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RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CKXïliA), K A I i.líO.V 1. MAY 12, 1S7S. boiso wew. TATIoNs. " ?S'BLLt? c z L 8 _ , ' -u, .. ♦■ A. M. a. H 1--M. r. M. I". M. p[ Jtroit,levB, ; oo 9 :a 44e 2 .-H, , v,i tJ ;t O. T. Juriotlon, 7 15 10 on ó o ;; u: 6 35-10 11 Wayne Junction 7 46 10 26 3S 3 30 7 1') lo 4v Ypilanti, 8 lo 10 í:, i; mi :: -,1 ; :u; u 51 tteddes, Ann Arlior, 3 80 11 00 I '■ 1 0f 8 10 91 I-lellu, 9 II " l: Duxter, 8 6fi 11 r3 4 22 8 SI _ Chelsen, '. li 7 (!) 4 41) 8 4-i urna Utlw, íi 4; 1 ; :;.s ., o.ï u o; . A Jackaon, li' '20, 12 15 8 00 6 00 0 iO 1245 Alliiou, 11 04 12 IN 6 47 10 33 1 23 Marnhal), 11 .Í0 1 30 - o 7 l-i II uy 1 4; v. m. : Battle Creek, 12 19 1 í5 7 4.i 11 86 a io c.iili-liwi ..-, y 52 oh 12 0; . A.M. A. M. Kalamuc.o, 1 13 2 :!8 4 ;vt 8 20 13 25 ) 53 Lawtou, 1 SI 3 08 1 08 Decatur, 2 11 5 2o 1 27 Dowaginc, ] 36 5 45 1 57 Nile, :f 00 4 07 (i :ai 2 38. 404 Buchnnan, 3 lí) ti 4:: 2 54 Three Oiiks 3 49 7 13 8 28 . New Butt'alo, 4 118 4 ü 7 28 3 4.5 Miühigau Cily, i ;u S 20 7 W 4 15 547 Lake, S 13 6 02 b 4" 5 04 6 28 KensiüRton, (i 05 6 SO 9 10 5 55 ; ii, Chicago, arrive, li 05 7 40110 3l i; -1 5 8 i GOINO EAST. M ' le ;" g-j'-g Mjtfl H 5 A.M. [Ai M. P. H. P. M. P. lf Obicago, leave, 7 00 9 0(1 I mi 6 15 9 00 Kenniugton, 7 50 9 .io 4 50 6 05 9 jo Lake, 8 40 10 30 6 ir, 6 50 lo 85 Michigan City, 9 2-5 U 10 8 35 7 40 11 15 New Buft'alo, 9 47 1 1 '_'7 1, K 11 35 Three üake, 10 u 7 lí ' Bnchanan, 10 32 7 43 '--L Nilee, 10 45 12 15 8 12 a 00 12 55 Duwugiac, ,1115 8 40 1 03 Decatur, 113fl 9 05. ' 12; Lawton, 11 57 9 T.i a. .. KalainazKii, 12 SS 1 40 10 00 6 50 10 26 2 17 GulesbuiK. 12 S2 . . . 7 09 2 37 Battle Creek, 1 27 ; 2 13 m ,m 7 40 11 08 3 15 s Marahall, 2 26 S 00 p S 10!n 37 3 48 A.M. Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35 12 08 4 111 JuckHou. 4'i 4 Oí 5 40 ii 86 1 50 4 (4 Oras I,akf, 4 OS !■! 9 SO Obelms, 4 40 81 10 07 Dextrr, 5 00 fi 47 10 18 Delhi, 6 lo 56 AunArbor, 6 SO 5 10 7 10)0 33 2 06 6 28 Ypsilariti. ó 38 6 24 7 27 10 45 2 20. 6 t Wayne June, 6 02 5 45 7 52 11 05 2 44 Ï OS O. T. June, 6 33 6 K 8 2.r, 11 .0 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., , 6 48 6 30 8 40 11 45. 3 35 8 00 Grand Kapids and Kalamazuo Kxpredc arrivés at Graud Uapids 2.20 p. m., und leaves Grand Eapidt ti: 15 a. m. Sundaya excepted. Haturday and Hunday excpted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYAKD, Gen'l Manafier, Detroit. H. C. Wkntwouth, 8. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Tnkintr í-íOot Mond:iy. July 29, 1878. OOIXG NOBTII. tfOIXG SOUTH. Mixpd. Mail. Mail. Mixi. A. M. Y. M. A. M. P. M. 6 "0 4 (III Toledo 10 00 7 00 C55 4 0:; Xi.ri li Toledo 9 57 655 7 14 416 Deiruit Juuction 114" 7 31 4 27 Hawrhovn 9 84 e 19 7 46 4 :7 Samaría 24 6W 8 01 4 17 Scola I 14 4 49 8 11 I.i4 Lulu 9 07 S3S sl'I ".ni 9 W) 539 8 49 i 12 Dundee 3 49 5 02 9 "2 .i 19 Marón 8 42 4 48 9 20 5,29 Azalia 882 4 29 9 51 5 44 Milaa 8 16 3 58 10 10 :,7, Nora S 00 339 10 :a 6 0. Irania 7.1:: 314 1117 Vjj.silaiili Junction 7 X. '!'' 