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American Democracy

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41 No human institution, in niy opinión, is nore mariifesily consistent wiih the will of God ian domesiic slavery, and no one of hisordinanes is wriiten in more legible characters thsn liat which consigns the A frican race to this conition, os more condncive to iheir ow'ri happinesa han any other of which they are susceptible." "Domestic slavery, therefore, instead of being i political evil, íb ihe córner stono of our repubican cdifice. No patriot wbo justly estima tes our privileges will tolerute the idea efemaucipaiion. at any poriod howtver reinóle, or on any condilions of pecuniary advantage lovever favorable. I would as soon think oí opening a negoliation for selüng the liberty of the state ai once, ns of making ony gtipu!ation9 for the ultímate eniancipation of our slaves. So deep is niy conviction on this subject, that if I were doomed o die immcdiatcly after recording ihesa sentínents, I culd sny in nll sincerity nd under olí he ssrictions of Christianity and patrioiism: - ;God íorbid that ny descendent, in the remoiest generations, shouM live in any oihcr than a community having the mstituiion of domcsiic slavery, 09 it exisied among the patriarchs of the primitivo Church and in all staiesofantiquity." -