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"absolute Money."

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In a letter recently addressed by Hon. William L. Webber to the chairinan of the Democratie State Centrai Comniittee, in which the issues of the cainpaign are discussed in a candid, logical, and convincing manner, that distiuguished Michigan Democrat says : One of the resolutions of the Toledo Convention at which the varioua elements were merged into what is known as the National party, declares it to be a functioD of governinent to "créate" money. I do notsuppose that that dootiiiii: is assen ted to by the majority of thote who havu associatod theniselves with the Xational party. It is opposed to the universal experience of mankind, and no imm is wisu enough to eet hi theorie against all the experiencu of tho past. Money íh not a creature of local law ; it is a standard for the ineagurement uf values, and with a commercial nation that standard should be one recognized by the civilized world. No natiun has ever yet been powerful enough te mnke inouey of that which the balance of tho civilized world did not recoguize as such. Even in absolute governmouts, where the experiincntbas beun triod and the penalty for refusal to take what the governmeut declared to be inoney, was death, the experiment has never succeeded, The people of the United States are a commercial people, a producing people, the atnount of our exports of agricultural produotions and American goods, reachiiig aunually many millions of dollars. These exports are our surplus and the value of bat we retaiu is measured by the value roeeived for tho surplus. It is of the utmost importante tbat the standard of value recognized by the eouiQiercial world be the same as our standard of value at homo. The substitution ot fiat money, so-called, as a basis of r'alués for that whioh is recognized us the standard olsewhere, in my judgmeut would be a very great uiisfortuno. It is difficult to prove the truth of u self-evident proposition, and therefore it is difficult to reason on this subject. Wu have the experience of the past and our own judgnient to put iiguinst tho theorie ot these men, and it does not seein to me absurd to eay that to mnke absolute money a success, it is nficeisary that the government should be invested with almighty power, and with such power not only money could be created by fiat, but everything else necessary to supply the wants of the people.


Old News
Michigan Argus