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The icc-eream 'rtopot of J. M. Horton, ' Foiirth avi-niir, New York, nu eun-ml l,v burglare on the otlicr morning, and the saYe in the place torn open and robbed of jewUa valniii 51 10 in cash. and iuiIc-h, bond, " ';■.. ri'prwnting $:jc)O,ü(X). i i']:iu(, tó a statement propared 11 ?&v York t'ustom House, for tlie lienofit ■uitt.cnf Ways nul Mi'ans of ('onrnment wat. cheated out of 12,500,000 on importad rogara last year A Maratoga (X. Y.) savings bank has ahni ui) shop. witli habilities amoiintiug t il.V!,(IÜl), and , $:!.000 cash in the treamiry. TUK WEST. A telegram from Dodge City, Kan., tiftuen eattloinen and Company lof the l'n'm-tli ('avalry fonglit a hand of Indianw, thiityye miles aonth of Port Dodge. Ouo or hvu lii - iliann weto killed, and ono noldior voanded The military foll hack, and the Tndianu wmit on norUnrest. The dispatcli :uU that the Indian liave killed several herder and stolen a grest many horHe within the few diijs. Gen. Howard lms oollected all the banda of surrendered Indian at Camp Ho Drnnott, in Oregon. The wholo of them, nliout 1,000 in nnmber, are held ae prisoneis, robjeet to orders fron the anthontios at Washington We have newa of a tight with tlie HamiockH in the northw extern roniev 5 Wyoniinp, near the Montana and Idaho line. Lient. lii-iliop, with part of ('apt. Jack Haws' oompany of the Fifth Cavahy, with a nnmbSr of Arrapahoe and Shoshons aconte onder, Chief Black Coal, surprised a party of hostile liannoeks and captored, killed and diapereed the band. Joseph Jeffersox, the grentost of the world's eomedians, continue his tuiequaled impei-Honation of "Kip Van Winkle," to tlie doligljt. and admiration of crowded audieutes, at MVlcK0r s Theater, rineago. This ia beyond question the grandest piecc of character aoting prodneed on the modern Mtago, and it in weu worth a journey to the Qarden ('itv to witnessitrx TCTXJT TiíB ïnilitory authoritics are unableto litain ju.-i'hi information as to the whercabouU n tlie ímiin IxkIv of the Cheyenne -niio lately left the roüervation in the Indian Territorvj hm the general expeotfttion seema to ba that fhey will attempt to cross tlie Union Paeiiic nulrua.l ithiu a few miles of Sidnev, Xeb. ( 'on-uqnently a cooaidezable forco of "United Staten tioopa ir.s b-en eollei-ted at Sidney, and ia held in readHesi for na instant movemént on the Tnion l'acitie railroad. One body of about :i60 Ehdiane was euconntered last Veek liy a forcé of troops and citizena, at a ppint aquthof the Kansas Paeüic raihvay. The ludiaus were limlly thraahed, luit wu in'-e n,,t informod of tho eiteñt oï their lossea Tinee little ehildren- JosepU Toney, Charl(!a Steps and I'olly ürooks -niet with a frightful deatli in West Kansas ïty. Mo. the other day. Th ■; werc playing ui au icavation, when the bank Caved and thev weie ehiothereA Thev had been dead severa! hours wheu discovei'ed. THE SOUTH. Ax attempt was m:ule at Tracy City, Tena, last weok, to assaatsuiate Vnitod Htatea JVpnty J. M. Davis, who has been the leader of all the revenuc raids in Middlo l'ci-icsMC duiring tli pust six years. Ho had been attendiag oom-t in ads#èr to a charge of haviaa killod Josopli Harnea near thai pbint last May whilo on a rakï, and as walking to dinner, when sonie uukuown party finad at Sim Irnin eowr, the Ut!! passing itit'o the thigh of ■i;unoh Hpeajs, anotlier rcvenue man at Davis' ide, fatally womiding hiin. Dispatchks of the 19th from the llag;ic-infected cities of tfie South indícate that the fever had rcaoluid it hoight, Thü deaths in New Orleans for the preceding twenty-four Jiours uumbered ( and the ) ie w cases about 100. At Sforaphia 91 deaths rcported, but thorc was a niarkod deercase m the number of new casos. In Vieksburg there is a deeidod falling ofl iu the mortality lol! as well as in the ■uuuber ni ïicw easea, toe tonner figuring nt 12, tin; lattcr about ."Ml. Beveral stores had tiocn opcni'l, and the city was gradnally asnm dg :i more business-like appearance. ' Reporta I f rom the inferior