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- Remember the County Fair wliidi opens next ïuesday. - Bring your big potatoes, pumpkins, squashes, and turnipa to the County Fair. - Show that beautiful colt or calí at the I County Fair, or your brag sheep and swine. - A new tar sidewalk is heing put down on the east 8ide of Main street betweeu Ann and Oatherine streeta. - ün and atter Monday next the postoffice wil! be open frora 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. in. Money order hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. - Manufacturera, mechanics, and merchants should vie with each other in showing their wares at the County Fair next week. - The Dexter School Board has organized tor the coming year : President, J. T. Honey ; Director, C. S. Grnyorv : Treasnrer, George S. Sill. - Washtenaw has many Hne hordes and choica cattle, and their owners should take pride in exhibiting tliem next week at the County Fair. - The original Tennessee Jubileei Singor6 are advertised for a concert at the Opera House next Monday evening. Good music muy be warrauted. - If you can bent your neighbor raisiog beats, or have an extra quaiity of cabbageheads, cauliflowers, or carrots, exhibit thein at the County Fair. - Eer. Ueorge S. Codmgton died at the residence of his mother, Mis. James Monvick, on Washington Street, Sept. 19, aged 4ftyeais on the 8th day oj April next. - Swathel, Alles & Kyer are buying wheat in Southeru Illinois and bringiug it hero to stook their mili. " Bringing coals to Xewcastle " one would thi tik. - 130 Iba. of honey : that is the atnoiint the Manchester Enterjrise says William Bowers and Daniel Burch, of Sharon, got from a bee tree recently cut down by theni. - A. D. Kellogg, brother of L. B. Kellogg, ot this city, died at Mexico, Missouri, of consuuiption, on the lfith inst.. aged .".j years. He had been a resident there thirteen years. - Attentiou ia invitad to the " (Jreat Closing Out Sale" advertisement of the stock of 0. H. Milieu & Son. Mr. 3ott has added new and seasonable goods to the stock and means business. - Prof. Maynard, of Boston, is giving Art Exhibitions each evening this week, at Arraory Hall, for the benefit of Company A. Everybody should see the heantiful views he presents. - Manchester Enterprise : "L. D. Watkins and son Willis started for Nobraska on Monday night (Sept. 1G). Mr. W. shipped about '200 sheep via. L. S. & M. S. Ry., in charge of the Logan boys, ou the sanie day." - Jacob Tremper, of Scio, died on the lflth lust., aged 82. The Dexter Leader says : "He was one of the oldest pioueers, having lived on the same farm siuce about 1834." He was a ïiative ot the State of New York. -The thorough-bred horses of Wayne and Washtenaw counties are to fight out the speed (inestiou at the County Fair on Friday next. There will be some good time made. Let every horse-admirer be there to see. - The passenger train on the T. & A. A. R. H. on Monday afternoon brought fiity passengers, thirty of thein beiug students, The uew road is a short-cut íor studente coming from Uhio, Southeru Indiana, and the States south of them. - William Den bel, of this city, owuer of the milis at Ypsilanti, reports himself unable to procure wheat to run bis milis. Farmers won't sell at the ruling price (or are busy seeding), and besides tlie price is too high compared with the price of fiour. - Owiug to the severe storm on Wednesday, the Fiieraen's dance at Hangsteiier's Hall, lor the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers, was postpoued until thifi eveniug. All are corduilly invited to atteml. Dance to begin immediately after Piot. Mayuard's exhibition. - On Tuesday 36 in.ane paupers were removed from the County house to the insane asylum at Pontiac. Supts. Rexford and Wil. sey, and keeper Van Uipor accompanied the purty. A special car took them from this city to the entrance ot the asylutt giounds without change. - B. F. Watts has his riptht arm in a sling. Cause : while tying his btorse to a hitching post on Sunday afternoou last the animal jerked up his head, Ben stepped qack suddenly, caught his foot, feil, stiuck a stone, and fractured his shoulder blade. The accident happened at Saline. - The T. & A. A. K. R. Company aud Dan. Hiscock have eompromised their differences aboiit that right of way,- the railroad company paying Dan $1,000 and the coste of suits brought by him. Freight contracts made it necessary for the company to make speedv connection with the M. C. R. R. - On Monday Justice Granijer gave Frank Kay the privilege of lodging lö days in jail or contributing $10 to the city treasury. líe had put himself out-siile of too much poor liquor, drove too fast through the streets, and run over David Picket. The ñne was paid. Ticket proposes to bring snit tor darnages. - The Lingards are advertised tor tliree eveuings at the Opera House uext weekTuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and will bring out plays of special interest. The Lmgurds are the most popular artistes in their line and always give sati8facton. They come tilia this time under the management oí C. J. VVhitney, of Detroit. - About the most conspicuous man at the r'irst ward Democratie caucua on Weduesday eveuing was ueighbor Beal, of the Courier, and atter the caucas he chuckled hugely over they way his protege and partner, the "Colonel," had laid outaome imaginary "ring." " Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one." - C. D. Bliss, auctioneer, was coming out from the State Fair on a late train on Wednesday uight of last week. Falling asleep he " ran the station " and on beiug wakened by the conductor and Iearuing the situation he jumped from the moviug train, feil, and broke Ma collar none. He made his way up towu and to Dr. Maclean's office who set the fracture. Is reported doing well. - At au early hour on Saturday forenoon last Mrs. E. D. Austin, living on Fountaiu street, and son, were driving on Main street, when the horse got the lines under his tail and commeuced kicking and running. Mrs. Austiu was thrown out into the mud in front of Kberbach & Son's. The horse theu ran on to the gidewalk, but one wheel immediately struck a hitching post, and the shock detached the horae from the buggy, leaving the boy in hiB seat. From Bach's corner the horse went iliagonally across the street, ran on to the sidewalk on the east side, and slipped and feil down in iront of Fantle's. The buggy was sjmewhat damaged.


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