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Democratic County Convention

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The Democratie County Convention was held, pursuaut to cali, at the üpera House m this city, on Saturday, Sept. 28, at 11 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of nominating a candidato for Senator anti candidatos for County office rs. The convention was called to order by Peter Tuite, Esq., chairman of the County Committee, aud after the readiug of the offioial cali a temporary organization was made by calling Johu Starkweather.-of Ypsilanti, to the chair and electing Frank Joslin secretory. Alter appointing a Committee on Credentials, Permanent Organization, and Order of Business the Conventiou adjourued to 1 1-2 o'clock p. m. AFTEBNOON SESSION. At the hour to which the convention stood adjourued Chairman Starkweather resumed his seat and called for the report oi the Committee on Credentials, etc. Mr. Hewett, of Manchester, made a report in behalf of the committee, showing every town and ward fully represented. Also as permanent officeis, President, Hon. Charles S. U-regory, of Scio. Secretary, Frank Joslin, of Ypsilanti. And as Order of Business, lst, the nomination of a candidato for Senator, and of caudidates for county officers in the order named in the statute. The report was accepted aud adopted. Mr. Uregory, on takiug the chair, thanked the conventiou for the honor conferred upon him, Baid that work and not speech making was in order, but begged to introduce to the conveution Hon. Ira B. Card, the Democratie candidate for Congress in this district. Mr. Card was greeted with great applause as he went to the platform. He said that having Bpoken the preceding eveniug he was uot in condition to address the couvention, even did time permit. He declared his adherenoe to time-houored Democratie principies, condemning in no qualified terms the frauds upon the 3lectors in 1876 culminating in a stolen presilency, pledged himself to represent the interssts of his coustituent8 in case of election, and ouuseled harmonious action on the part of convention. Mesara. Hall, of Saline, and' Whitaker, of Lima, were appoiuted tellers aud the couvention prooeeded to business. Aa informal ballot for Senator being ordered ■ Mr. Whitaker, of Lima,, presentad tli name of Col. Burleigh, and C. S. Tuomy, ot Scio, placed Hon. Charles S. Grogory in numination. The ballot resuited. For John L. Burleigh, - - 09 " Charles S. üregory, 37 A motiou beiug made to declare Mr. Burleigh unauimously nominated, Mr. McDougali, of Bridgewater, protested against such a violation of precedent, and demanded a formal ballot, which was ordered. Mr. McDougali theu made an earnest and pointed speech against Mr. Burleigh's nomination, after which the formal ballot was taken with the lollowing result : For John L Burleigh, - - - 62 " Charles S. Gregory, - - ,50 And on motion the uomination of Col. Burleigh was made unanimous. The convention next proceeded to an informal ballot for a candidate for Sheriff. Geo. W. Huil, of Saline, nomiuated Myrou Webb, of Saline, and A. E. Hewett, of Maucliester. placad the present Sheriff, Josiah S. Case iii nomsnation. The ballot resiilted : For Josiah S. Case, - mo " Myron Webb, . . n " blank, ... i The name of Mr. Webb was withdrawn aud the noniiuatiou of Mr. Case was made unaniLUOUS. The nomiuation of Clerk being in order, John Starkweather, of Ypsilanti, preseuted the name ot Fred. W. Hawkins, of Ypsilanti, as possesaed of flrBt-oIass qualifications, and a life-long Democrat of Democratie parentage. Mr. Gregory called the Seoretary to the chair, and under instructions from the Scio Domocracy preseuted the name of Peter Tuite, who had been tried and proved, and was known to be a capable and efficiënt officer as well as a true Democrat. Two ballots were taken whicb resultad : lst. 2d. For Peter Tuite, - - - 60 59 " Fred. W. Hawkins, - 51 50 " Blank, .... i On motion, Peter Tuite was declared unanimously nominated. A ballot for a candidate for Register of Deeds was next ordered and resulted : For Charles H. Manly, - - - 96 " Augustus Widenmaun, - 3 " B. Spencer, .... 2 " Scatteriug, ... 4 Mr. Manly was declared unanimously nated. The nomination of a candidato for Treasurer being in order, J. J. Robison, saying that he knew oí but one candidate, moved that Matthew Gensley be nominated by acolamation, whioh motion prevailed. For Prosecuting Attorney, Charles R. Whitman, of Ypsilanti, and A. E. Hewett, of Manchester, were named, and the result of the first ballot was : For Charles R. Whitman, 86 " A. E. Hewett, - 12 " Scattering, - ... 2 Mr. Hewett moved that Mr. Whitman be deelared unanimously nominated, whicli motion prevailed. For the offices of Circuit Court Commissionen the eutries were D. Cramer, Patrick McKeriian, and Fred. Pistorlus, of Ann Arbor ; Howard Stephensou, of Ypsilauti üeorge W. Turn Buil, of Ghelsea ; and Frank E. Jones, of Suline. Messrs. Stephensou and McKernan were nominated. Maj. George T. Clark, of this city, was nominated for Couuty Surveyor, and Martin Clark, of this city, and Frank Joslin, ot Ypsilanti, for Corouers, which completed the labors of the convention


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