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The Question Of The Day

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National íinancc is without doubt the most important problem of the timen, and the second editiOfa "I Mr. FftWOOtt'fl JÍAJÍD-IÍOOK OF FlNANCH, just published by S. C. Griggs át Co.t Chicago, appcars inu-it opppft'Unly. Tkis volume gives tbc history of paper money, f rom its very beginning down (o its govereign supremacy iu civilized cotiutries (iiul parüculnrly in the United States; it troats of suspensions of specie paymeuta, and supplles a complete and lucid digest of the monetary hiws of the United States. The book presents over 80 tables and diagrnms, showing precisely the facta to whlefa referenco is most frequently neccesary, including very many things which one needs to know, whethcr üe bas to do witli tinancial queations or not. Every citizen should inform lümself on this subject as thorougnly as possible, and the following extracta ('rom lt;ading papers nbout Fawceett's IIanmj-IÏook op Finance, show how importaut an uid il wiil bc to anyuue. "This volue should be read by all who take an iniiTist in tiiiiiiu'iul matlers." - London Oommerdal (ftuètte, (Lnglad), "Oí Inestimable importance ín the tudy of fiiiauce." - Couritr-Journal, Louisville. 'Thre is uo species of exaut inforination bearing upon the flnuncial question whieh cttunot be ijuickly fouud between these covers.' - Utiea JUorning Heraht. "Mr. Kawcett's stiitistlcs are of such value that we do not ■■■ how any one who pretends to discuss finance generally can aíford to be without them."- - JUining World, I,ondon. "We recomuiend all who desire to maater the subject of finauw, by the argument of logic and the loglc of facu, carefully to read Faweett's HandBook of Fiuaucc, Aa a f uil and very complete cotlection of Monetary statistics this work has never been equalcd or even approached. It ís a storehouse of i'acts. - Fhiladelphia Ve. "Itcannot fall to be of greut uae to students, wrtters and leefsltitors, as also to bankersand raerchanU, who ueslre to inform themaelves of the influences wbieh surround and couseqjtiontly affect, favorably if understood nnd avalled ot, or uufavorably if disregarded, all tneir financial and commercial operations. AcceptingMr. Fawcett's estímate of the steady increaae of coniumntion of gold in the arta, the adoption of the doublé stanaurd - gold and silver - as the baais of tho raonetary system. not ouly of the Uiilted but of all countriert, will soon bocome an absolute necensity. Elther tliis, or the enlargement of the volume of paper money." - Chicago Inttr-Ocean. Fawcett's 'Haud-Book of Finauce' may be had of booksellers, or S. O. tiriggs & Co., Chicago, will seud It prepaid on recclpt of price, $1.75. Hats ior mou, boys, aud children. Uhildren't hati a spocialty. Joe T. Jacobs.


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