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Cashier Calder, oí tlio Groeers' and Producers' Bank of Providence, R, I., kindly pormitted somo of liis friends to oycrdravf funds, uutil one-third of the institufion's capital ■waK lost, Rosult- doors of the back clusod, .-.ld Cashier Ualdi-r ia jail. ,T. Tri.uca aiul Anthony I)egrieff, New York Importéis, have been arreeted on warrants charging tlicm with oonspiring to deetroy documentan evidente of fraude perpetrated against the GoJrernment Qther arresta aro to follow, and it ia xiid mat before the end ín roacheil manv prominent men, nmlring as high ae Senators and Congreeamen andaslow u-i (topartuiunt attaches at Washington, will bc serioubly compiomi TIIE WEST. Tuk puüoeof Ala-on, Qhioj HtteinptwJ to arrest a tramp on the butsicirte of the city. They were met by about Üiirty welarmed tramps, who drove thrm Iack tito the city at the point of revolvers. military Vas oftlled out tn assist tho poliert. Tbey arreeted alxnit eighteen of the trampa SeTSral ühota wore fired, but without any known effect, The taai! o! tlu ravage Cheyennes, moving norlhtrard from the Kansas PaciBc to tliu Vnion Paeilin raflroid, is marked with Wood. A dispateh from the West report tliat twenty-flve de&á lMidinn had boon brOQBkt into KufTalo station, and thirty-three touufl in au adjaeent región. It is lxjlievcd tliat thcir destinatiou is Red Cloud AgenCy; Wbèrt they hopo to surprise and Cftpture iho'rai'risou. Another Ghacagorjoliceman has been murdored- shot dOWn bj i thief in a crowded 8trei-t at mi eurly honr in the evening, the deed vitiKs8ed by a dozen poople, and vet the aüüasein mae good his psoajje Quita a aensapou hs lxwn created in ChicagoDy the arrest and holding to bail in tho ram of Sriö.lKK) of Honry Oreenobaum, the late President of the dofunct Germán National and Germán Batinga lianlïH, on a charge of evnl),zzlii, the sum of &r,()0li from the Jatter institution. . . . Roports have reaehed military headquartere in Kt Paul that botli tho SpotU-d Tait and Red ' Cloud Sioux havo left tlmir ressr-VattoBB u i kota and are moving west direct!; toWftrd the Black HüIh. The supponition s tiwt Uieyare about to join the fuglÜTB Gheyftnnes in a de sceut upou the lliüs. Mxioh Bolicitude is ff!t for the gafetv of tho eities there. whieh aro pro(eoted by only fonr eompanies of soldiors at the iiow post A SPKCtAL correspondent of the Chicago Times telographs from Hayo City, Kan., partieularti of tlie to!rilli ntaHstdre by Chcyenne Indiana in DöcaUlt cOunly, Kansas : " The depredations tn tböüd to. have been WDrse and more siokoning ilian at first reported. Tho following aro the namea of a part of the killed rayisliod nd wounded: Mr. Hnmphrey of Illiuoi, and two sons, killed, while niUber son wül die from wounds. Sfr. Long and tluee Sons wcre killed, whilo tho most shamef ui eiimes wero committod upon the persone of ÏCr. Ijnt; and her threo daughtors, nffïr which tho throo ladies wero plseed in one eonnr of tlio room aud straw pücd upon the dead bodies ofthefathcr and broSWs and in front of the Udica and net fire to. In this smoke mul áftrkiiess the ladies made their escapo, running eight niles Without a sttteliof ílótning onthein. Mr. Feit, Mr. Hwbon m Mr. Smith were killed. Eight shots wro fired iuto the latter's