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Bad salt spoils good butter. The speciflc gravity of butter-fats is always higher than that of meat-fats. A cai.p at C weeks okl, if properly fed, produces the best veal. Pülvemzed charcoal has a wonderful effect upon bloated animáis. Hay cut at the proper time and well cured contains a largo proportion of saceharine matter. Fahcy farming may bc indiilged in, as a recreation, by men with othei meaus of support. Sucli men may pride themselves in it, and claim to be model agriculturists. They are nol true farmers. Sawdust of itself is not a manure It is aii excellent absorbent, undoubtedly, when iised as bedding; but whatever manurial influences it exerts, even then are due to the matters absorbed. Straw or leaves are much preferable. - Canada Farmer. Wiiile leaks on the farm in the main are considera! a bad thing, if all oui fiirms werc well supplied with the kim of loaks that carry off the surplus Wátei quickly, we might soon gain a surplus that could be applicd to stopping othei leaks. Timothy and red top mixed, at the rate of a peck of the first and a bushe of the latter per acre, would do wel upon a moist, drained meadow. Orchart grass and Kentucky blue grass, a bushe of each per acre, would be the best for open timber land. - American Agriculturist. The great error in wheat husbandry consista in this : Sufticient time is 1101 suffered to elapse, between plowing for wheat and seeding, to admit of thai packing of the soil and that preliminar} decomposition of crude vegetable matter, whieh, on most soils, is an indispensable prerequisite to a good wheal erop. - Letter to Exchange. Among some of the best farmers of this State the practice prevails of letting the hay that the fork will not gather in loading the wagons remain upon the ground, for two reasons : First, that it does not pay for raking up and gathering; second, that it acts as a mulch against the burning suns of the latter part of July and August. - Pennsylvania Journal. The use of straw, or coarse hay, as a mulch for protecting winter wheat during the winter is advisable. But care should be exercised lest too much straw may be used, and the wheat smothered. Six inches of straw would be too much. One inch would be enough. The obect should be to protect the soil from jth',ving repeatedly, duiing the winter, as it is the frequent freezing af ter thawing which destroys the wheat. - American Agryyulturist. A FAR1IEE of experience says that the feet of a horse require more care than the body. They need ten times as much, for in one respect they are almost the en tire horse. All the grooming that can be done won't avail anything if the horse is forced to stand where his feet will be filthy. In this case the feet will become disordered, and then the legs will get badly out of fix, and with bad feet and bad legs there is not much else of the horse fit for anything. Bleeding a horse is geuerally done in the vein with a broad-bladed lancet; and when the vein is sufficiently pressed and secured, so as to cause it to swell, then the point of the lancet is sent in with the left hand, and, cutting upward, makes all the opening necessary. When sufficient blood is taken, the cut ought to be squeezed together and fastened with a pin. By pressing the vein below j the wound the blood will shoot out in a stream and fall clear into the bucket ready to receive it. To insects we owe wax and honey, silk and precious dyes, valuable medicines, food for birds and many other animáis, the fertilization and increase of plants necessary for the subsistence of many creatures, and thus, indirectly, for the preservation of man. In short, the human species, wholly deprived of the service of insects, would fade from the face of our planet. So the husbandman has only to mnke the best of it by learning to distingnish between j his friends and his foes, and how to assist the beneficent operations of nature in encouraging the former and checking the latter. - Boston Journal of Chemixirij. A young man starting out in farming cannot do a better thing than to plant an apple orchard if his land is within "the apple belt." Don't rely on the gnarled and deeaying old trees ; the life of an orchard, under favorable conditions, is only about that of a man. Nothing will lift a mortgage, or run up the profit side of the account, like a prime orchard in its first years of bearing. Go for the standard varieties or such as experience has proved do well in yonr locality and soil. Theories are good in their place, but a day spent in driving through your town and finding out what fruit-growers have actually learned and done, is better. Get your trees from some reliable nursory - the nearer at hand the better - and use your own best care and other peoplo's experience in planting tliemj


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