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The County Ticket

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The proceedings of the Democratie Convention held last Saturday will be füund in another column, and the names of the candidatos nouainated tind a place in the appropriate column. Briefly of the ticket we may say tliis week: The Senatorial candidato is the present incumbent. Mr. Case, the nominee for Sheriff, is iilso the present Sheriff, and it is only the trutli to say that he has made in every respect a first-class oflicor. Ho has always been prompt in the discharge of his duties and always gentlemanly and courteous. Hedeserves a re-election. The nomination of Peter Tuite, (Jlerk, for a third term, is oertainly a compliment to a nunibcr one officer. That he has had two terms was the only objection made against him, and havingbeen fairly nominated in the face of that objection, his speoial training in the office ought to secure hiin a hearty - the same hearty support that his friends would have given his opponent in convention, Mr. Hawkins, had he been successful. There was really no opposition to the re-nomination of Mr. Manly for Register of Deeds. His record in that office has been such as to silence fault-fiuding, and of course he will be elected by o, large majority. No candidate was enterod against Mr. Gensley, the present Treasurer, and he was nominateel by acclauiation. Mr. Gensley during the present term has kept the books of the office correctly and the tuoneys have been forthnoming when want id. and tbat is the best recommendation a treasurer needs. Mr. Whitman, the nominee for Prosecuting Attorney, is a good lawyer, active, earnest, and energetic, and will make, in case of an election, a good prosecuting officer. We have no doubt the voters will hear from him during the campaign. For Circuit Court Commissioners the convention nomiuated Patrick McKernan, well known in thiscity, and vicinity, and Howard Stephenson, of Ypsilanti, who is indorsed as a young man every way fit for the place. The nomiuation for Surveyor couldn't have been better. Maj. Clarke is just the inau for the place, and Martin Clark and Frank Joslin for Coroners are good selections. Such is the ticket the Democrats are called upon to elect. The Democratie Bepresentative Convention held in this city on Tuesduy, nominated Frederick Schmid, Jr , of the firm of Mack & Schmid, of this city. Mr Schmid is a first-class business man, wide-awake and f uil of energy, and will 1 make an intelligent member of the House, - if elected. And Fred can come 1 as near being elected as any Democrat i in the district : that is if he gives it to be understood that he " means business." - M I -t--t - mm - - Blaine of Maine will unburden himself in Detroit on the 14th inst. Will teil what he knows about the Maine election and the ways of the Administration. RANDOM NOTKS. - The New York Times has a lively appreciation of the labors of G. Le Duo, Uommissioner of Patetits, in his laudable and energetic attempts to scatter the tea plant through and procure its productiva in this country. Haviug sent out 1,492,841 planta the General has received returns from 11 plants, and asserts that he has drank tea made from plants grown in the U. S. Which causes the Timei to remark : "There was once a man who made diamond dust from charcoal. But the ■ business never paid expenses. - The Ann Arbor Post and Tribune corre, spondent, writing of last Saturday's Democratie Convention and the ticket placed in noraination, says: " But one temperauce man was nominated - Charles E. Whitman, of Ypsilanti- who alone will receive the Bed Ribbon ■ vote of the party." Is this " by authority," i and an indication that the Bed Eibbon Clubs i of the county propose to vote for tetnperance men when pitted against candidates not of their order or not temperance men '' That is aa interesting question just now. I - "Ought clergymen to wear mustaches ?" ■ is the question which the New York Sim says "is now agitating the Church papers ot England," and after a column of philosophical, esthetical, and historical treatment, the Sun ' answers, "Yes, if they wish to do it, as they will if they are men of sense and taste." If i the Sun writer is a standard authority in all ■ questious involving "sense and taste" the Euglish church papers will only have to udopt f hts decisión and close the important discussion. - At a meeting oi the State Building Commissiouers held Sept. 26, the uew Capítol was accapted, and now belougs to the State instead " of the contractore. On final settlemeat a ' warrant vaa orderad drawn to N Osborn A i Co. for $136,304.70. The total amount paid ; and audited tip to that date, on account of , building, furniture, and grouuds was 11,421,859.35. - At the close of the fiscal year ending Sep' tember 30, 1877, the balance in the State Trea' ury was $609,771,23 ; the receipts for the year endiug Sept. 30, 1878, $2,360,914.14 ; disburse: mects for the year, $2,570,345 32 ; leaving ball anee on hand Sept. 30, 1878, $400,340.45. The . bonded debt of tbe State has been reduced $432,000 during the year. - It is well lor busiuesB men of all classes and citizens generally to know that every person or Corporation, bank, banker, merchtint, or other business man, is Hable under an act of Congress to a tax of 10 per cent. on every dollar of Canada money paid out. This is why banks and business men canuot handle Canada money at par. i - The receipts of the recent State Fair are ■ given : From Detroit subscription, $10,000 : membership certificates, $1,457 ; rent of ground t for booths, $#,355.50; admission tickets, $33, 861 : miscellaneous, $50. Total, $48,423.50. An excess of from $10,000 to $12,000 over any , previous State Fair. - This is how the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser records Prof. Watson's last exploit : "Prof. Watson and Ann Arbor, his wife, are i happy. It is a boy planet weighing eleven ' pounds." ' - ■ - in' ' - A man named Edward Wood, of , Hudson, Charlevoix county, after un. mercifully beating his wife twico, was waitert upon by 16 vamen and several ■ men, lifted gently out of bed, snugly f fitted with a superb suit of tar and feathers, and escorted some distance from home on a rail. He took the hint l and went to Gaylord, Otsego county, whither his forgiving wife followed him. - Thomas Daly, a young man of 25, ' at Carson City, Montcalin county, went ' to a dance a few nights aince, got beastly drunk, and lay out doors all night. ' The re8ult was illness, frora which he ' died three days after. His parents live at Lima, N. Y.


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