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- 1 he Register has opened lire on Hou. A. J. Sawyer. - Bach & Abel have thosenew goods, yon bet. See ad. - See advertiseinent fot proposals for Court House furniture. - John Rose and Edward Moore atarted for Fjiigland yesterday. - Maok & Schmid are ready for the fall trade, with a full stock. - ïhe fall term of the State Normal School opened on Tuesday last. - Frank Hall, formerly of this city, died August 2(, of yellow fever, at New Orleans. - J. H. Nickels and wife, of this city, returned a few days ago froni a visit to England. -The fauiily ilock of Kev. W. H. Kyder has been increasod one. The new-comer is a (fW. - Yellow-fever contributions : Kuights of Honor, $20 ; Fratermty Lodge No. 262, F. & A. M., 20. -Mills & Cl:ger, ot Pittsh'eld, exhibited their farm stock " vegetable cooter" at the State Fair. - The list of lands in this county now being advortised for sale for uupaid taxes numbers but 310 descriptions. -Prof. A. Winchell left for Syracuse, N. Y., on Wednesday, to give lus course of lectuies in Syracuse University. - The subscription taken by Ann Arbor Lodge No. 29, A. ü. U. W. in aid of the yellow fever sufferevs reached $65. - The coutributions in this city in aid of the suffering cities ot the South, by churches, soeieties, etc, aggregate about $000. - The Ann Arbor Agricultural Corapany didut exhibit at the State Fair. Too inuch driven with business in their shops. - VVon't some other store owuers pattern atter that new walk wlnch has just been put down in front of the store of A. A. Terry? - The Ypsilanti Commercial says that Prof. Lodeman and party are expected to arrive in Xew York on the 24th inst., - Tuesday uext. - On Tuesday afternoon Justice Beahan held John Keegan to bail (if he can get it) iif the som of $1,000. Charge : highway robbery. - The License Committee of the Council lias hxed the (Juera House license lee, to be pnid by O. J. Whituey, of Detroit, at $50 to May 1, 1879' - The Aun Arbor Town .Democratie caucuses is called to be held at the Sherirï's office m this city ou Thursday next. Sept 26 ; hour not given. - The Republican nominating convention for this Representative district wiil be held at the Uper House next Wednesday : hour not uamed in published cali. - Hou. Edwin Willits, Republican candidate for Congress in this district, is advertised to speak in this city on Thursday next,- at the County Conventiou, we suppose. - At a meeting of farmers held at Ypsilanti reeently an association was organized to defend against the Lee gate patent. Messrs. Beakes tfe Cutcheon have been retained. - Welcome All: " that is what A. L. Noble says in another column to all who want to buy good and cheap clothing,--men or boys, rich or poor. His stock is large and complete. - The number of candidates applying for exaunnation yesterday iudicated a claas larger thun that entering last year. As we can't say fresfcnien we don't kiiow how to label the newcomers. - At a meeting ot the Court House Building Committee held on Tusday the plans for i'uruiture presented by Mr. McPherson were accepted. The lowest bidder will get the job of makiug it. - A meeting of the creditors of Eugene B. Hall is to be held at room Nu. 4 in Uuderwood Block, Adrián, on the flrst day of üctober, at 10 o'clock a. m., to provft their claims and choose an assignee - The Republicaus of the First Representative District (now lepresented by Capt. Alten) are to meet in convention at the (Jouncil Hall, Ypsilanti, to-moriow afteruoon, to make a iiominatiou. - In the published list of tax sales for this county Davidson i Guitau's additiou is couverted into "David and Guitares' addition." How much could a tax-sale speculator aft'ord to invest on such a desenption ? - Architect Buntiug and coutractor McCormick met the Building Committee on Wednesday and discussed those weak and springy joists. Aud the architect's miscalculatious will cost the county about $2,300. - Prof. Pettee was ready to give the burglars who attempted to enter has house last Sunday morning a warm welcome. But after working a while at the key with a' pair of nippers they departed and his opportunity was lost. - Emma, wif6 of C. O. Tower, principal of the Dowagiac Union School and daughter of E. H. Johnson, of this city, died on