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- An addition is to be mmediately mide to the Dental College building. - Ex-Gov. Bagley haa preaented the Library a "Medallic History of the United St.ntes," in two volumes, - Regent S. S. Walker and Profs. Frieze and Adams will surpervise the general catalogue to be compiled by T. K. Chase and ïsauod as early as practicable. - One-flfth of the wards in the Hospital are to be aaaigned the Homeopathie College patiënte, without extra coat for ïmrsea, etc. By order of the Regent. - A. H. Vandewert aud 15 H. Dttwson have been appoiuted aasistants in the laboratory, without remuneration exceptohemicals md use oí apparatua lree of charge. - F. C. Blandón had a valúa ble gold watch stolen from lus coat pocket on Saturday afternoon last. He was playing foot-ball on the campua and had laid off his coat. - The uuniber of students in the sevoral departments ia uow iu excess of auy previoua year,- even beating by 30 the aggregate for 1866-7, in which year there were 1,285. And more coming. - The tollowing sophoinores will go down to history as the editors of the coming Oracle ■ !'. C. Robbins, J. D. Wilaon, G. H. Fletcuer, C. A. Towne, C. T. Thompson, E. H. Bowman, H. M. Pelham, and H. H. Kingsley. - The Executive Commitoe of the Regents, with ths Doan of the Law Faculty, Judge Cooley, have been authorized to engage a octurer on Constituhonal History, at a aalary oi 11,000. The Regeuts preferred this oourse to assigaing Prof. Adams to duty in the Law Department. - Hod. Elihu B. YVashburne, of Illinois, late Minister to Frunce, will deiivor the opening lectura before the S. L. A. thia evening. Subject: "Tlie Commune and Siege of Paris." The lecturor will Bpeak from personal know!edge, and the officers of the associatiou are indeed fortúnate m securing hini as their first speaker. - The report of the Finance Committee made fo the Begents at their recent session give receipts ot last fiscal year as f 174,837 58 ; expeuditures, 8164,715 6G ; balance to new account, ?10,lll 89. Estiraated receipts tor year ending Juue 30, 1879, iucluding balance on hand as above $148,811 S9; expenditures estimated tor same period, including 886,500 for salaries, 122,500. Floating debt all paid, and piospects cheorfui. - The tiegeuts recognizmg the fact that Asst. Prof: A. 11. Pattengül was removed, if removed, without the Board knowing just what it was doing, and also that there was absolute need of more help in both Gieek and modern Inngungea, ruinstated lJrof. Pattengül, at a salary of il, 600 a year, the same as other assistants, and trousferred Instructor Thomas to the position of astistant in modern lauguages and in history. - The editorial ataff of the Chronicle has been assigued for the current semester as follows; Managing Editor, Fred. S. Bell ; Varioub Tópica, James P. Brown ; Things Chronicled, Kdmund A. Christian ; College Jiews, Newton McMillan ; Literary Notes, Leroy Halsey ; General Literature, Wiliiam F. Bryan ; Personáis, Frank D. Mead ; Secretary and Treasurer, Charles G. Van Wert. The first number of the year appeared last Saturday. - The following editors ot the Palladium- the animal issued ander the auspicies oí the secret societies- have been appointed : Chi Psi, Edmund A. Christian, Wyandotte ; Alpha Delta Plu, Euuch C. White, Lapeer ; Delta Kappa Epsiion, John B. Russell, Detroit; Zeta Psi, Wm. L. Axford, Holly ; Sigma Phi, Wm. T. Hall, Chicago ; Psi Upsilou, Oren Duuham, Toledo, O.; Phi Delta Phi, Cari Epler, Jacksouville, III.; Beta Theta Pi, Wm. F. Bryan, Latayette, Iud.; ïhi Kappa Psi, J. W. McKinley, New Castle, Pa. The last two named fraternities have never before beun represen ted on the Palladium board. - The sophomores held a meeting on Saturday affernoon and elected the followiug officers: President, Clarence W. Sessions, Ionia; Vice-Presideut, Miss Anna M. Gelston, Ann