feybrrJnfected towns were uito encouraging, nearïj; all of theni reporting si.'iia of an abateiuent of the diacage. Amono the victinis of the yellow fewr M Bftton Rouge, La,, ia ex-Gov. Bam Bard, editor of the ïftralil-mia long known as an active polirician in Lhe iouth. AnvicKs from the plugue-infected itics of Uie Miüsiasippi valley to 8pt 1 show a inarkcd abatemedt of the diseasc, both as to the number of naw oaqea and the mortality list.s. wcather was gnnving folder, there" were hopea of an early frost, and the 8ore)y-strick n '.:■ were beginning to hold up rlicir heada ■iX'ii. At New Orleans, Memplns, Vkiksburg aai othcr polnfs the mortulity roll afiöwod a doi-iilfd dodine. At Grenada, iiis., fever bad run ita öonrse, the miling doctors hadflJl left, aud business was betug renunicd. Sinci: the begiuning of the yellowlcur epidemie in Memphis, sixtcen of the phvmeians omployed by the Howanl Association there have died of the discase. Ncarly all of theni wti e voluutoere froni other places- seve i;tl beüiR from Cincinnati and other northern cStieb 'I'herk were (4 deaths and 156 new oases of yellow fever in Memphin on Sept. -Li; m.iny jjroTrtfnent ñames fignred in the drath n)ll. At Xt-w Orleana there were 44 deaths and :4 iicw casée. At Viokabnrg thera were T dtaths; Holly Spring. ." dcatlm and 15 new aseVi: BrownsviUc, 5 deaths and 10 neiv caBeH: Hickman, t! deaths: Baton Rongc, :( deaths nnd 89 Bew caes; Cantón, 1 death and 2S nt-,v cano. Is Ñew OrleauK, up to the 24th of fnber, there had boen 7,Ófci caseaof yellow feviei ceported and :i,514 deaths. Greüada; Miss., ivitli a inipulationof only aboat 1,500 at the start, has lost L0 white' persons and 7(1 black by pestileucc WASHINGTON'. Efkokts aire being made by Western manufacturera to induce the Internal Kevenue IJureau to abandon the use of the new Btampod wrapner for tobáceo packages, whioh, they ! teucl, imposes needlcsaly bnnlenaome expense iiln them. ïhey are compelled to send their paper to New York tiy ffie 6&r load, get it stampcd there, and takê tlie risk of ita naf return, with the added cost of the stampa attached. The Commisaionerof Internal Kcvemie iö aaid to willing to abandon the present hvsi'-m, if the mannfactrurera unite in deniandltig it, afU-r a fair trial. A Washington diijpateh aunOunoes tliat tlic deparhnent chief liave issued orders 'Irat riKlit hoorn consütuie a day's work, to Imliaid fur the sanie as now for ten hoUrS. Hen nieetku) t. work ten bours ada will be paid ■xtra thcrefoi-, GKNEKAL. The Canadian Ptirliamentary electioiiH eame off last week. A Xoronto dispatch saysthe reault "is the complete defeat of the ovennnent, aud is as great a surprise to the Conservatives aa it is mqruTying to the MiniateliKlists. Messrs. Cartwright, Jone, and Coffiu, ('abinet Miniatera. have been defeatcd. wliileHir John A. Mardonakl, wbo will probably ealled apon to form a new Government, bas been k fesléd for Kingston, whiph wmsütueney he haa representa! for the past thirty yeara " He will have no difficulty, however, in" obtoiniDg uu other seat. " Pkesidknt Hayss KÜaied the Ohio State Fair, at Toleilo, Sept. 1!), and addreased au audieuee estiniated at 70,000. The speech waf coulined entirely to business and linancial topics Col. William 11 Boone, President of the Wount Vernon Cotton Mills, of Baltimore, was róbbed the other day of 8:i7,S50 in bond and S:7,000 in cash. Noclew to tbo perpetratjr8 of the robbeiy. ïhk case of Henry A. Parr, second in command of the rebel party whioh capturcd tint steamer Chesapeake in Long Island sound in Deoember, ifTO, and murdered tin eagineer, bas jiint been disposed of by tho United States Commissioner at Boston. 