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DRUGS. H. i. Tremaine & Co. (8uccisor to B. W. ELLIS & CO. ANN AltBOR, MICH. A FIRST CLASS Drug Store. DRUGSAND DYE STUFFS, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTICLE8 Pri'criptions CompoundeJ at A.11 Hours. Cor. Main and Hurones 1664 A Lot of Chromos for Sale for What Thty Will Brincj ! WINSLOW & KgMILLAN, Mire, frames, Bratt, E(c, BtO.i VIOLINS, (JCITAKS & STRIXJS. o - ■ laScroll 8WÜlg, TurDiuj? and General Rexmiringdone on hort notie?. 30 East Hurón St., Aun Arfoor lC8itf DOBBINS' STAECH POLiSH! j [HOW DA SHINEJ A GREAT SI SCCVEEY, By the ïuoof which every faniily ma' gic Uidr liineu that polish peculiar to flne aundry worV, fav ing time and labor in ironinff more than ita entire oost. Sold by grocers, or will bc seiit, postagc paid on recoipt of 3o cents. DOBBI9TS, BRO. ÓL CO., 13 N. Fourth St. , Philarïelphia. TMs is the finest Liniment in the worli, wnd tvill positivtly cure in almost every case. Price $1.00 par hottle. JOMSON, H0LL0WAT & CO, BfECIATj AOENTS, This is prohahhj the stronnr.' purest and bent prcparalion of Iron knoion. One trial ivül convincePrice, S1.00 per boüle. JOÏÏNSTON, HOLLÖWAY & CO, Special Agonts, FIMadtlphia. DISPEPSIA I Pennaucntly aireil n every instance by the EAGLE DISPEPSIA TROCHES. They will itotnediately correct a sour stomach.cbcckvoraitingand hcartburn; cure sickness or puin ín the stoinaeh. costiveuess, liver complaint, hcadache, etc. Bcing pleftsant, safe and hurmless, are asure cure for Infants suflering from weak stomach. Priee, Thirty-Five Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM POWDER. At all times safe, relmbH'. strictly vegotableand tasteless, uscd byold nnd young with perfort Baftty,ven whon wurms are not present. Requlrea but oue dose to effect a cure. Price, ir, Cents per Puckage. Sold by all Dnijftrisls, or sent by Mail, on recTipt of Price. NEBEK.EH f: CO., Frop's. 12th ai aisie:r;h S'.s., Phila4elpWa, Pa. ) PKICE. 35 CENTS. Joünston, Iïolloray & Ca, BpQcial Agonti, Ftutad'a.


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