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BUSOES8_ DIRECTORY. DB. TAÏLOI!, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Chelsea, Mieh. DONALD HAVLEAN, M. I., Physician and Surgcon. Office and residence, 71 Huron Btrcet. Ann Arbor. Office hours froni 8 to 9 a. m. and f roni to 3 p. m. MRS. SOPHIA VOL1ANI), M. D., Physiciau and Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Aun street. Will attend to all professional calis prompty, day and night. WH. JAOKSON, Dentist. Office corner of Maiu and Washington streets, over Bach & Abel's store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics adminllstered if required. MACIi & SCHMID, dealere in Dry Goods, Groccries, Crockcry, etc., No. 54 South Main treet. BACH & ABEL, dealers ia Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., No. 26 South Main street, Aun Arbor, Mich. WM. WAGNER, diaier in Ready-Made Clothing, Clotbs, Cassirueres, Vestiugs, Trunks, Carpet Bags, etc, 21 South Jlaiu street. C8CHAKBEBM5, Teacher of the Piano-forte. Pupila attain the desired skill in piano-playáng by a systcniatic coursc of instructiou. For terina, apply at residence, No. 12 W. Liberty street, Aun Arbor. Prompt attention paid to piano-tuning. KATIE J HOGERS, Portrait Painter. Portraits painted to order eitherfroni life or photographs. Instructions given in Drawiug and Pamting by the system used in Academies of Deigu. Studio, No. 7, cor. División and Ann streets. J. D. HARTLEY, M. D., AND MHS. SOPHIA HARTLEY, M. D., GERMÁN AND ENGLISH PHYSICIANS AND SURCEONS. Office and residence, No. 18 Thompson, corner of Thompson and Williain Btreet-i, Ann Arbor, Mich. ilrs. Dr. Hartley wiU limit her practice to the treatment of diseases peculiar to Ladies and Chüdren. FRUEAUFE & OOR BIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. E. K. FRUEiUFF, Justicc of the Peaca. All business promptly attendcd to. Office No. 8 Kast Washington street, Kinsey & Seabolt's block. NOAH W. CHEEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office east Bide of Court House Square, Ann Arbor, Mich. HENRY R. hTlL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dealer in Real Estáte, anti Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Biock, ANN ARBOR. EVEEÏBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbo Fourth Street, East of Court Houxe; lstjloor. J. H. NICKELS, PRESH & SALT MEATS, Hains, Sausases, Lard, eto., STATE STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST COBNER OF ÜNIVERS1TY CAMPUS. Orders promptly filled. Farmera having meats to Bell should give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Aun Arbor, Michigan. Capital pakl in $ 50,000.00 Capital security 100,000,00 Transacts a general Banking Business ; buys and eells Exchange ou New York, Detroit and Chicago ; sells Sight Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow. ï ' i the Anchor Line of Steamships, whose rates are ïower than most other flrBtcJaps linea. This Bank, already haviog a large business, invite merchants and others to open accounts with them, with the assurance of the most liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest is paid at tho rateof fiveperctnt. per annum, payable semi-anuually, on the firs'. diys of Jauniry and July.on all Mima that have remained on 3eposit three months previons to those days, thus affordlng the people of thia city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a fair return in inter ior the same. Monry to Loa m Approvcd Securitle. Dibectous- Chri8lian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. T Huriman, Daniel Hiscock, II. A. Beal, Wm. Deubcl, und Wiilard B. Sinith. OFFICEES : CUB1STIAN MACK, W. W'. WINES, President. Vice President CHAS. E. HIaCOCK, Cashier. A CAR9. The undersigned respcctfully inform lus friends mul the public of Anu Arbor and vicinity. that ho has purchased the stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Arlicles, Dye Á'tuffs, &c, I'ormerly ownert by the late George Grenville, and lint ke WiU continue the drug busiuess, in all its branches, at the old stand, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STRI5ET. By glvlng strict attention to business, and selling goods at reasonab!e prices, he hopea to merit a share of th"; public patronage. $3? Particiilar attention will bs paid to the compounding and fllling of Physicians' Prescriptions by competeut assistants. EMANUEL MANN Ann Arbor, March 25, 1878. EBERBACH & SON, IUUs ni Plarmacists, 12 South Main St., on hand a large and well selccted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS ART1STS1 & WAÏ FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furiiifhing of Phy sicians, Chemists, Schoo's, etc, aith Philosopliica i'id Chemical Apparatus, Boheraian Chemie Glassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Pnysician' prescriptions carefuily prepared a all ho;irs 1M6


Old News
Michigan Argus