1120 680 Anu Arbor 780 2 30 J. S. MOlíKIS, (iti'1 Superintendent. J. M. Asill.KY, ,tB., Asst. Supt. DETROIT, HILLSDALË AND SOUTHWKSTERN KAILROAD. To tak effect Aug. 19, 1878. OOINO WKHX. GOINÜ EAST. TATiu.Mi. Mui.. líxji. BTATiONS. Exp. J sil M. P. M. Ypilanti.... 1:45 7:40 Mi ■ ■ Saline 11:1. 8:10 Bankers (i:ló 2:30 BridgewaWr ..11::;:: 8:28 Eülxdale .. 6:30 2:40 Manchester. 1I.Í3 8:4S Manch.'.-ter.. 6:29 4:11 r. M. Bridgewater S: 18 4::ii Hillsdale 1:85 10:::o sjaline 9:1" 4:iS Bankrs 1:43 10:40 Ypmhinti... . !:45 5:20 Traius run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER. Bup't, Ypeilaoti. PANADA MUIII!II R'V LINES. v Xho Ouly American Bou( Through Canada Traína leave M. C. I. B. Depot, Detroit, cit timo, as followa : Atlanüc Exjiress, daily. 4 ih u. m., Wagner car to IÍOfílOll. Faat Day fLxpross, daily, V2 10 noon, Wajrner car to New York aii3 fiostoii; Lljcfatning Express, daily excepl Sunday, 11 lu ,. m., Wagner car to BurTalo and Bochenter. Toledo trains loavt: 7 -0 a. ín. ezcepi Sunday : :i 10 1. ni. dhüy ; t 50 p. ín. except Sundfty, For Kaytítte 6 30 p. m. except Sumhiy. 49a For ini'oruiation aod tickets apply toG. W. Bbarpleie, atícnt M. C. H. R.( Aun Ai huí-. w. K. Mr IK. Geo'l Manager, St. Thomas, Ont. M. C. ROACH. Pafs. Ais'i-iit. Detroit. FKANK 1Í.SNOW, Gen. Paos, aod Ticket Agt Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAB KARNÉD ! NEW GOODS! .Andprices LOWKK TJiAN KVflB. I baT4 purchaaeil in New York. for esh. and I am dow djiily reGeivins[ one of the lan?tt. and most elect stocks of Grooeritis 111 WüsM-euaif County, consiatiog of a fu'l and well nelected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - iucludirii? Guupou Ier, Iiiipi-i iais, louug: ") MOBIN I()FNOI1N, J:ij;ills. OolOllgN, FOT lllOSllk, OIIOIIS. SUUOilOllgl, Uil Tuaukayi, ■ Togetlier with a Culi line of COFFEKS, consisting of Ihe following branda: MO0HA., OLD GOV'T JAVA, M AKACA1B0, LAGUA YRB.8AXTOS and KIO, buth roast-ed uiid ground ; a full and well aelected Htock ot' SUCARS, SYkUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinp: in the line cf Pure Spices, Cttnned fruit, and Vegetables. We hftTe h full and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Husiery. .Uso, a choice aüsortment of Lfidies' and Gentlemen' Underwear Culi tind examine Qoods and t'i hvk and we will indure utisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynurd? Block,' cor.lluin nnd Ann slreeta Ann Anuir, Mich. ■3THihel Q&ñh price paid for all furm produce. -%4 INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, - - $,{,()()0,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $ 6, 792, 649. 98. Losse8 Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilitios, incluf1''' Ke-Insurance Kusurvo, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Ke-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent Anii Arbor. l"ulrsi(y Letter and Noto Ileadti, wltli ind without Cuts, in Hodder's I'ateut Hlot" tliiK rad Covers- 100 and 130 sheets in a iiook-lui' sale at the ABGUS Offloe. Apn week in your owu town. 5 outfit fres. V UU No risk. Hender, il you want a bualueí .fW II 1 1 at wtaich persons of either sex can make IDUU eat pay all the time they work, write or vaiüeultt" to H. Halletx & Co. , l'ortla nd ,


Old News
Michigan Argus