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(Concluded froni last week.) Nat U - Wagons and Carriages. Beul single top buggy, Chris Walker. A A, tal, ?6 00 Best open phaeten, Handy & Wnrster, A A , Int, 5 Ou li T Arksey. Aun Arhor, 2d S 01 2 horse Democrat wagon, llandy & Wurster, lat, B 00 Lunihcr wairon. Fred Wagner, iat 5 00 T:ie same, 2d „ 3 00 Single open büKgy, llaudyjjfe Wursler, lst. 4 (KI Chris Walker, 2j 2 00 Doublé carriag; harnees, Chas Spoor, A A, lat, 5 0(1 Doublé tiMui Barness. the same, lat 4 OC J Volland, Anu Arbor, 2d 2 00 Single carnaje harneas, Chas Spoor, lst 4 011 The lame, 21 2 00 Sample norse shoelng. Lang Martin, Ypsi., diploma and lst 2 00 John Nuiiur, Salino, diploma md % i oo Sample horse t.hoes. Lang & Martin, Y pel., lst, 2 00 Jolm itross hihL II. M. Curtís, Conimiitce. Olatl ''-Mechanical At tr. Best assortment of bools and shoes, John Buriz, Ann Arbor City, diploma aurt lat 3 (KI Bet pair of buck gloves, A A Terry, A A, lat... 1 OU Heet pair of buck ïnittens, the sume, let 1 00 L'lass 26- Swcetmcats artd Vanned Fruit. Whole nuinber of en trie 35 Best aid greatest varieties of jellicH, Mis Sarah Flelclier, Ann Arbor, lel 5 00 Miss 11 11 Pester, Ypsllanü, 2d 3 00 Kottlc tomato catsup, Mrs W" l'homas, A A, lst, 1 00 Miss II II Paster, 3d 50 Bottle cucumber catenp. Miss H 11 Peí ter, Int.. 1 00 Sample eider vlnenar, Mrs N M Schotf, A A, lst, 1 00 W il Dell, Saline, 2d 74 Specimen canned peaclies, Mrs W Thomas, lst, 1 00 Mrs K .Nixon, 2(1 50 Canned p.arü, Mrs W Thomas, lst 1 00 Mrs E Nixon, Noithtield, 2d 50 ;auned cherrles, tfie eame, löt 1 00 Mi-i Surah Fletcher, 2d 50 Cuuncd quinces, Mra E Nixon, lst 1 00 Canued sirawberries. Miss Samh Fletcher, let, 1 00 Canued bluckberrlea, Mrs W Thomas, lst 1 00 Clase S7-Flovers. Best amateur collection of greenhouse planta, í-arali Fieteher, Ann Arbor City, lst ï 00 Hanglng basket assorted planta, the same, lst, 2 00 Auiuinn leaves prepared and framed, Mrs N M Scaiiff, Ann Arbor Ciiy, lst 1 00 Sarah Fletcher, 2d 50 Skeletan leaves bouquet, Mix N M Schoff, lst... 2 00 Design in ivns worK, Alollie Muehlig, A A, lst, 2 00 The same, 2d 1 00 Clase 29- Fancy Work. Best worsted embi oidered sofa pillovv, Mrs Owen Welch, Ann Arbor Citv, Ut 2 00 Best specimen slik cmbroidery, Surah Fletcher, Ann Arbor City, lst 1 50 Llllle M Nichols, Ann Albor, -d 1 00 iuniroidered pocket handkerchiei, Mrs L Sherwood, Ypsilauti, Is! 1 .r0 Uiaa Miley, Aun Arbor, 'M 1 00 Worsti-d embroidcred toilet cushlon, Mrs K Treadwell. Ann Arbor, lst 1 00 Silk eutbroidered toilet cushiou, Miss Miley,lst 1 00 Worsted embroidered toilet tidy, ihe same, lst, 1 00 Canvass tldy, Mrs E Treadwell A A, lst_ 1 00 Afghaii stiich tidy, Mrs N M Schoff, lsl 1 00 Uce work tidy, Allee Sutton, A A, lst. 1 00 Euibroidery for chemise. Sarah Flutcaer, lst 1 50 Worsted lamp mat, Mrs E Treadwell, lst. 50 Worsïed embroidery, Mrs Owen Welen, lsl 75 Plaln apron, Lena tloffstetler, a A, lst 50 Best and neatest outfit for a dolí Mrs J K Campbell, tfpsilantl, lat 1 00 Besl patch work eradle quilt, Mrs J W Babbitt, YpsiJami, lst 1 00 Besl embroidery for slippers, Miss M Miley. lst, 1 0J Close SO-Fine Arts. Best collection of oil paintings, I. M Nlchols, A A, lst 10 00 Kate Hogers, Ann Arbor City, 2d 7 00 Uil paintïng landscape, Mrs N M Schoft', lst 5 00 I F Saunders, Ypsllanti, lst Fi uil pluce iu oil, Mrs -N M sichoü', lst ."