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A PAHi of milk standing ten minutes where it is exposed to the scent of a strong-smeliing atable, or any other offensive odor, will imbibe a taint that will never leave ifc. The mamire, if all srtved, from a ton of hay, and economically returned to the land, will grow more than a ton next year. If this were not so, our agriculture would be a humbug, and the world would starve. Ellwanqeb & Babby, ner Bochester, report fifty-one and a half bushels of wheat to the acre from a field of eight acres; also, forty-six bushels per acre from another field. The land had been a musery. Who beats it? No longeb do the New York papers quote "State butter" as superior to Western. The Agriculturist (New York) says: "Good Western butter brings as good prices as any other in the market. " Milk, after it bas been yielded by th3 animal, may suffer contamination. A case is recorded where, in the proeess of milking, which was performed by a person recovering from scarlet f ever, the infection of scarlet fever was conveyed by the milk to children who drank it. Mr. Hobsfall, the celebrated English dairy authority, feeds his herds as follows : Ëach co'w receives nine pounds of hay, six pounds of rape-cake, one pound each of malt combings and bran, with twenty-eight pounds of roots or cabbage. The food (exiept roots and hay) is given in a mixed, cooked state and while warm. In addition to this food, a cow in f uil milk receives two pounds of bean meal daiiy, and oows not in full milking order smaller quantities of this article. All meat producing animáis should be killed when they are in the coolest state, or when respiration is the least active. Their flesh will then keep much longer fresh, and be more beautiful, sweet and healthful. When killed in a heated oondition, or immediately after a hard drive, the flesh will take longer to cool through and spoü sooner, while the fleeh and fat will have a dark, feverish look, caused by being full of blood, and henee will not be so inviting in appearance or so healthy as food. DlRÏCTIONS FOB BuTTEB-MaKING. - You want good, sweet cream to maKe good butter; skim the milk before it gets too sour ; never allow it to whey ; keep cream in a cool place until you have enough to churu ; let it not be too long ; churn f ast until the cream breaks, then elowly until done. In washing have the last water clear. To ten or eleven pounds I put a heaping saucer of salt ; barely work tüe salt in ; set it away until next morning ; finish working and pack it. Be careful not to work it too much. I don't quite believe in the air-tight cana fer milk. - Letter to fit. Paul Pionter-Press. Spabe the Calves.- In many dairy district s calves are killed when only a few hours old, in order to save the milk they would require if raised. Except Ihe small amount received for the skin, this brings nothing to the ownei. Calves wiíl grow almosfc as well upon hay-tea, with a little skimmed milk, as upon fresh new milk. Fif ty years ago Sir James Stewart Denham, of Scotland, experimented in raising calves with haytoa. Tnese calves were taken from their mothers when only 3 days old and fed with the following liquid: Two pounds of hay were steeped in twenty quarts of wtvter, and then boiled down one-half, and to this was added a quart of skimmed milk. In some instances molasses was added also, to give sweetness. And the oalves not only thrived upon this diet, but preferred lt to fresh milk. - Independent. Cheap Poultby Yabd.- Set posts firmly in the ground, 6 feet high, 8 feet apart. Take No. 9 wire and stretch f rom post to postoutside, fastemng with staplea made oï wire driven into posts. Place tliree wires 1 inch apart, 1 foot f rom the ground; another three at 3 f eet 10 inches f rom the ground, another three at top of posts. Take cíiniton laths ani weave in, leaving 3 inches space between sides of each. This makes the fence 4 feet high. Then take other laths, picket one end, and chamfer the other like a chisel blade, and interweave among the top wires; then shove the chamfered edge down beside the top of the bottom lath, lappiDg under wires 2 inches. This makes a cheap, durable, pretty fence that is 7 feet and 10 inohes high, and fowl-tight. Wires should be left somewhat slack, as interweaving the laths will tako it np.-J. W. Lang, in Poultry World. About the House. A Side Dissh.- Boil some eggs until hard; remove the shells; cut in half; take out the yelks and beat up with a little ohopped parsley seasoned with pepper and salt; reflll the whitea and serve with drawn butter. Frosting fob Pies, Puddings and Cake.- White of one egg, beaten to a foam- others add sugar to make a thick paste- addiug, if you like, a few drops of lemon extract. Spread on the pies while warm. Set away in a cool place. Butteknut Pie.- One egg, half pint sweet milk, two heaping table-spoonfuls of sugar, cue cup of meats of butternuts, or sweet almonds, pulverised fine ; add to them one teaspoonful of corn starch, nutmeg to taste. Bake with ono crust. Caülifloweb.