The case will be continuad two weeks, when the September term of the Circuit Court begins. - Imlay City Advocate: Last year during the month of August there were 24,000 bushels of wheat bought at the elevatorg here, amounting to the sum of $30,000. This year during the month of August the amount of wheat bought is 38,400 bushels, the farmers receiving therefor about $38,000, making a difference in favor of August this year over last of 14,400 bushels of wheat and f8,000. So much for improvement.


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