the night of the 17th iust. Her remaius were brought here and the funeral took plnce yesterday afternoon. - A civil warrant, issued by Justice Frueauff ou Tuesday last, based on a complaint for trespass, was what stopped Kittridge and his meu frora their work of grading on the prem" ïses of D. Hiscock, iu the Thiid ward. The right ot way is in dispute. - Bro. Woodruff, of the Ypsilanti Sentinel, has been aeriously ill, but the last number oí his paper congratulates its readers upou the fair prospuct of his reoovery. We hope it may be soou and permanent. He is needed just now to " put in his best licks." - Two uew crossiugB have been put down this week at the juuction of State and Wilham streets. We don't know but that they may stand inspectiou, but othors better posted say that the bed was not well prepared and that too little tar was used in the covering. - The lateuess of the season and the prevailing storm made the Vigilaut Fire Oompany's excursión arrauged for Friday last a failure. But 10 tickets had been sold at the hour of departure, aud the special train of eight coaches was inorged iu the regular train. - The Superintendents of the Poor have decided to transfer the insaue paupers from the poor-house to the nisaiie asylum at Poiitiac. They number 15 aud a special car will take them to their destination. Supt. Duffy went to Detroit yesterday to arrange for their transporta tiou. - The generous citizens of Dexter have sent ï200 to the yellow-fever sufferers of the Southjthrough Ex-Governor Baldwin. About the saine suin has also been coutributed by the citizeus of Manchester. Ypsilanti's list, as published in the Snitiiirl of the 18th, foots up about $200. - At Ypsilanti on Wednesday evening of last week Miss Annie Kathbon nd brother, of Pittsñeld, experienced a runaway. Both were thrown from the carriage, and Miss Rathbon had her collar bone brokeu and received numerous severe bruises. Her brother was uot injured. - The house of Mr. Canfield, a farmer living on the Saline road three miles west oí Ypailauti, was burglarized aud robbed on Sunday last, in the absence of the family at church. Isaac Harter and Charles Haniugton, a white and colored man, were arrested at Ypsilanti on Sunday night, with part of the plunder in their possession, and "acknowledged the corn." - Lewis Barr, of the town of Pittsfield, died on Saturday last, aged nearly 87 years, having been born in Roe, Mass., November 19, 1791. He purchased the farm on which he died iu 1824, settled upon ït in 1825, and resided on it 53 years. Of a family of 14 children but 5 survive. Mr. Barr was a member of the M. E. Church, and a member of the first class organized in this city in connectiou with that church. - Prof. Langley will give a Iecture upon his recent trip to Colorado, tor the benefit of the Ladies' Library, on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. Jaycox, Huron street.. It is earnestly hoped that all the frieuds of the library wiil attend this Iecture. There is great need of money in order that new books muy be purchased, the present condition of the treasury preventing any expendituro tor them. Tbe admission will be ten cents. - "Silver Wedding:" that ia the occasion oi a box of what "the boys" say is very fiue tobáceo coming to the Anous office from J. J. Bagley & Co., Detroit, aud we take the word of the iforesaid boys without either smoking or chewing it. The favorita brand of "MayFlower" included, was launched Sept. 13, 1853, outliving all cotemporary brands : a guarantee of its quality and popularity. Today imd to-morrow the tirm will be "at home" at their headquaiters on the State Fair groumls, Detroit. - Tiiere was almost a burglary at the residence of Aretus Dunn, ou Washington street, on Friday last. Policemen Amsden and Porter discovtred a liglit in the house at au unseemly hour of the night, when they supposed that the house was vacant, and proneeded to make arrangements for a grab. They were greatly surprised when Mr. Dunn looked out upon them from the window at which they were taking observations through the bhnds, - their uoise having set him to investiga ting. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn had returned home ou a late train, "unbeknownst" to the pólice.


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