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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DB. TATLOK, ATTOItNEÏ AT LAW, . Ohelsea, Mich. DONAU) MACLKAN, M. I., Physician and Hurgeon. Office and residcnce, 71 ITuron street, Ana Arbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 a. ni. and froin to 3 p. ni. MRS. SOPHIA VOLLAND, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann fctroet. Will atteud to all professional calis prompty, day and nigbw-jr f-f- m r - (TT A CX WH. JACRSON, Dentiet. Office corner of Main and Washington streett, over Bach & Abel's Htore, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics adininIstered if reqnired. MACK & SCHMII, dealers in Dry Goode, Groceries, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main Street. BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry (Joods, Groceries, etc., No. 26 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. "V7"M. WAGN1SR, draier in Kcady-Made Clothf V ing, Cüoths, CiBRimeres, Vcstings, Trunks, CMpet ISass, etc., 21 South Main street. CSCIIAEBKRLE, Teacher of the Piano-forte. Pupils attain the deeired skill in piano-playing by a nystcmatic coursc of instrnction. For terras, apply at residence, No. 12 W. Liberty Street, Anu Arbor. Prompt attention paid to piano-tuning. KATIi: J. BOGERS, Portrait Painter. Portrnits painted to order either from lif e or photographs. Instructions given in Prawing and Painting by the systeni used in Academies of Design. Studio, No. 7, cor. División and Ann streets. J. D. HARTLEY M. D., AND MUS. SOPHIA HARTLEY, M. D„ GERMÁN AND ENOLISH PHYSICIANS AND SURCEONS. Oilier and reaidence, No. 18 Thompson, corner of Thompson and WiJham etreet?, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mrs. Dr. Hartley will limit her practico to the treatment of diseases peculiar to Ladies and Children. FRUEAUFF & CORBIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. E. K. FRÜEAUFF, Justice of the Peace. All business promptly attended to. Office No. 8 Kast Washington street, Kinsey & Seabolt's block. NOAH W. CHEEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office east sido of Court House Square, Ann Arbor, Mich. , JOHN L. BURLEIGHÍ ' Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 24 Bank Block, secoud Moor, ANN AHBOR, - - MICHIGAN. HENRY R. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dealer ia Real Estáte, and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Block, ANN ARBOB. ÍÜYERYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IE THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbot Fourth Streel, Eastof Court Houw; letfloor. J. Ji. NIOiiELS, FRES1I & SALT MEATS, Hainit, Sauna tí -s, l,;t rl, etc, 8TACK KTIUiKT, OPPOStTE NOHIHWEST COKSKa OF CNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders promptly fllled. Farmers haring moats to sell should give him a cali. 15fi8-yl THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK A.nn A.rljoi% ]VXichigHix, Capital paid in S 50,000.00 Cdpital securit-y 100,000,00 Traiiaarts a general Banking JinninesB ; buys and pellR KirchaTiRp on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; nells Siííht Drafts on all tho principal ciües of Europo ; aleo, ellH I'a6Bage Tickets to Liverpool, Jjonrton and Glasgow1 tho Anchor Ijine of StcamRhips, whose rates are ïower than most oiher firetclapB linea. " ïüis ííajik, alrcady haviug a iarge business, init merehants and others to open accounts with them, witta the aBSiirauue of the most liberal dealing cnnitent with fafo banking. In the SavingR Department inlerefit ír paid at the rateof fivepcr cent. per annuui, payalile Bemi-anjiualljj on tho flrst dys of January and July,on all HiunB that have reinained on depoBit three months previouö to taoee days, thus affording tho people of this city and county a perfectly safe depository for their f unds, together with a fair return in ínter for the same. Money to JLoan on Approved Secaritles DikÈctobs- Chrisfiau Mack, W. W. Wines, W. D Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, lï. A. Beal, Wm. Deubel, and Willard B. Smith. OFFICERS : CHÏU8TIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vice President CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. A CAKS. The undereigned respectfully infornis his friends, and the public of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that he has jmrehased the stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Die Stuff, &c, Formerly owned by the late George Grenville, and that he will continue the drug business, in all its branches, at the old stand, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STRKET. By giving strict attention to business, and selling goods at reaeonable prices, he hoyes to merit a share of Ihe public patronage. VB' Particular attontion will be pald to the compounding and filHng of Physicians' Prescriptions by competent assistants. EMANÜEL MANN. Ann Arbor, March 25, 1878. EBERBACH & SON, Driests ei Pöarmaclsts, 12 South Main St., on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS I ART1STS' & WAÏ FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Articles, Trutges, Ktc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnlfhing of Phy sician, Chemists, Schools, etc., with Philosophica md Chemical ApparatiiH, Bohemian Chemie Glaseware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. PhysicimB' prescriptiona carefully prepared a all hours 1646


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Michigan Argus