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SEL ADVERTIStENTS I) W. O'TOOI.E, in. D. Omw at bis ret dence, No. 17 Korth Ingalis Si. AH calis, niht or day, will receive prumpt attcutioii. 17Oiin3 II iLl.'S OPERA HOIISKÍ C. J. WHITXEY, Lessee and Manager. September 30, One Night Only. The Original Colored Tonneesee JUBILEE SINGERS ! Willgive one of their Grand Concert, consisting of Sacred ahd Plantation Songs, etc. Priee of admissiou, o cents. No extra charge for resorved Heats. Tickets for sale at Moore's Hook Store. 171 JLII.I.'S OPERA HOUSE. C. J. WHITNKY, Lessee and .MiiuuKcr. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Óctober lst, 2d, and 3d. Grandttt scason everuftijred tothe public by the iinniensüly popular W.M. HOKACK LINGABD. AI.KK I. LINGABD. MISS DICKIE UNOARI). (Her ilrst appearance in four yearfl.) and their New Vork in hinution. in the followin sterling comedies: TrKSIAYEVKNINti,Octobcrl,- Byron'sworldfamed three act Comtyly OUB BOYS, I'ollowed by sclections of twelve Iingrd ■ketche. WEDNKKDAY EVENING, October 2,- Will be presented the new three act Fnrcial Coinedy by I). I):vl.i.'l. ■lltitli-i JUJHLTB'T'Wt THUUSDAY EVBNÏNG, October 8,- Farewpll performance in this city, THE NEW MAG DELEN. Prices of admisaion, 50 ind 7S cent. Tickets to be procured at Moore's Bookstore. 76W2 No More Dunning I I projwae now to put niy mattera of cotlecttons into the hnixln of irollectin men, todo this business for me. I will uot waste my whule time this coming winter in neginy and tcatñng for money Qua me. You need not oome to me to prolong the time, it will be of no avuil to you. It is the money I want to pay my debts. I have borrowed monev to pny debts to favor those that owe me as long b uitruil to, these favors are not equitable. Nov if you have not got the money just get it as you have ■i!up'H..ii me to do. It can't hint you any worse to puv inierest than it do. me. It is an actual netessity for me to collect every dollar due,andl diiihi do it. 170Eml Now (rome down with cash to prevent a smash As qulcfc as ever you please, Tf you delay the deviPa to pay Resides the lawyers fee?. X. BOUERS. Mills' FEED COOKËRl Patented May U, 1878, by F. E. MILLS AND C. CLAGER, Aun Arbor, Itlirlt. We claim to have more heating and less cooling surface than any other cooker, connequeutly greater economy in t'uel. The furnace bemg .submerged in water, cannot be broken by moving or bemg tipped over ; do danger from tire or explosión. Any child that can build a tire can manaee it. It will save one-third of your feed ; will cook froiy i to 5 bbls. at once. THE CHEAPEST STEAMER IN THE MARKET. # Agents wanted. Address F. E. MILLS, Ann Arbor( Mich. Estáte of Charles Minehart. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw sa. Ata seasiou of the Probate ('uurt for tht ('uunty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the i twenty-flfth day of September, ín the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. 1 Present, William D. Har riman, Jndge of Probate In the matter uf tbe estáte of Charles Minehart , deceased. 1 Freemnn P.Gaipin, administrator with the wil nexed of said estáte, comes into court and represents that be is now prepared to render nis fina 1 account as such administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the nine teeuth day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examioing ant altowiug such account, and that the deviseea , legatees, and heirs at law of said deceaaed 1 and all otber persons intereBted in said estáte . are r.uired to appear at a sesslon of safe court, tlu'ii to be kolde u at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show i cause if any there be, why the said accoun . should Dot be allowed : And it is further ordered ! that said d ministra tor with the will annex , give notice to the persons interested in sak estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causiug a copy of tlus order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper prfnted and circulating in said county, three i suceessive weeks previoua to said day of heariiijE WILLIAM D.HARRÏMAN, f A trueeopy.) Judge of Probate. ■ Wm, i. Doty, Probate Register. 