body. Mr. Abornathy, Mr. Liül, Mr. Evane, Mr. Wcetfall and two sous wer killed. Jtrs. Weetfall is dangerouely woundod, bnt "iil recover. Mr. Kelley was killed. Mr. ÏOUng died of wpundfi, l'ied Walters of NotvYork, and Mr. Wnght, of Illinois, are natsstng; supposed to be killed. Two .youufi Udiee were stnpped of their olotUng an-.l ravished in the ■most brutal nianncr l).y thirteen of the red devils. Tle ladios' name is Evans, Ulo of Elinois. Thcy vill recover. Mr. Kiefer was Xvoundwi, lr.t will recover. Tho dead bodies of ght ehildren were founü on the prairie byscouta Dr. Oochcnauor was sent for to go to Beaver creek, twenty miles north; hut before starting a courier Alrived and reported tliuteeu dead in that región, but Hot a irotmded man. Ersry Victiin's bead was mashed with a tomahawk or an ax. Settlei-s, with their familie?, have been rallying into town from thcir claims to-dav. ElliSJ fpnrtecn miles west, is full of women and ehildren. " A dispatch of the Sth inst. from Omaha says: " l'lio i h-.y. unes have scattered, but Thornbutg is till pursning on the largest trail, and pronoSee to follow them to the end. Hopas are enfertained that the Cheyemios will be tnteroepted by Col. Carlèton. who fcft Camp Bobinson with 340 mi;n.'.-. , Instructivo prairie tiix-s liave been Mgióg m 1hat ection of Dakota Tenitory loing between Jim river and the Missouri tiwr. Tho destruction of property is largo. TME SOUTH. Lewís E. Mkacuam, sporting editor of t) Chicago Tribune for severa! yoara pact, is dead. He was a recoguixc-d authonty 'm Daac-hall ana other sporUng matwrn, . . .A Topeka (Kansas) diipatch states Miiit a band cl' nin&wf Inditas crosaedöw Kansas Pacific trac xtr miles cast of Hayx-s i'iiy, and.when eightor ten miles nortb of tlie station, carne upon a lot f cattle moii, vhen a hand-to-hand figlit enKued, BMluttng in a loss of oghteen citizens killeU iiul rive wounded. The troops had a figfat with the ftuüarrt at 4 o'eloek the mllowtog laornmg. Lieut Bruderick, Twcnty -third inïaDtry, wás woimded, nd Corp. Stewari Df Conipany I, Twenty-third infanti. cmil flve soldicrs killed. Advices fi-om tho iiifccted poiuts of tfec 8onth, on Oct, 4, give the following report: gfew Orli ans, M dcaths aud Hl oewQMes; 31cto]ii, SS deatha and 188 new cso: Viokabarg, 8 deatfe; Itollv terli dt!UllH BOd 26 !!C H r;t ,':; 1 f li U;I 11 . K.V.'. 2 draths; üiMwnsville.Tcnn., :.' de&ths and lö'new caes;Chattanooga, Tena., 4 cleatha and lOnew caRea; Grceinillo. BílíB., reporta "1.350 people hcrev.licnthe lover broke out, !2(i0 dcaths to dato (Oct 4), 600bonvale8cont8,andl20down;"Baton Bonge, Ijl, n deatlis aud a largo number of néw cases; Biloxi, Sfw., 0 ncw cases, no ! de3Üs; Osyka, Miss.. 3 üeaths and 7 ncw oases; Thibodeaux, Ia., 10 new cases, no deaths: Jackson, Miss., fuver judt broko nut and ráptdlv sproading, great panic; ]!ny St. Iuh. Miss., ;i deaths and 18 uew cases ;' Tungipahoa, La. , 2 deaths and (i new cases. At nearly all thr-si; points tho weáther ivas reported warm, -vvith no near prospect of frost, the only Bnamy that Yellow Jack foara. Dispatchks froin Memphis of Oct. 8 report the fMÏ in that city. lmt tho most gloQrry accounts were ent up froin the rural diatricte, where tho plague scomed to OíKereeeived a froeh impotun. In MsmpbJs, for the preoedlng twanfy-four honre, Hiere wem ai deaths and H7 n6Tf In New Orleans thero wcro 41 deaths and 115 new cases, and the dis. ase gpreading. At Gr nville. Sfias., the fevorwason the declino, for want of material: total deaths, un to that date, aiS; out of 848 whitea who had the UiBosao, IS! died; of the negroi 8, 83 died out oii 507 attacked. Hollv Springa reported -.' deaths nd 8 cases. Vlcksbnrg reported 4 deaths in the city; tho fever was spreadlng at an alarming rato in the snrronndlng country. Chattanooga, 4 deaths. 