..... 5 00 Mrs J FSauuders, Ypsilanti. 2d 3 00 Oil painting port ruit, Miss Kate Kogera, lst 5 00 Tile sume. 2;1 3 00 Steel eugraving, Mrs .1 F Öuunders, lat 3 00 The same, 2d 2 00 Picture in water colora, the name, lst 1 00 Pencil drawing, Maule Cornwall, A A, lt 1 00 Tlie same, 2d 50 Crayon drawing, Mrs Markliam, A A, lst 1 00 Lillie M Nlchols, Ann Arbor, 2d 50 l'uotographs üuished in oil, Mrs L Howard, YpsiJïiDil - Diploma Case smtled birds, A B Covert, Ann Arbor, lst, 5 00 The same, 2d_ _ 3 00 Be8t CDliiccion oi birds, the same, lst & 00 The ïollowlug premiums are recommended in Cluee Sl-Gcntlemen's Department. vVashlng machine, W W Rigss, Sylvan, lst 1 00 II 11 Kelsty, York, 2d 60 Parlor or,an, D F Allmaudiner, Anu Aibor, diploma and lst - m 1 00 The eamt: Diploma Cárpela. C Fautle, Aun Arbor, diploma and lst, 1 00 ujothiüg, .1 T Jacobs, Ann Arbor Diploma Su.;le reaper (Champion), Byron Whíitlker, Di;xter._ Diploma Sintüe luower iCliampiou),tae same Diploma üest suiï ot meu's clothce, J T Jacobs Diploma Best cuUection of íurs, A A Terry, diploma an'l 1 00 Bed spread, JHss C Jouea, Webster Diploma Beat colored tiair work, Mrs Henry Cheever, Ann Arbor, diploma and 1 00 L.tce blo. hand-made, the game Diploma Lace jabbt'tts, the same Diploma Hontou lace jabbetts, hanü-made, the same, diploma and 1 00 lOyds racarpet, 1L U Cuitis, A A, diploma and 1 00 Ladfea1 bracelete, Mrs JJ Cheever Diploma Overcoat, J T Jacobs _ Diploma Marble work, James & McCleery, diploma aud 2 00 ■2 pnir of ferrcts, Ueo L Dell, Saline Diploma Diy hop yeam, Judd Bros., Detroit„ Diploma itavis stump puiler. N s (iarliiiühouse, Aun Arhop, diplnnu nrf ... 1 00 BathiDg apparatus, E J Knovslton Diploma 3 clstern guards, the same Diploma Heet sel X norse whitnotrees, Lang & Martin. Ypsllanti Diploma Kcady-mude ciothlng and buck gauntlets, A L jsoble. Anu Arbor Diploma Toy thip, Wlllie Worden, A A, diploma and 50 l'harmaceiuical pieparatioüs, C Kberbach... Diploma Li ule L'uini wagou j:tck, Alonzo Gretten Diploma UtchigaD mower (uianulaeiured io Waahteuaw couiny), A A Agricnltural Co., diploma and... 1 00 Uicbigan üarvester, the same, diploma and 1 00 Picture frames, Adam Btónp, Ypsilauti Diploma Cabinet work, John Keek, A A, diploma and.... 5 00 Haj tedder. Jas M HUI, A A, diploma ana 1 00 Buekeye reaper and mower, A vV Britton, A A, two diplomas acd 2 00 Indian boat, David DeForest, A A Diploma Koyce leauer, IS W Watte, scio, diploma and... 1 00 Clough& Warner organ, A Wilsey. diploma and 1 00 AsH'.jrtuieut of stoves, C Eberbach, diploma and 1 00 The committee recommend the following premiums in Clase 32-Miscellaneouii-Ladies' Department. Medley steel engravings, Mrs J S Nowland, Ann Arbor Ciry Diploma Medley wood cuts, the same Diploma Case of lace work made with a needie, Mtb F A Dium, Ann Arbor City, diploma and 1 00 Brackets, Mrs O Welch, Anu Arbor City 1 00 Afghan, lor carrtagft crochet and embroidered, Mrs J W liilibn, Ypsilanti Diploma Afghau, for eliild, ihe same, dlpluma and_ 2 00 Putty work, Mrs Oeo W Cook, diploma and 1 00 VVax designs - sheils, leaves, etc., Agnes Uallick, 1 00 Kuit counterpunes, Netiir Cobb, Dexier 1 00 White bed spread, M A Shauííhness, Ann Arbor, diploma and 1 00 Hals t.nd ííloves, A A i erry Diploma Verba Bueóa Binéis, Is'tac Sheldtn Diploma 3 gasoline stoves, Andiew -mitli, A A 1 00 fatchworU quilt. Mary J Martin Diplom t l'Ue samo, biirah Mulnollaud 1 011 Speeimen snit linen edging-, Z A Thompson.... 