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Hog Cholera

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Dr. Dunlap, in liis lecture hcrc last week, tarought out a great many new and interesting facts regarding a hog and his diseases. He said the liog was not a native of this country, but had been brought over by the Pilgrims. He is a native of a warm climate, and theref ore the idea that the warm weather was injurious to him is falso. As he is a stranger to oiir climate, we should carefully study his habits. The hog in his wild state gets most of his nourishment from the ground. This being the, he should havo the same articles of food given him that he would get in the ground. If fed artificially, the salts and other substances found in the ground should be snpplied artificially. He said there was no such disease as hog cholera in reality. All diseases of hogs are grouped together as cholera, although it is improperly done. He has made the study of the disease his business of late. He calis the disease typhoid f ever; says tliey have the same symptoms people have with this fever. It is causea by a peculiar poiqon in the blood; had examined nearly 100 in the last few weeks ; duration of disease is from seven to fourteen days; will take disease in from seven to fourteen days after exposure ; the first symptom is headache ; won't eat ; keep food away ; don't try to force him to eat in this stage ; has a slight cough; a stiffness of back and hind quarters ; is sore in boWels ; don't give severe cathartics, bnt gentle ; hog is constipated; the causes of the disease are ïmmerous; the principal are bad air, crowding, bad food, bad water, etc, etc. Slough water is one of the principal causes ; filth is another great cause ; says to never use straw for bedding ; but use clay always, and be careful to keep the pens clean ; give them plenty of pure water, but keep them away from sloughs ; i is opposed to inter-breeding ; believes it j generates disease; recommends crossbvocding as mach as possible. The following is the recipe for the euro of the cholera which he gave, and says it has never faüed to work a cure : ! sulphite soda ten pounds, bicarbonate sodarflve pounds, copperas one pound ; ] mix together ; give one pound of i ure to thirty sick hogs twice or three times a day, or to thirty well hogs every morning on an empty stomach. If bowels are costive, add glauber salts half ounce with each dose, imtil bowels are i moved. Mix a pound of the above mixture in slop made of milk and ground i feed (not sour) ; add two teaspoonfuls of j carbolic acid before giving. The hogs must be kept on dry ground and allowed no raw corn. - Atlantic Messenger.


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