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THE EAST. Arthük CnKNKY, mnnnger of the I Globo Theater, Boston, is dead Somo excitiinciu haa been produced among New York stock gpecnlatora by tbo failurc of Haar Sc Co., stock and bullion hmlmra. The senior member of the flrzn was arreftted on a charco of swindling, and held in,(XX) bail. He charges that a conspiracy, headed by Jay Gould, was the cause of the nrm'e dowuf'all. A PlsrATcu from Providence, E, I., reporta Lhaf the bark Susan, of New Bedford, whioh left tbat port Oct. 12, with a crew of Tvriitv-i';w men, on a vhaling vonra mieountered a hxuTieane, eapsized, and uil bat tlireoof tho hventy-five were drowned. Ri vb Apmiral Paclding, Senior Flag Offioer on tbo rotired list of the navy, has [ just died at Huntington, L. I. Admiral Paulding wae tho son of the captor of Maj. Andro.and the last survivujg offioer of the hattle of Tjike Champlain Thomas P. Wallaoe, a New York r, has Minhusud the trottinghorseHopofiil for 35,000. Col. J. H. Vood, of TVood's Museum (ame, now a resident of New York, haR failod ! for many thonsnds 01 dollars. TUK WEST. POTTER, the man vho wagered thnt e wonld roll a wheelbarrow from a point in Ohio to San Francisco, has accomplishod hits task in h time loss than that agreed upon. Evangelist Moody is on a flying visit to Chicago, liis old homo. Ho will winter in Baltimore, where he proposes conducting a sories of religión meetings. The Constitutional Convention of California has adoptad a resolución to memorialize the President and Benate of the United States to so modify the Burlingame ireaty as to lrobibit Chinese ïmmigratiou. The United States Circuit Court at St. Lotus has ordered the foreclosure and sale of the grear bridge whioh spans the Mississippi river Rt tliat place, undör the mortgage HelS by the foreign bondholders. The first mortgage i's for i4,ncx,00o. and the second 12,900,000. Tho sale takee place op the 20th of pecember Dr. Bóswel] Waldo, sürgeon of the Marine Hospita] at Caii'ii. dicd otyèuowieyetlastweek Another new play is' ou the boards at McYicker's Chicago Theater the present waSk- a dramatizaiion from one of BretHarte'sskotchcs - called "ïl'liss." This play lias boen tho source of oontêntion in tho New York oourts. In its production at Chicago, Katie Mayhew wil] sustaiu the title role, eopported by MoYicker's admirable eompany. Tlie Boenery, aa usual at this house, is excellent. A BAND of robbers, who were prepating tu make au attack on a Kansas Pacific iray train, near Fort Ellsworth, were surprised iu camp by offtcers, who arrestad tho leader, one Mike Rourke, and wouuded anothor. The rest of the gang escaped. A dozen of the Cheycnnes whoni Maj. Thornburgh failed to liud in the saud-hills uorth of the Unión Pacific railroad put in an appearance at a Btage station onlv thirty miles from Sidney, Neb,, last week. They killed a man and a boy, nearly whipped a child to deafli, and iittaeked a freight teamster, but he esoaped. It is thought the savages havo i lislied themselves in the Band-huls, with the tention of raiding tho Bettleinontö and freight trains doring the winter. Catholio Bishop Eoseceans died quito suddenly, of hemorrhage of the Hmgs, at Columbas, ühio, a few days ago. He was a brother of Maj. Geu. liosecraiis. TUE SOUTH. Advices from the fever-infected district of the South to Oct 10, report hot v.eatlier all along the Mississippi valley, and the outlook excecdingly discouraging. The (Uscasr was fastening itself upon new countrv i loealities daily, and the same gad scènes werê being witnessod that has cliaracterized the appearánce of the plague at Yicksburg, Grenada, and other stricken towns. Tho fever has broken out at Helena, i Ark. , and Littlo Iiock had set up a rigid I antinè againat the afflioted town. At Now lin'is the deaths f or the preceding twenty-four honrs munbered 80, with 185 new cases; at Memphis there were 18 deaths; at Vipksbnrg the fever liad abont run its course, for want of material to feed upon; . at Chattanooga, 6 dcatli; Decatur, Ala., IJ new cases and '2 deaths; Cairo, IH.,2 deaths and :; new cases: Baton Houge, Ia., 4fi new cases, 4 deaths. All the towns throughont tho interior of Lonisiana, MissiBSlppi andTennesBee where the fever has appeared report no improvemeut, and no hopes of an abatementof tho plague before the appearance of frost A disi'atch from Natchez, Miss., dated Oct. lü, says: "A fight