1S now c,i Advicks from Naslnillo, Tcim.. report that Doputy United Statea Bevenue Collector PliilUpH has returned írom a raid ín Overton, Jaekson, Fentress m,l ftitnám oountios. Severa] illicit distílleries vrerè deRtroyed, ranking in value froin $100 to fSOO. Near Livingston the rorenuo ofticur enrountered an armed force of the enemy, and a hattle ensued, in which four distillers are reported to havo been killed aud seyeral wmmded. GENERAL. Fires : An entire business block at Easton, Md., losa $100,000; tho ferry-boat Union, at Fishkill, N. Y., losa $120,000; eix Imsinesa bloeks iu Palestino, Tc-x.,losa $115,000; a hotel and several unall buildings at St. Joseph, Mo., loss 20,000. Cyrili.e Dion, the celebrated billiiiril player, is dead. United States Marshals Potet and Matthews have just arrestad, in Wayne county, % Va,, Honry U Maitland, P. 13. Malüand, Henry MeXally nnd Miles Elkin, who belong to a gang of eouutorf citers who have been operaüng in tliat section for somo time. Scoles, molos, stanijm and nonie counterfeit coin wert found in their possesion Ten thonsand people witnessed the boat race at Larfiino, Canada between Haulan, tho Canadian, and Conrtoey, the American parsman. The fonner won lv two boat-lengths. The Pension Office in Washington givcs noticc to Tvhom it may concorn tliat the services of pension-Iawyere and claim-agents aro of no valuó whaterer iu advancing tlie intoresta of applicants for pensions. ïlio bureau fornishes blank that cover tlio wholo bnsineeSj on application, and thev can be fi Hort by any notary public, without help of the professed exporte. Intelijgence has been received of tho loes of tho Pacific Mail ateamer Georgia. She etrnck on a rock off the harbor of Punta Arenan, abont forty-eight liours' Rail from l'anama. The passenger and crew were savod. ...The slupment of frcsli mcat from New York to England, vhioh kh tea ment - and, for various reasons, not wij Buccensful ono- 1. I te apparenüy dooomo a regular business. Steamers wliicli d parted from New York forBritieh poria las took more tlian half a millioii pgunde oí mout, bosides a coneiderablo number of cattle and sheep. Bcbed : The Gregoiy Hotel, at Lake Mft'uopac, N. Y., loss -11 00,000; a wqoI houw at Humillan, Ontario, loss $55,000; a bloekof lmsinpsH buildings In lYnxacola, na., ] Iosr $60,000; the Saoramente County(CaL) Hospitnl, loss #l()O,OtX: a portion of Sfeok's piano radfóry, in New York city, toss $50,000; the Passalc (N. J.) rolling milis, loss $50,000; a cotton-waste faetón in South Boston, losa '■ i; (iilni.uv't.l';. ■„ "vOrcgon, WASHINGTON. Thiï Commisüoner of Intenial E evo ' mie bas iuf onnji uon of a ïuovoiucnt agsinst the illioit dislilli rs in AVcstrni N'orili Carolini" r.iul along the South Carolina Uno. Tln raid was very succesgfuL Tho raidiiiK party were i'uil ou at different points, bit nono wort wöünuttd Cor.. O. IT. btlsa hos been ftppointed I Cliiof of the Buroau of Ëngntöng aml Printing U the Tr.