1 01} K.irmcr s wrealb, F KU-nicutt. Saline, dip. and 1 00 Medley siec.l engraviiigs, Mrs Isaac shelden,Diploma Affthan lor carr]agD, Cook Smlth, diploma and 50 Bible stand, Mrs 1 K Campbell, Ypsilauti.... Diploma Wreath, Mr li A Graham, A A 1 00 Embroidered lap ro'ie, Mis Ed Sumncr Diploma Air cisilt-, C L Tnomy 50 Sul Ijux turn, A A Terry Diploma Worsted embroidered picuires, Miss M Mile, 1 OU Blict wal Bowere, Mrs Elierbach, A A 1 00 Dispi:iy oi dry gnods, silk8, ete., Bach & Abel, Ann Arbor city, diploma and 1 00 Lap robe, Mrs K .1 Knowlton Dipioma Ctass S - Clolhing, etc. Dres coat, -f T Jacobs, lst $2 00 AL Noble, 2d. 1 00 10 yards rati c;irpei, Mts R t wwnsend, .up., 2d, 1 OíJ l'r cottoii étoctcuigs, Mrs H G Warren, Salem, lst, 50 The same, id 25 lr woolen stockingr, the sume, lst .. 50 L DavK Ar.n Arbor, 21 25 Woolen Bdcke, II G Warren, Salem, lst 50 The samo. 2d 25 VVoolen inittens, tlie same, lst 50 1 pound stocking yarn. the same, lst 50 11 Siorins, Ann Arbor. 2d ,.., 25 Best overcoai, i LJSoble, lst - 00 The same, d 1 00 best pair of pauts, J T Jacobs, lst 1 00 A L -Noble, 2d 50 Besl vest, J r Jacobs, lit 1 00 A L Noble. 2d 50 l(el woolen shirt, A a Terry, lst 50 Best roiton shirt, J T Jacobs, lat 50 A I. Noble, 2d 2j Best and greatagl varlety of hut and caps, A A Terry, lsl 1 00 Bel s;lk hat, the game, Kt 50 Best cloth cap, the same, lst 50 best fur cap, '.he sume, lst '■ 50 Kvery Democrnt who votes the Greenback ticket tb9 f all throws his vote away, without the least possible hope of electing a man. The only way the Republicans can secure a victory this fall is for a good many Democrats to vote the g. b. ticket. The Eepublican ireenbackers will not voté it, thongh they may claim they will. - lagham County Democrat. The bost advice we can give Demócrata in this triaugular, we might say quadrilateral, campaign, ia to keep straight to the Democratio ticket, turning nuither to the right nor left. The Demócrata have a sound platform, and a good ticket, both State and local (certainly so lar as thia section is concerned), and there is no occasion to go wandering off after strange gods. - Cwosso PressSenator David Davis has n't been able this year to determine which independent sido of politics he is the most on, and he thorefore declines to make any ppeeches. A man who is likely to belong to all parties at the same moment can 't act with too much discretion about this time. The name of Geu. Grant as the Republican candidato for the Presidency in 18S0 had much to do with giving victory to the Republicans in Ohio. Nearly all the leading Republican orators favored Gen. Grant as the standardbearer in 1880. There is a tower of strength in that name. - New York Commercial Advtrtittr.


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