occurred with the negroes yesterday in Goldman's field, some four miles aiove Waterproof, La., in whioh it is said that thirty-flix negroos were killed, and t!ie whole of tliem dispersed. Some apprehend fnrthoT tnmble, v.hile the general impression is tliat tl; negroes will not again asserable. Assistanee was pouring in from all diresbóne. Tin y moro men left here this cvening, in answor to a cali from Ht. Joseph, La. Nj plantation lias been burned. A eommunication just reeeived from n eitizen of Waterproof, states: ' All quiei and setüed. Ten negroos killed yoatorday.' Waterproof ia situatod immediately on the bank? of the MiseisBippi, in Tensas parish. The parish at thé last election roglstered 5,0QQ ■■! and 150 white voférs. The fullowing is K.iiil to lm the origiu of the trouble: Fairfax, Citndidate for Congress for the Fifth district, 1 i meeting of colored Kepiililicans at Waterproof. The quarantine ofiicers interf erod, and the negroes colleoted in largo numbers around Fairfax's house, just ont of towu. An armed posse Bent nut to expostnlato with them iired upon, a:id tliree of the posse killed." A BHOOEOra accident is reported from Lynchburg, Ta. Dnring a marriage ceremony ! Baptist church, which was crowdod to suffoeation, a piece of plastering feil from the ceiling. Some one in the audience becamc alanned and cried out tliat the roof was falling. The scène that followed tliis aunouncement was indeecribablo. An uncontröllablc panic ensucd. Persons in the seconó! and tlúrd stories jumpocl from the wiudowstothe groond, lifty or sixty foet below, meeting instant deatli or permanent arsons in the auditorium rushed for il"1 doors, and iu the exoitement that fol■ !-iv(v ernshed and mangled frightfully. A( the rirst sound of alarm thn hridegroom and brida eloct made a rush, for the door, followed by tho waiters. Not one öi them everreaiched tliat opening, but wero tramped to death before thoy could escape, tho bride, it is believed, by some one jumping on her from the gallery. Tlie groom met his death by a piece of the rail from tlio gallery leing thrown upon him, iujuring Ijini so 'that he could not and was trodden opon by the excited ñ and killed Ten persons wero killed outright by Jumping from tho wiudows, and about or iifty, most of them women, wore wounded. . ..Aiaong the victimsof the yellow fever at Memphis figures the name of Jeff Davia, Jr., aged 21. ABVICE8 from the plague-ridden loealities of the South to Oct 18 report tho advent of cooler weatlier and a gratifying decrease in the mortality roll. The fever brokc out on the relief boal ' Ihambers, wbich was sent down the Mississippi loadad with supplies for Uio isolaled points along the river, and tlie expedition was ordored to proceed up the river to quarantme, below 81 Louis. Lieut. Bennor, the eommander of the vessel, died, and was buried at 'Vicksburg. Thore was great grief at bis untimely taking off, and nearly every well pei-son in Yicksburg followed his remains to tlïo grave. Advices from the fever-afflieted cities of the South to Oet. 83 show that, although the :tof frost had not altogether checked the march of the plague, there was a marked abatoment in the mortality as well as in the number of new cases. In some of the interior toivi)-:, however, the situation is still verv discouragiDg. the fever holding on with disnearteaing stubljornues?. Tho whole number of deaths from tho fever in New Orleans up to tiio aith of October was :.(':;".. while Uempbxs had lost 3, 898 of her citizens from tho same cause. 'Diese figures show the frightful malignity of tho plague in tho latter place, for, witli bnt a fifth of the population of Hew Orieans, Memphia has liad nearly as many fatal cases o f fever. GENEUAX. A. W. RlCHMOND, owner of the newlym star, Hopcful, is so satisfied that he has the fastest trotting liorse in existence that he has issned a ehalleugo against all the world to trottwo n B, iiamely: MileheatB, thróelnflve, in harness, and mué beato, threo in five, to ■wagon, for any reasonable amount. Statisties of the commercial failures iu the United States for tho first üiiM' months of tho present year leen furnished by Dun, Barlow Co. They number l-.5:i, as oomparítd with 1,816 tho same qnarter lasi year. Liabilitíes for tho last quartcr, 000,000, as compared with $42,000,000 tho same périod qf 18TÍ For the first niño month of 187 t!n: failures nmuber s,7t).s, as compared with 