170614 Estáte of Soyraour Lytle. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the . County of Washienaw holden at the Piobate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the ' t wvnt ieth day of September in the year one thou, aand eight hundred and teventy-eight. Present, WillianiD.Harriman, Judge of Probate 1 In the matter of the estáte of $eymour Lytle deceased On reading and flling the petition, duly verifled of Phtebe Jane Lytle, praying that Alton Lytle or tioxne other suitable person may be appointec administratoi of the eatate of said dece&sed. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty. fïrst day of October next, at ten o'clock in the 1 forenoon, be aesigned for the hearing of uid p . tition.and thak the heirs at law of said deceaaed and all other personn interested in stdd eatate, are ' required to appear at a seuion of said court then [ to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the 1 prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in nid estáte, o; 1 the pendeocy of naid petition and the hearini thereof, by cnusing aoopy of t hls order tobe pul lished in the Michigan Ar gut a newspaper printeí ; and oirculated in said county, three suocewive weekB proviouti to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAllRlMAN, i (A true oopy.) Judge of ProbnU. , Wm. ö. Doty. Probate Register. 17O6td Comiuissioners' Notioe. ■ OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, , O as. The undersigned havinbeen appointed by the Probate Court for said county, oommissioneni '■ to receive, examine and ndju!t all claims and de, mande of all persons againHt the estáte of Samuel ( roB, late of aid county, deceased, hereby give i notice thnt aix months from date are allowed, by , order of said Probate Court, for oreditors to present their claims against the estáte of siil dceased, und thut they will meet at the office of Noah W. Cheever, k.nq., in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Saturday, the fourteenth day oi December, and on Friday, the fourteenth day oi Mareh nezt, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of aif dnyfl . to receive, examine and adjust said claimt). Dated, September 14, A. D. 1878. NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1 JOHN W. MAYNARD, ; 1706 JOHN CLANCT, Commissioners. PURE GUM RUBBER BOOTS Being free from adulteratire mixture, will gire longer service thui commoa Rubber Boots. Their great popularity has led to manr cfceap imitations, having a Dcll Finim. bu tblf seasoa the "CANDEE" CO. wru. VARNISH Their PURE GUM BOOTS, and to diltinguUh them from the common kind, will attach RUBBER LABEL on the front of the leg, bearlng the iotcriptioa CUSTOM MADE. PURE GUM. These Boots have the Patent Metal Heel Plate, which prevent the heel wearing away ■o quickly, and they will have alao the patent Outside Stationary Strap Instead of the ver? lneonTenlent web imlda trap, used on other makes uL Boots. ASK FOR THB "CANDEE" BOOT. Court House Furniture. Sealed proposals will be received until the SOth day of Scptemher inat., at 11 o'clock a. m., for furnishing the furniture for the Washtenaw Court House. The plans and specificatlons can be seen at the Clerk'a office of uid county. The rlgbt to relect any and all blda is reserred. E. LAWRENOE, 1705w2 hairmn of Building ('ominittee. GET YOUR PROPEETY INSUEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, A.. ARBOK. - MUM. The oldeat ageney in the city. Established a qunrter of a. coutury ago. Kepreneuting the followiog