-jsm-y Ur]):irtinr':n ín bfaUM 'i:' HOa KJwra-d Mei' i-ii.l. FoKMKi i'.rasuvy ollicials, who havB Won för ycaré connecled with the Syndicate in Lonüon and havo now ritnrnöd ló Washli say tliftt t sal!1 ot' Unitd Ki;t(-;-. bónds on a largo Bca]L has now prácücally atoppsd in England, aft i) !ho priwut comlition of tlio iDoncv ó9rfle) no largo loan can be placed thíii'o. All the 4 per centa. now being sold are i taken in this country. A r.ENERAr, order, jiist issuedfrom the War Departmtofc oaJIstheaUSnlidnóf officérsojE Qm anuy to a 9é6Úón !n tlie Army Apprópriation bill, pacwd at Úifí last BéseiDD óf ( 'Ongréss-, ttróliUiitiiiL: tl' ise of tlu army ia i íjoíít comi- (atiíí, cxc.iïpt in BÖcli catu-.f f Üi4y bfl expressly autbonzeil ly uií CönatituUon or acts Of GongresBi n ,8lCrK8 living in the Y( stern ittlploycd in tbo Kxecntivo Department of ihc Government have been ollowed ten days' LeaTO of abseneo to go home to vote Snrgeon Qon. Griet, of the navy, lias been retired from active service. Inving attaincd tho ago of ii. Tuk Kepublkau constituent f Oen. Butler in tho Kevrnfh (ViiRreisldnal district of MiSahusi '■ ::W; ;i i-Knwntiou, theöther day, ond, lifter nolnmatñig Wïlliam A. ltussoll för Congross, atliptod resolutions eondomnatory tM' Butler and clömanding his instan' of the B6&1 ho hölds iny . Hií'ííi.'puh; üo&ns öf Têxte MBi inbled in convention at Dallas, jast Week, and nominated a l'ull ticket for SttSte ofticcrs, hoaded by A. R Morton for Govemor. ' The Republican Statu Convention of Xebraska, after a two days and n'ght SP&tan At Lincohi. nominativtng tuk-t : E. K. Valentino, Cnn$résS4lian; T. J. Majors, ('migi-pffsn'n ;.i uil the unexpired term of tlio late Frank 0. Wi-lch: Alliiniis Nance, Governor; E. C. Camee, Lientenant Governor; S. J. Alexander, Secretary of State; F. JI. Davis, J„ind Commisaiouer ; F. W. Liedtke, Auditor; G. M. Bartlett, Trcasnrer; 11. Thompson, Superintendent of Public Instructiou; J. 0. Dihvorth, At torn ey General; F. M. Davis, Commissioner of Public Iiand. Gkn. Banks h(M Wrn deíeftted íor & ï'iüioiutnfttiou to Conjgresa in the Piitb M liniscitii district. Ilon. íy'hvvii '.. Êótnaüa I Öjrying off Iho prizo. itKt:i;x. Il' ÍS ftnnounced from Vienua that the Hungariau Ministry has renigned, and that other ministerial complications are likelv to foüow. The hostility of the Mug.yurs to the Bosman occupatien, Mid the difflcültj óf prö■viding funds for tlic muinh'ii-.'.nc' of QW afniy, are, ftppurcntly, at tlu' boHoiA of thé ministerial emb&rrABstttttnte. As a in.aus rif reliering til pi-ossuro, ('muit AndrAssy has -ir-d the withdrswal öf ttdst of the fOrees from Bosnia fr UM acsoni . . . . The Turkifh Priine MinlBter, Safvet Pasha, has issued A circular eomplaiuing to the Európftn 'powers of tlio belligcront poliov purnued by the Grccks. News from Bosnia through Senian channels shows that tho iimllrftíuta and thti Turkish fmvos havo In', vin: i íai nrVi VbA' -JuPorte will not üsi thiilc tho rebellion, widthst öiftiföïft nó further anrted i &noe viU V.v nmde to the Áustrkna. ntttübérs of the rebels havn Wtón refngeïn Servia, where tl ioy 3lsarmed....TheInternarional P!i.ce Congi-esa ended ar oa tí 2d inst, af tor a sittnig that 'Áas not altogether peaceful. On tho contrarv. it waa somewlia-t confused and ooo&eionolly stormv. M. liratiano defended Koumanij getically kgainst the refisoöena oforiödfüie epeaki-rs vt-v:!!1.!'