'The Comniissioncr : found that thu capture was made in behali of tho 80-CalJed ConXederato stato, and was an act of war, and camu witliin the provisious of tbo proi'laniation of amncsty and pardon Issuêd by President Andrew Johnson in lW. and di cnarged the defendant. J'OUTICAI,. Tuk Democratie State Convention of MaBsai-hnseiH was called to meet at Worceater on th; 17th of September, aud, by the evenlngof fhe 16th, the town was fliled with drlrgati-s and lookers-on. llic State Central ' 'oiiiinittcc deeided to isBiie tickets of %dmisoii to the convcLitioii, aml ixclude all from tbs hall who did not hold these pastelnwrds. l'liis Inccnsed the Butler men, who lookod iijwin it as a trick to defeat thcir favorito, and, befoi-e il.ivlight of the moruiüg of the ITtli, iho frieuda of the Esse.x statesman took osseeaiuu of th: hall. The unti-Iiutl.i it.v, liuding themselves thus checkmated, appealod ti the city authoriticH for help. The Mayor, 'mwevrr, (lii-lincd to use toree to olear the hall. The State Coramittee Unen held a councU óf war. anl dedded that the only reoonrse lefi thein fraa to declare the time of holding thé ebriventfoh changéd. Iu pursuanoe of this plan, Edward Avery, Chairman of the committee, went to the hall and made tbrec or foiir áttémpts to aimonucc that the eonvention was postponed to Wedneaday, Sopt. !i", and would be hold iu Fancuil Hall, Boston, He denounoed tho proceediugH of tlus Butlerites as revolutionary and irregular. Ho toon retirad from thc hall amid a seene of uproar rarely witneased in a political lodj'. den. IJ. P. Bntler was tlicn nomin&ted by acclamatíon for Governor oí the Commouweaíth oí Haasaohnsetls. The Massnclnisotts Repnblican ConyentloD at Woroeater, last week, nomlnated ex Gov. Tilomas Talbot for Govaroor, put Speaker Long up for Ijcutenniit Goreruor, and jinmiuated ill fliö remainilei' of the present State ofiieers, with the exccption of Attorney Uíneral Train, who, afterloug Herviré, retiren' in favor of Hon. (teorge Mamón, of New Bedford. The Nevada Bepnblioan Convention met at Eureka last week and nominated Jcihn H. Kinkaid for Governor and 1. M. Daggett for CóiigroHs. . . .Thc Montana Demócrata have nominated MartiD Maginnis for re-election to Congrega The Nationale of Lonlslana, in H08HÍ011 at .New Orloarm, nominatod Gen. Beau regard for State Troamirer. Ue deelining, Dr. J. S. (iardnër, of Baton Roiiee, was sulistitutcd. l'OHKKiN. Tuk Fenian prisoners, Condón and Molody, .were discharged from Portland prison, in Ungl&nd, tlio otlier day, and immediately Maiii'd Smenca. Thk calilo reporta tliat the Anstrians havo eaphirod Reveral important positiims from the Bosuian nenrgents, after the most ; stubborn resiHtanee. . . .Bismarek is coníined to : liiK apartments wiili a bail case of nettle-rash. A ViKXN.v dispatch reporta tbat tho (ihristiaiiH have risen in Tiu-kih ('roatia A dispatch from Berlín naya it is reported that thc relafioiiK lx'tween ('onnt Andrawsy and i Prince Bitsmarek are leas intímate in ! qnence of the bnngling in Bosnia A special congregation of Cardinala at Rome has decided that thc Pope snoula not leave the Vatiean 1111Icsh ondel special overniling eircumstanees. Austria Lufornis the world, throiigh the oecn oaMe, that shc has succeixled in effeeting the complete pacifleation of Herzegovina. A bepo&t comes from Con.stantinople to the effoet that tlKcnviiv from Afghanistan, now in that city, i cnclcaviiring to persuade the Sultan to abandon his English alliance and enter iuto oiui wiüi Iiusaia . V Havana iii])atcli Btga j that hórses, mulea, eows, and oxen, and all a'gricnltural macliiin'iv ;nid implemeuts may be imported duty fifee for one yoar into the ■ ineex of Pncrto Principe and Santiago de Cuba. ; . . . .Fevers are véry prevalent in the island of ( 'yprus, and about one-sixth of the British ariny of occupation are on the sick list Cable dispatches report the entirc ! Aiwtrian army eugaged iu a forward nwvement in BoHtiia. Several important Bosnian positions had letm captuivd. üioagh not without etubborn resistauce and seiiona losses of men. The island of Hayti was lately devastated I by a furioUH hurrieane. Plantatioñs were laid waste, houses demolished, sliips and lighters wrecked, und a groat niany peoplü killed and ; drownodl ït was one of the most destructivo ! viöitation of the kind oxperieuced in thc trópica for ïuany seasons.


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