6,585 the samo poriod in 1877. Tho liabüities '"or tliu lirst tuno months of 1S7S were $197,000,000, againstíl41,O0O,OO0 for the nine months of i S7 7. The booka of tho Üíew York Mine Company, wbieh were rccently seized at Marqnetta, Mich., by Tildon'scouneel, have bcon delivered up, in accordauco with the order of the United States Court. The trial of the Montreal Orangemen for Uülawfully assembUng on the 12th of lst July lias resulted in their aoquittal. It is likely that damages for falae arrest will bo instituted by tho Orangemen against the proeeonüoa The official Qcuette, of Montreal, anuounces the new Canailian Ministry, as follows: Sir John A. Macdonahl, Minister of the Interior; S. L. Tilloy, Ministor of Financo; ('lias. Tapper, Minister öf PabUc Works ; J. J. Popo, Minister of Agrioulture; John O'Oónnor, President of the Council; James McDonald, inoinbor of the Privy Council and Minister of Justlee, I'OUTICAl TilK Vermont Lpgislaüire lias ' oloctod Hon. Justin S. Morriil tu tho United ] States Sonate for another tenn, whioh, whon eompleted, will make eighteen eonsorniivc years ho will havo sorved in that oapaoity. The full official returns of tlio Ohio eloction givc tlio following as the total vote cast I for oach candidato for Secretary of State: Barnes, lïopultlk-nn, '.'Tt.i'ï; P&iffe, ]emoi'rat, 270,966; Kay, National, S;.ïïi; Robinson, Prohibition, 5,('iTI; Barnes' pluraBty, 3,154. Samuel J. Tilden is out with a lettor donying all knowlodgo of tho cipher tolo■ams recently pubüshed in the Xew York Tritium; allegod to havo boen exchangod bctween his friends in rolation to the purehaso of olectoral votes in South (Carolina and Florida. He saya of the ftHéged telegrama, w which j relate 'tó an offer purporSng tu have boon made in Iwhalf of soino mem? lier of the State Board of ('anvassers of Florida, to give, for peouniary oompensation, certifícate to the Democratie electora who haa boon aetually ehosen, none of these telegrama, nor any Megrams oommnnioating such ofl'er, or relating to such offer, was seen by me, translated to me, or tho contenta of it in any mamier made known to me." In relation to thé eiphera baariugonthe, oanvasa of rotes in South Carolina Tilden says: ''I can peak ofthenino leas definitely and poeiüvely. Mo one Buoh telegram, either in cipher or translated, was ever shown to or it content made kmiwn : No offor or negotiation in lK'half of the Slak: Canvassers of South Carolina, or any of thoni, or anv dealing with any of thom in respect to certiiicates to cleetors ever authorizod or aanctioned in any manner by me, directly or throngh any other peison." Congressman Cliirkson N. Potter, of New York, declines a renomiuation. Abram S. Hewitt has been defeated for a renomination for Congress in New York, Orlando B. Potter capturing the prizo. s. s. Cox and Fernando Woodwere ronominated in their respective distriets. WASHINGTON. The October returus to tlic Department of Agricultura indieato tlio average condition of tlio eotton erop is 00 - the same aa September. Compared with October, 1877, the growing erop Shows an improvement of 11 per centum. The October eondition equ&la that of the splendid cróp of IST'o, and excelia any iñtorvening year. Insect injuries are nnimportant M'ith an increased acreago pkmted, tho erop now promisea to produce more than 5,000,000 balea. The October returns to the Department of Agricnlture placo the average condition of the corn erop a little abovc the Septem ber averago, and promise a total yiold of l,:MKUK)0,000 bushels. The wheat erop, it ia i matad, will exceed 400,000,000 bnehols. The viold of oats, it is bolicvod, will be somewhat larger even than the very fine erop of 1877. Secketauy Shekjian says 400,000 ouncos of silvor will be the amount pnrehased ' weekly by tho Troasury Department. The treasury now holds 848,689,850 in bouds to i curo bank circulation; $18,780,400 to seonre public dopoeits, and 81,ÍÍÍ2,(KX) to secure subscriptions to the 4 per cont. bonds. FOKEIGN. Austria Las been officially notificd by Turkey that the latter power will oppose by ftrms the advance of the Austrian troops npon Novi-Bazar. . . .The Afirrk Èane WBepress (T.ondon), in ita review of the British grain markets, ! says : "Alxmt the average erop of wheat bas been secured, and roots promise well, but prices ! obtainable for all sorts of agricúltural produce j have fallen so low that the season eau hardly i