- Put to soak in saltod water for an hour or more; look over carefully, remove the hard stalk aud leaves; scald for ñve minutes; cut into pieces and put into a pie dish; add a little milk, and ssason with pepper, salt and butter. Cover the whole" with dry grated cheese and bake. BliAOKBEKltY PODMNG. - One pint of sweet milk, two well-beaten egge, a little salt, one-fourth table-apoonïul of soda dissoived in hot water, one-half teaspoonf ui cream tartar sif ted iu the' ñour, enough eifted flour to mske a stifi batter, oufi-half pint of blacfcberriefl wel! dredged with flour. Boi) one hour in a buttered mold or floured bag. Hoe Cakes.- Take a piece off your light-bread dough early in the morning, and make into a thin batter with creara or new rnilk. Let it stand to rise till just btfore your breakfast honr. Pour the batter then in spoonfuls on a hoe, and bake quickly. Have ready a bowl of melted butter to dip the cakes in, and serve quite hot. Eecooking BonvED Fish. - Take two pounds of cold flsh and cut into quite small pieces; scald a pint of sweet miik; mix in one-fourth pound of butter; a table-spoonful of corn-starch; pepper and salt to taste and the beaten yelks of three eggs; butter a disb, put in, flrst a layer of tish, then one of paste; thus altérnate, leaving the paste on top; bake quarters of an bour in a moderate oven. Ooen Bread. - Two heaping cups of corn-meal, one cup of flour, three eggs, two and a half cups of sweet milk, one table-spoonful of lard, two table-spoonfuls of white sugar, two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar, one teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of salt ; beat the eggs thoroughly, yelks and whites separately; melt the lard' ; sif t soda and creám tartar into the flour and meal while dry, and stir in last ; then beat all very thorougbly ; bake quiekly in a buttered mold ; less than one-balf hour will usually suffioe. NEW KETTLES. To remove the iron taste fiom new kettles, boil a handful of hay in them, and repeat the process if necessary. Hay-water is a great sweetener of tin, wooden and ironware. In Irish dairies everything used for mük is scalded with hay-water. BONES. English woaien are much more eareful about bcnes than Americana. They not only scrape the bono once but twice, reseiving the fragmenta produced by the second soraping for making omelets savory, and then cracking the bone and boiling it in the soup-kettle. OLOTEES-I-INES. A new clothes-line is the terror alike of the husband who puts it out and takes it in, and the wife who uees it, but by boiling it for an hoar or two it can be made perfectly soft and pliable. It should be hung in a warm room to dry, and not allowed to "kink." GLASS JABS. In canning fruit, either put glass jars into a pan of cold -water, and bring the water to scalding heat with the jará in it, emptying each as it is wanted, or wrap a dish towel wrang out of cold water around the jars while filling, and you need not fear breaking them by putting boiling fiuit in them. COFFEE STARCH. The mildest-mannered man wiil scold when he finds a patch of white starch on a yellow linen duster, but his wife may easily prevent the oocurrence of such an accident by mixing the starch with strong coffee instead of water. Weak eoffee makes good starch for Smyrna lace and for thin neckties. TABLE EOONOMT. The question of good and cheap eooking is an important one, and the house-vife who can by a little study and forethough'c indire'tly raise her husband' , wages from $1 to $3 per week should certainly take some interest in the study of whatkind of food, made palatable by seasoning, gives the most return in blood, bone and sinew for the least expenditure in money. EDTJÖATION FOK THE KITCHEN. Prof. Youmans, in an article in the Popular Science Monthly for September, writes as follows: " Oooking-schools are springing up in many places in this country and in England, and the English are takiijg the lead in organizing them as a part of their natioiial and common school system. " Of the importance, the imperative I necessity, of this movement there cannot be the slightest question. Our kitchens, as is perfectly notorious, are the fortiöed intrenchments of ignorance, prejudice, irrational habits, rule-of-thumb and mental vacuity, and the consequen ce is that the Americans are liable to the reproach of suffering beyond any other people frora wasteful, unpalatable, unhealthful and monotonous cookery. Considering our resources, and the vaunted education and intelligence of American women, this reproach is just. Our kitchens are, in fact, almost abandoned to the control of low Irish, etupid negroes, and raw servile menials that pour in upon ug frora various foreign countries. And, what is i worse, there is a general acquiesoence in this state of things, aa if it were something fated, and relief from it hopeless and impossible. We profess to believe in the potency of education, and are applying it lo all other artsp-nd industries excepting only that fundamental art of the preparation and use of food to sustain life, which involves more of economy, enjoyment, health, spirits, and the power of effective labor than au y other subject that is f ormaily studied in the schools. We abound in female seminaries and female colleges, aad high schools, and normal schools, supported by burdensome taxes, in which everything ander heaven is studied except that practical art which is a daily and vital necessity in all the households of the land." i


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