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- The Regents are tb meet on the lOth iuet. - The sophomores aud freshmen played their fírst ame of foot-ball last Saturday afternoun. The sophs wou by a score of four to one. - A gymnasium 's what the boys want, and the olh'cers of the Lectur Association aud Chronicïe editora propose to recommend the appropriatiou of surplus receipts to that I ject. - Judge Cooley gave the opening lecture in the Law Departmeut on Tuesday ; Dr. Duuster in the Department of Medicine aud Surgery ; and Dean Frauklin in the Homeopathie Medical College. - Ex-assistant Prof. Henneqnin proposes to try private classes in Freuch and Oerman iu Detroit. - The Cfniversity Hospital has been put in thorough order duriug vacation. and already has a number of patieut3. Sixty patieuts eau be accominodated. Dr. E. C. Franklm, the new Dean of the. Homeopathie Medical College, stopped over in Detroit while en route to this city, aud was given a reception aud supper on Friday evening last by the medical men of his schoo there resident. He responded to " Our Guesr,' and Dr. Grilchrist, late professor, spoke foi " The Uuiversifcy." - Henry C. Post, of '79, has gone to Berlin Prussia, to pursue the study of iuu.sic. - Up to yesterdayuoon 222 applicants for admission to the Literary Department had registered their names with the President. In the other departments the number of admissions were, as compared with the close of (Jet. 3, 1877, as folio ws : 1878. 1877 In Law Department, - - 319 300 " Dept. oí Medicine and Surgery, 28ü 251 " Homeopathie Med, College, - o 6i3 " School of Pharmacy, - 55 " College of Dental Surgery, - 51 36


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