be a remunerativo one for farmera.".... ! Count Yon Bismarck, nephew of the Germán Chancellor reccntly committed BOicide nt Yen! ice by shoting himself with :i revolver. U'he act was oansed by ph.ysical suffering The ; awards to the American exhïbitorsat t'nc Frencb I Exposition number 750, namely: Ten grand prizes, thirty diplomas of honor, 134 gold medals, 200 silvor medals, '20 bronze med;d, and 150 honorable meutioiis. The aggregate is larger thau the wholo uumber of American ex' hibitore at tho Paris Kxposition of soT or at the Aienna Expositiou of 1875, and ia a larger proportion awarded to exhibitors than to any other nation representcd at this Exhibition. It is aunounccd in a cable dispatch from Rome that "the firet basis for an arrangement between the Yatican and Germany having completely failed in conseqiienee of the attitude of the Conter party in the Iteichstíig, a new and lesa radical basis will be aubatitnted, and the relations betweon the chureh and tate will be rogulated as noarly as po.ssible inaccordance with the exifting Germán laws It i an nounced from Berlin that the Emperor Williain will resumo the Government the beginning of December A Bombay dispatoh says the Ameer of Afghanistan is endenvoring to engage tbe Mohamniedans of Central Asia in a religious war against England. The Sultan of Turkey has written to tho Ameer of Afghanistan, calling upon him as a good Mussulman to come to an amicable ar' rangement with England It is roported that ' England, Italy, and l'rauce have infórmed i. Belgrade Government that they will not recognize Sorvia until the civil and political equality i of the Jows is pi'ochiinied. .,.A Bombav ilisI patch says the reply of the Anu er of Afgliania■ tan haa been reeeived by the Viceroy of India, and is unaatisfactory. Desolaïino floods aro reportod in the valley of the river Dormida, in Italy.... Full amuesty haa beun grauted by tho AuBtrians to the Bosnian insurgente who have taken rcfuge in Servia. . . .The investigators' report of tho coudition of the Bank of Glasgow, which re: contly-failed, discloses tho appalling fact that the total loss, inclndiug the capital stoel;, will reach S9,98Í,?67.7a All tlie managers aud Directors of tho City of Glasgow Bank have been arrested ; on a criminal charge of fraud. A cable disi patch says the city of Glasgow ''is absorbed in ; melancholy contemplatiou of the terrible pk'tj ure of crünc and ruin presented in the oilk-ial report of examinei's of the broken (lagow bank. The iigures and facts Jire Hooverwheim■ ing that even rïnancial minds, familiar with ' figuren aml easli looks, neem utterlv to fail to I grasp the simation. A kind of apatlieti; paral! ysia appeara to have seized npon tho citizens. : The busincsa exchanges are absolntely stag' uaut. Signa of approaching punishment for the Directors aro visible, and eagerly liailed by tle whole community. The important feature i in the report is the delibérate f alfíifi catión of the ! returns made to tho Government of the gold held by the bank against notee issued. The : legal issue wan limited to L73,931, but at the , euapension of the concern the note circulation was L8ö8,4IK, and the eoin amounted to only L321, 75S, but tho deficiency was made M ; 1 1 i ■ ■ ] - less by illegally including coin lying at the bank' branches. This scandaleus proceeding exposes the bank to tremendouspenalties under tho lawrs of (ireat Britain." Preparations are making to try 340 Nihilista at Odeasa The cable reporta a dis! astrons railway collision at I'ontypridd, ii Wales. Twolve persons were killed" and forty wounded, many of them fatally. The distribution of Exposition prizes took place at Paris on the ril wt of October. Among tho Americana who reeeived decorai tions of tho Legión of Honor are mentioned ) Commi'íaioner General liichard C. McOormick, who is made Commandcr; Prof. F. A. P. Barnard and Win. W. Story, who are made oflicera. Cyrua H. MoCormick and WalterA. : 'Wood, who were in 1807 made Cheva I licm bavo been raised to offloew, Thomas A. Ediaon and Elisha Gray are made Chevaliers The Ameer of Afghanistan re! pliea in a defiant tone to the English onvqy. 'and dares the English Government todo ita ! wrat Auatrian papers complain that tlie export of Hungarian whrat is almost at a standstill, partly in eonsequence of the Americans undcrselling the Hungariau markets.


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