-;; a!b-i;'cl rfligiönfi përSecu.honain Orai noiiñce, liiit illr Sajótily disaplivovod hte dêfënatL IKr in tho session M. Hupive aHAoKcd tho Yatican in offensjte tèrms, and vas stopped by the President Fóreign dispatolies annouuco that rlie ('ity of Glasgow Bank had eloscd its doors. The ]iabiliuo& reach tlie onoitnoua Smountof $50,000,000. The bonk Waaetblishcd in IS".'. and had flttyOï sii.vl]-Thisis In :r iCH.t binS flü h:iioi IV) 7. vIh-ii this dónéértl :'!?:) suspended. The failnrc bi great excitement hróufhonteitlándand in tho Ijóndon Rjóhaüge, where a heavy fall in Scotch èaiiway socürlties in consequence of the pressuro of Scotch holders to sell. It is announced from Koüiotlmt "the iiogotiations between 'U'rWaaV an thr; Yatican hBVefailed. Pripe DfainíK'ck's oltínMrtti bf obedwnW! to the May laiis - Ibythe deposèd Hshöps in tüé lètti r aadresaed to the I Pope, The BaVafian and Austrian Nuncios have bi"n intrustod witli a conñdeniáal mission tt) l'rince liismarck, but no hopea aro entertaincd of thoir succesw. Germany ivill concedo nothing, and the Vatican cannot"yield all without alienating its most faitlifiil partlSanB. A London dispa'i'h sn.vs the British niovcmont (Uf&inBt Ai":;ianUaii will beI gin immecöa ncê tho beginningói the oceui;'.tiii (if Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Anstrian have lost 4,000 men ín engagementa witli the relwls AcooTding to a Berlin newspapet. Prof. Petermann, the geographer. committea suicido in consequonce of domestic troubles. His father and brothor diediu theeameni&nner. A number of heavy commercial failuroa havo followod the ooUapss af the Glsegow Bank- mnonfl Ü-.rm sinitb, fícüjaing 4 I Co. (Londun). EMt India meribanW, Wth Eabilittee f ílQ-,000,000, and Potter, WUsdn ,V Qb. ,'v), ship-ownors ana colonial merchante, fthose liabilities a? placed at Í8,000,000 The Albaninn have nraiderea andther TurkUh Pasha and his escort of 15i cfTlcers and men, tho offense conaiating in hearing to tlio town of Podogritza the news that it would have to be turnea over to the Hanteneyrins. The Bank of Mona, a local bvancii of the City of Glasgow Bank in tho ísle )f MEan, held from tl, ,f deposite. about all the Spare mom-v in the island, and persona aro left destivute CWrasiord, formerly Lord ('hauccllor of England, is doad.Kingston, Jamaica, advices give some particulars of the negi-o insurrection in E IVuz: '-Tlio firiug of cano-ficlds in Santa1 Cmz m bei n reuewed. A largo numbor of insurrecBoHigte have boen shot A French fri'ate lias airivcd at the island and troops. Fugitivo, womon and chilrlion hard ljeon flbippcd t Kt. Thomas Forty of havo been burned. Only foorteeo are left." IT is bolicvcd in Londou that Austria ill gradually drift into war with Tnrki'y Lato advices from Kingston, Jamaica, report i the insurrectipn in Santa Cmz has been queUed and the riflg-leadera capturèd. The cause of the insurrection is said to be a digagroemenf betwéen the aegtoes and planters regarding lalrnr contracts.


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Michigan Argus