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Slavery Has Died In Old England: For The Signal Of Liberty: Sla...

Slavery Has Died In Old England: For The Signal Of Liberty: Sla... image
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Agreeable to prsvious noties a puDiic w meeting was held by the people of color, ey t; in the city of Detroit ox the 21st of July, Dil for the parpose of making arrangements "whfld for celcbrating the emancipolion of thé aboi: 800,000 slavcs, of the British West India shou Ihnds, which took place on the Ist of er a August, 16S-Í. This meeting appoihted wij1 II. Bibb to act as President of the evil bration of ihat noble act of Christian and lanlhropy. G. W. Tucker, grand meii shal of the day. Also a Committee of tury ten wasappoinlcdto make all necessan , s arrangements for the occasion. tiie According to previous arrangements froj mide by the Commltice, at half-past 10 gre o'clock, A.M. on the Ist of Aug., the ( poóplë met in the City Hall, to heara Í8S sermón fromtheRev. Jcrcmiah Thomas. 1S3 The Kouse bclng called to order by the 184 President, the Declaration oi the 134 can Independence was read by Rev. Mr. ' Pavis of Springfield, Ohio. We then wai to a very ablè sermón frem con er Thomas, e.ficr which several pieces of Nu: music -.vas ihen sung by the choir. A hlir prDce33fem was then formed in which the anc] Iadhsá and chitdrén joined. The precession was preceeded by a ion bond of music, and marched along 1 ''1O ■ ! and Jeilbrson Avenues, carrying tóreraJ br.nner?, on one of which was -ibed the Beolaration of r e, and the iouching appeal, "ani I not 1 lan má a brother- God and ouv .; t ;,"' over the head of a kneeling Pxc .. c in chainn: vhi!e on the other side of th.e flag was ' inscribed aman standing r erect as a Freeman, holding a broken chain "' ia his hands, with tliis inscription above 'J him, "The Emancipatioh of the British :. West India Islands, Aug. Ist, 1834." Good orJsr prevailed throughout the v.iole mirch of the procession to the Lg' place, where a very able oration was -lt, livored by Rev. J. M. Brown. d Several songs was then sung by the choir, while many of our most influential citizens of Detroit were standing by, P cheering us on in congratulating the 1 'n py freemen of the distant Isles of the n Sei, in thcir enjoyment of the grealest of K blessings, civil and religieus liberiy. j, Icanirulysay the wholc celebration j. was conducted in a manner becoming, Patriois, and Philanthronists, U in whose bosoms the fire of liberty burns as it did in the bosoms of our fathers in t ;'.,e dfiys of '76. I romain firra to the e of Liberty, ci _ - Y T!o Chnr'.er Oak is recalling to mind p the psrsecution of tiie Quakers by the s Furitans. The ftrsi Quakers ttiat t ed the colon y of Massachüsetts, were persscutcd wílhou; law : büf ofterwards they wnre ordcred to be wMpped and L fincd lo hard labor. ! Still the Quakers were not dcforrcd f fro.n visiting the colony, in obedience to j whal they beüeved a divine intinntion. - t They were whipped and imprisoned - ( hut ihi?, they regarded as persecution for righteousness' sake, and rejoiced that they were counted worthv tosufl'er for Chr.istfk cqusp. Additionol enactrnents were cal1. i to iho aid of ihe colon isls - and il vas made unlawfjl 10 give houseroom to the heretics, to attend ihcir meeting?, ur jn any way countennnco their doctrinrs , " JSvory Quaker, nfier the first conviction . '. a rmn, was to lose one ear, and the second time the oiher; f n wnrnan, she ! vo.; .-..ich time to be severely whipped ; nr.d tor the third offence both rnn and women were to have their tongues bored thrnugh wilh red hot ron.f Yct stül they flocked in from ovcry quarter; nndseemed to glory in their perseculions. Th?3 were su!jected lo all thsa brutal infliction?, but tho more lhcy suiTered, the vore s;ealous they bccome, arul wilh o hfïldness that cluillengps our idmiralion, ihey contmued to dessürnijiate their peculiar xlocírincs.The proper etudy of mankind is man.