Arbor ; Secretary, Frank I'. Eoughton, Battle Creek; Treasurer, Fred. H. Goff, Cleveland. O.; Orator, Charles A. Towne, Spring Lake ; Poet, Isaiah R. Crossette, Three Kivers ; Historian, Charles Hutchinson, Marshall ; Seer, Ormoud T. Hunt, Aun Arbor; Toast-masrer, James D. Wilson, Chicago; Chaplain, Nat Guuter, Sherman, Texas; Marshal, Everett Marshall, Cleveland, O.; Asst. Marshal, Stewart N. Schermerhorn, Grand Rapids. - The Regents wisely concluded not to let Prof. Watson go to the Wisconsin University T'hey iucreased his salary by giving him f 500 as Director of the Observatory ; appointed an assistant, J. M. Schaeberle, at $500 ; and appropnated $350 for a janitor. Prof. Watsou was offered at the Wiscousiu University $3,200 and $2,000 tor assistants. The following resolution was unanimously adopted. Reiolved, That tha reputation won by the Observatory of the University of Michigan is an honor to our State aud natiou, and the board wil! foster it as a place for research and investigation with all the means and influeuce in its power. - The programme of the Studeuts' Lecture Association is as tollows, the dates not aunounced : Hon. E. B. Waihbnrne, this eveniug, " The Commune aud the Siege ot Paris ; Prof. J, W. Churchill, Readiugs ; Hon. D. W. Voorhees, "Thomas Jefferson ;" Barnabee CoDcert Company, vocal ; Hou. Thomas A. Hendricks, subject not named ; Rsv. T. De Witt Talmage, " The Brlght Side of Things ;" Camilla Urso Concert Company, instrumental ; Helen Potter, Roadings and Impersonations ; Meudelspohn Quintette Club, instrumental concert Joaquín Miller, " Literary London." Season tickets will be sold at $'2.ó0. - The seniors elected the followiug class officers et a meetiug held last Saturday forenoon : President, Charles S. Henning, Piano, 111.; Vice-President, Miss Maya Lee, Lancaster, N. Y.; Orator, George W. Wright, Feuton; Poet, ; Historian, Irving K. Pond, Ann Arbor; Seer, Newton McMillan, Ann Arbor; Secretary, Charles G. Van Wert, Norvell ; Treasurer, Keuneth R. Smoot, Ann Arbor ; Toast-master, Oren Dunham, Toledo, O.; Mueical Director, John Chase. Ann Arbor ; Marshal, Henry W. Ashley, Aun Arbor. Miss Marión S. Gerls, of Poutiac, aud Richard T. Chandlee, were ench elected Poet but declined, leaving a vacancy. In the evening the officers elect "set np" the usual supper at Haugsterfer's. ,Iulge Huntington- The October Term. The following letter from Judge Kuntingtou to Countv Clerk Tuite will explain itself : "Mason, Oct. 9, 1878. "Dear Sir : "I am in receipt of a petition signed by about a dozen membors ot the Bar, asking that the next term in your county may be postponed to Dec. 17, or altogether ahandoned. I am sorry to say lt is impossible to adjourn to the time proposed, or indeed to any time, on account of the aniouut of work to do in Jackson and here. Nor can I feel justified in dispensing with the term altogether. The best I can say is, I shall be pleased to find the Bar inclined to let cases go over by consent, especially if we do not have a couveuient place for holding court. Auything I can properly do to promote the conveuience of aUorneyB and parties I shall be glad to do. But I fear attorneys not parties to the petition may have cases important to be tried, and that injustice would bs done to the parties they represent by dispensing with the term altogether. I Bhall be pleased if the term can be a short one. Please read this letter to the members of the Bar as you see them, or in some way let them kuovv about it. „ Very trulv yours, S Geo, M. Huntinoton. The Judge might have also referred to the uuutber of prisoners in jail aud waiting trial. They have a right to au early trial, ana it is the interest of the county that such right be respected, and that no unnecesaary delay be purmitteii. Ulster for men, boy, nd ohildran, t Jo T. Jacoba'.


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