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That Saline "suicide."

That Saline "suicide." image
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A correspondent sends us the íollowiug relative to the reported suicide oí' William Kerr, at Saline : "On .the morning of Thuríday, Oct. 10, the people of Saline were shocked to learu of tho untiniely death of their fellow-townsinan, VVilliam Kerr. The readers of the Detroit evening papers were made acquainted with the event as a suicide. The coroners inquest also held the same opinión. But further acquaintance with the facts has led many to believe it accidental. Being of this latter opinión after givmg the i ase caref ui investigation, I have been requested by those like minded, to iiivo a plain statement to the county papers of the circumstances counected with this event. The Hiterence of suicide on finding a man dead with no indication of murder is very natural, but we think all who kuew the unfDrtiinate youug man will be glad to do him justice in believiug his death accidental, if facts favor this conclusión. Wheu the body was discovered tho outside door of the sale room was shnt but unlocked,- the safe was not only uulocked but open,- the lamp wo8 b urn ing and standing on the desk just where it would throw most fight into the safe. The body of the young man was in the work shop, which was separated f rom the sale room by a loard pfirütiou and the door betwoeu the rooms sluit itseif with a atiff spring. The body was just inside the work shop, aud just as near the door a it waB poesible for it to be and the door closed. The floor of the shop is of hard wood, wornsmooth and uneven. When found the head rested on a watering eau, which was so badly indeuted that it showed the fali had been from a standing positiou. The overcoïtt and hafi were on, and a partly smoked cigar by the left hand, while in the right was a pistol he had obtained to shoot rata that kept htm awake nights. From these facts we deduct this theory ot his death : Desiring to deposit the $30.00 which were fouud undisturbed in his pocket, he lit the lamp placing it where it wouli shine into the open safe. Before depositing the money or taking off hat or overcoat, he was attracted by sounds of rats in the back room. He walked on tip-toe with cigar in the left, aud cocked revolver in the right hand, to the back room where the moou gave light to shoot. Pushing against the door pried the spring bick, he stepped softiy on the uneven fioor notto alarm the rats, aud losing his balance he threw up his right arm and the door stamining to, struck his arm forcing the pistol near his head and exploding it at the same time ; bo the fearful accident culminated. The wrier of this article, in company with three others, visited the place of his death, and, although some of the party had previously bolieved the case was suicide, they all decided it must have been au accident. The young man was of good family ; his habits, character, and disposition were unexccptionablo. He was tull of life, health, and hope. He had been collecting for his employer for several days, and had settled with him at night. The eveuiug before this fatal event he attended a lecture and was last Been in fjood spirits. He was tenderly beloved by his family, and most kindly esteemed by all who knaw him. So his character and circumstances make suicide improbable, especially as he had been habitually careless in the use of fii earms. Xoue of the usual reasons for suicide existed in any degree, aud the inconvenient place htí feil showed none of the forethought which usually characterizes a suicide. This iilmost seems conclusivo in itseif so long as he had a comfortable bed just in the room above. His death has caused inuch sadness in this community, and it is but justice to him and his many friends that all believe as the facts stiougly iudicato that the unfortunate event was accidental. D. B. SHIER. Samnb, Oct. 14, 1878.