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When we get down to the real tneaning ot' Bomii of these Republicau statesmen, we find they are no better representativas of all the political virtuea than the wickod opponeuts whoin tbey so volubly denounce. ïhe recent fall of John Sherman is, thereibre, no such fall as soine Republican journals laineut, for he never seriously meant what he has been credited with. Ho confesses that he has gonu as far as he has in the execution of the Resuinption luw because he found it on the statute hooks : leaving it to be understood, now tuut the Hume election has transpirad, that he never should have thought of such h thing as resumption if he had not been legally constraiued to do so. And tliis is the man, too, who went all the way to Ohio to "reply to Mr. Thurman," as the Kepublican press of this lutitude gleefully reminds us. We observed yesterday that he headed the wroug way ; he should have headed for JVIaine, where he says the Republicana fouud it necessury to go out and net up a distinot party because they " niisunderstood" his financial policy. If such a Secretary of the Traasury is not a fiuancial chaugeling, we should like to know who is. - Boston Pont. The person brought forward to pray at the Worcester Convention did pretty well ; but still we are inclined to think that the Illinois Republicana have the champiou conventiou supplicator of the coutry. At their last convention he was not so speoific in his directions to the Almighty on financial topics, but he was more repleto with vast and varied tnisinformatiou on the questions of the hour and snemed to catch the spirit of the body before which he piayed with mueh readier enthusiasm. We have some delicacy about criticising convention piety, but we cannot help regretting that Mr. Kendig so far forgot interstate courtesy as to speak disrespectfully to the Lord of the Coiumonwealth of Maine. Jüirt he suggest, when he asked for a sound currency froui heaven, the melting into ingots of the beaten gold of the New Jcrusalein 'i Or did he, when he aked God to circuíate hardmoney literature, pledge the convention to stop the circulation of Gorhani's greenback speeches '( If the final part ot Mr. Kendig's petition praying for the deliverance of the land frora demagogues be granted - and he speaks like a person who possesses great influence above - we should recommend him to the south of Spain as his future residence. The cliuiate is delightful. - N. 7. World. Butler's tactics give his idea of the oharacter of the act of taking the convention hall. He planned all in advance. The nimmer was that of a burglary. At 5 a. in. a inob broke down the gate and burst in the door, and then barred it against all but such as they chose. Pails of coffee and barrels of crackers were brought under a back window and pulled up by a rope. A ladder was brought to the rear by whieh recruits to the mob entered through a window. All was in the manner of burglars and thii-vcs. Butler had planned all, and had hired every hall in the town to prevent any attempt of the regulars to hold a convention iu another place. His mode givea bis idea of the oharacter of the act. - C'incinnati Ontette. The total valué of exporta {rom the United States increased froin $269,389,900 in 1868 to $680,683,798 ih 1878, an increase of $411,293,898, or 158 per cent. And yet uil the proiits and rates of transportation tor all this imnienae aud coustantly inoreaaing carrying commercial trade, saying nothing whatovor of the iraport carrying trade, in in the hands of foreign Bhipowners, and Americana are prohibited by luw trom pui - chasing or navigating foreign built vessels. In other words, the greatest producingandexportingnatiou in the world is oompletety at the rnercy of a foreign marine for the transportation of itg export and import products to market, and all this is the direct result of Republican legislatiou. - Oratwt County Democrat. The Detroit Post and Tribune is becoming very nervous over the political situation, and it is driven to the cowardly resource of charging us with u lie. We published a statement that Mr. Chandler had sent out instruotions to organizo Greenback clubs. We made the stu ti ■ment upon the authority of oue who said he saw and read tht; circular. The gentleman who made the statement, for truth and veracity is the peer of the editora of the Post and Tribune. Since Uien, a gentleman in another part of the county told us there was one in bis township, and if he could get hU " seeding " done in time he would try and get it for tilia week's Journal. And to tbis we have the fact that our postmaster has organized a Greenback club bere jireciscly in the inanner these gentlemen said the circular instructed theiu to do. - Herrien County Journal. The administration bas not done nnything that entitles it to speoial praise ; and as the undeserved laudations of iujudicious friends would naturally cali out unfriendly criticism trom quarters not enatuored of its proceediugs, the only prudent ocurso is to pass by the subject in silence. The admiuistration is not an issue in this campaign. It bas not evinced any profound respect for the wishes of the party or any intelligent regard for its interest; and the party would be ill advised if it allowed its harmony to be disturbed by au appeal to obligations wbich do not exist. - New York Time. The Journal says Secretary Sherman is weary of public life, and would retire but for bis anxiety to oarry out the Kesumption act. Kor Heaven's sake let hiiu go. There is not an honest streak of statesmanship in the man. He Is a thousandfold more anxious to save the party from defeat than to get back to resumption, and his entire course shows it. - Boston Pot. Mr. Sherman is represented as aotually exousing himself for preparing for re sumption and pleadingthat the Resumption act was on the statute book when lic came mto office. He had no option, he urges, save to carry out the law as it existed. The absurdity of such a plea will be appreciated by everybody who calis to mind the fact tbat it was Senator Sherman who introduced and carried to a final passage the Resuinption act.- N. Y. Ilerald. Mr. Sherman is n't half so popular with the uard-nioney people of the Kast as he was a week ago. Having lost his grip bere in Ohio, it is difricult to teil John will land next. But he will be pretty sure to land on his feet somewhere, and be ready to swear that he has been standing in that exact spot ever siuce he was a boy. - Cincinnati En,The old Bay State is boiling like a pot to-day, and all on account of a cross-eyed mtn by the name of Ben Butler. If there is a loyal Kepublican who denies that he is sorry this crosseyed man was n't shot the day he marched through Baltimore - not to put too fine a point on it - he lies- Washington Post. Aa a rulo, your geuuine aristocrat is reuiarkably nice in persun, refiued in mmmers, select in bis associates, oareful in speech, aud avoids as far as possible coarse surroundings and vulgar habits of every description. But we never suspecti d Zachariah Chandler of being one of these things, although we knew he was rich. - Cleveland üeralil.


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