ti rat claas compañías : Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Asset.i over $6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asaett om Niágara Fre Ins. ("o., N. Y., Assots 81,442.400 Girard ot Pa., Assets over $1,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Awwts $700,000 j W Rates low. Lontt libcrally adjuated uid , promptly paid. 7oo C. H. KILLEN. Marble Works ! - OF - AIMTON EISELE, Corner Detroit & Catharine Sta. - DK1LKBS IN - Monuments & Graves tonos Manufactured of ForelRn aml American URANITE and MAHULK. OUT BUILDING AND ARTIFICIAL STOxE (anufftotured on short nntice. Pricea low aad work warrnuted to gire eatUlaetion. 1689y 1 Ucan make money faster at work for us tban at anythiog else Capital Dot required : we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girla wantod ererywhere to work for us. Now ia hc time. Costly outfit and trma free. Ad 'uil & Co., Augusta, Mui iie. FU NI TURE! JOHN KECK, ÍLA.NUFACTURER OF FURMTURE O F ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Are dow Great Iiidiiccinciit.s to Piirrluisor.N. BUYEBS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYINQ THEIR FÜRNITÜRE Direct of (he Miiiiiifactiirci -. Manufactory, córner of Willam aud West Fourth Streets. Salearooius, 52 South Main md 4 West Liberty Streets, A.nn Arbor, Mich. „.,„-, 4 OI Hl lt ltllll ( Ml IIV LIME ! Ohio lime will he horeaftorsolrt nt uiy liint worka t wbolesale fur 30 ceuls a bushel, and Monroc lime t 28 cent. Al Brtck, Watcrllme, Ctloined 'laster, Cement, Plaatt-rlng Hlr aud Wood for ale. Aim Arbor.Sept. 10, 187K. 170411)3 JACOB VOM.ANl). RAILROADS. MICÑtttifli CENTRAL HAII.KOAI). HAY u, ii8. '1O1NG WRKT. f ■ S 7 .5 . v I ; LL M. A.M r.M. p, y. I'. M. i.M. Detroit, lenve, j m g ::.-, 4 t:, . -,n 6 20 ■ i U.T.Junctiou. 7 ÍS 10 00 5 00 8 05 6 810] Wayne Jumlion 1 4(i lu Ï6 5 32 :; 30 7 I" m 4 Vpsilanti, 8 lo 10 45 00 :; .,1 7 30 11 n ycdde, Ann Arbor, 8 :0 11 un (; :0 4 (g a 10 11 j 1 lili, 8 44 ü 13 Doxter, - . t; _ ,, ...; , ■_ 31 ' (;helneu, 'j 15 _ 7 ( 4 40 8 ■).". Gramt l.ake. 17 7 03 .", 0,"j 9 17 , . . r. m a.ji Jackson, 10 20.12 15 S 00 ti 00 9 40 12 4 Albion, U 04 12 4 6 47 ]0 :( 1 2 Marshall. 11 50 1 3(1 - ' 7 ir. 1 03 ] ] r. M. ■; í Battle Crock. 12 19 1 M . 7 ir, n su Ualestiui. 1i 62 S 08 12 07 A.M. A.M. hiiliiinn.oii, 1 18 2 .' 4 lio R 20 12 25 2 IÏ Lawton, 1 54 :i 08 8 05 1 os - Daoatur, 2 11 i 2o i 7 DowaKlMC 2 :IC 6 45 1 .-,; Nilea. ;( OS 4 07 ü :ül . 2 38 1 4 2 !ui')i.ii..'.n. ;l 19 1; 4:: 2 ."4 I Toree Dak 3 49 7 l:s 3 28 New liullulii. 4 n; 4 67 7 2M a 45 Michigan City, 4 80 íi 20 7 ñí 4 15 0 4 Lnke, 3 IS 1; n-_ 8 40 5 04 6 2 Kensington, 0 05 6 SO I '.) 10 6 M 7 1 Ohiwgo,griv, i 50 7 4(i i" :;.. 6 45 i aOIHOEABT. i _L_ ü =i !_ J A..V. A. M. V. . 1-. M. P. Chicago, leave, ! 7 00 l 01) 4 00 5 15 9 o KeQttingtou, 7 -''0 (J 50 4 50 G 05 i) 5 Lake, 1 ?. 15 i 511 10 B Michigan Cilj-, 9 2 11 10 (i 5 7 40 11 ] New Buffalo, 9 47 1 1 27 0 67 11 3 Three ünkï, lo 02 7 IS A. M Buchanan, 1 32 7 43 Viíi'n 10 4: 12 14 8 11 si 00 12 3 Dowatfme, 11 15 s 40 1 11 Decutur, 11 39 !■ OS 1 í Lawton, u ■■"; - -- 9 2:; A. m. Knlamazu), 12 S3 1 40 10 on 6 50 10 M 2 ! OnlesburK, 1-' -i-' . 7 09 2 3; Uttttle Creek, I 27 2 1 J( 7 40 11 08 S 1 Marshall, 2 25 s W p 8 10 H 37 Tí A.M. Albion, S 52 :i '21 a.M. 8 35 12 05 4 II Jackaon. :i 45 4 05 5 40 9 :tó 12 M 4 5 Orass Lak, 1 08 6 l-T 9 50 Chelsea, , 4 40 6 31 10 07 Dexter, 5 00 6 47 10 18 - 1 Delhi, 5 lu ti 5") Ann Arbor, : 20 5 I ■ 7 I 10 : 2 06 a (ediles, 5i8 Ypsilanti. :" 3 S 4 7 27 10 4." 2 20 6 4.' Wayne June, 0 02 6 46 7 12 1 1 06 2 44 7 01 O. T. June, ii 33 6 15 h ÍS 11 $0 : 20 7 a Detroit, Ar., I; 6 18 6 SO 8 40 11 4fl 5 35 8 (K íirand Hapidri and Kaliunazoo Kxpress anrivea at Grand Rápido 2.20 p. m., and leftvfia Grand Kaaide 6:15 a. m. Sunilnj excepted. -Suturday and SunJay exwpted. t Daily. H. B. LBDYAED, Gen'l Mana(rtr, Detroit. H. C. Wentworth. (t. 1'. & T. Aftt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Xakiiiíí effect Mc.ij.lav. July 29, 187S. OOINO NOKTH. GOING SOUTH. Mlxefl. Mail. .hil. Mix.J. A. M. 1'. M. A. M. P. II. '". M 4 0(1 ToImIii 10 00 71 6 ÍS 1 u: Notlh Toledo ü "7 659 7 14 4 10 Detroit Juin ii.. 11 0 ." 1;: 7 31 4 '.'7 Havvlli'iiii 9 :t4 til 7 48 4 37 Aunaría 9 24 (i 01 8 ni 4 47 Beola '.1 H 5 49 811 1 :.4 tulu 9 07 ;::s ■1 "'iil Mmiriii' JUDCtton 900 íi í 4'.' ■" 12 Dundee S 19 50! 9 0Ï 5 19 Macón 4-j 1 18 9 20 5 29 Agalis s :k 4 2i) 9 SI h 1. Milán K lii :;:,s 10 10 6 54 Nora soa 331 10 8S 11117 Irania 7 58 SU 10 "4 (117 Ynsilanti Junctlon 7 43 11 20 (i :;h Aim Arbor 7 80 ÏM .1. S. MOERIS, Gen'l Superiulendent. J. M. Asm.EV, .la.. Anal. .Supl ÜECBOIÏ, IIÍ AN'D SOUTH WKSTBKN RA1LRUAD. To take effect A11-. 19, 1818. OOING WEST. OTNQ KAhT. 8TATION8. Sfaü. Kxjl. STATION. Exp. '. sil A. H. ï. M. Ypüilantl . . . . 10HS 7:40 " " tialine 11:16 8:10 Bankera :ir, 2:8a;:: 6:28 Hilkdale .. (SO 2:4 Munchester. ll:6S s:-i8 Manchester.. 8:26 4:lü l'. M. Bridgcwater ít:4S 4:M Hillsdale IStó 10:: Sulim-. 9:1" 4:33 Banken 1:15 10:4 Ypoilnnti... . '.':4." 5:20 Trains run ly Chicuo time. W. F. PAÜKJEli. Sup't, Ypsilanti. CANADA SOUTHERN K'Y LINES. The Only Aini'rioan Kodte Througli CftnavlA. Ttslna leave M. C. K. 1:. Depot, Dciroii, city time, u lVillows: Allainir Expris-. ftaily, I iHi i. ín.. W:minr iar lo Boston. l'üst Day l-:xir"", daily, 12 10 iiix.n. W:ii:ner car to New York and Boston. Ltghtning Express; daüy éxcepi 8uuday, 11 H p. ni.. WfliiiiiTfar tú BÚAQoftñd Bocheflter. fotodo traitis ltavt' 7 ."i1 :. 111. t-xcept Sumlay ; :; 10 l. 111. ilsily : 6 ro p. ni. i.'( . t SutuIhv, Fot Pxyette (i 30 p. m. excépl Su&day. i For infonuation ami tiojeeta upply i(.'. Sharpk'-, ageiíl M.( . R. R.; Aun Arbor. W. K. MI' ÍK. Gen'l MaMí.T. Si. Thomas, om. M. C. ROACll. I'a-. Agent, Detroit. l-KANK K. smi-. Oen. fass. and. Ticket Agt. Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A OLLAR EAKNE ! NEW GOODS! And prioea I.oVVKK T11AN K KK. o I have purchased ín Xw York, for cili, and I am now düily receiviní one of lart-'cl "'l most aelect stocks ol' Grocériya 1:1 Washtenaw County, consiBtintf ul a tull and well selecteii LINE OF TEAS, AU of tht; new erop - includiiiií (iiuiiawdera, 1 1:1 k-i i:il, Vauní II) - MOiiM, II) NoiiN, Jitpitiis. (lalonirs, Parioa, 1'uiivollN, Nin! uv ai. ■! Tivaiikay, Together wilh 11 full lhie of COFFEB8, gonalating of ihe brande: MOCHA, ÜLD GOV'T JAVA, MAKA(;a Hit). LAGUAYRE.SANfOSandltlU, both ronated and ground ; a fiül and well aelccted stock of SUGARS, SYkUPS AND MOLASSES, Fojiether with everythinir iu the line cf l'ure ípices,Canned fruita. nnd Vegetables. We have fuli and complet line ol' BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Husiery. Aleo, n choioe naaortinent of Ludien' and Üenllenien'H Undurwcur CaU and cxiuutue Uoods and Fiicea aud we wiil insurc satiofoction. EI)VAR1 DÜFPT. ' MaynHrd'B biovk," cor. Main and Aun streeta Ann Arbor, Mich. BrTUiL'ÍH'si cnah piiee pmd for all frm jruduce.gS Capita!, - - 3,000,000. Assots J1111 1, 1 S7(!, $6,792,649.98. Losaes Piiid in Hö Years, $44,760,391.71. ■ urplus over all Liabilities, inclu'';' Re-In8uranco Keserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 86. Vot Surplus ovor Liabilities, including Re-Insurauco and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. ('. MACK, Afciit, Ann Arbor. rOH SALE. 'l'he George QrenvUle bomestead, conaistlo tuse, larn, ainl twoiots, ou cornfof WaaJuOS" nandriftb Ueets. 170Siul . W. CHEEVEE. ipfls week ia your own town. $5 outfit free. Tf lt(-'"(Ilr, ii 5'u want a businei I I I I at which persons of either sex oan iute J lgreat pay all the time they work, writ" r partieulai- 10 H. Hallktt ü Co. , rortland,Md'


Old News
Michigan Argus