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[From the American Agrlcoltilrist Lot November.] Be prompt now, whon the days are ehortening and the season for fieid work is rapidly nearing its ond. Utilize every hour for securing tho crops vet ungathered. Neglect 110 cliance for putting tlie ground in order for spring work, but turn every fair day to account, that nothing may be neglectecl. There are a score of things to be done on every farm that may be considered of little account singly but, which, in the aggregate, make up a serious total. Every one should look about, note down what needs to be done, and freqiiently examino the record. Every day the corn remains uncut, after maturi'ty, there is loss. Corn gains nothing by standing after the kernels are glazed, but fodder loses rapidly in quality. Mueli of its digestible matter is changed into woody iiber, becoruing hard and indigestible. The sooner it is cut and shocked, the sooner it can be housed in safety. Corn stalks are no longer to be considered as a waste product, good for nothing but to be trodden under foot. They are worth fully the cost of putting in the cro]), if weU saved and eurod. When ent at the right time, nnd well cured, $0 a ton is, by many, considered a reasonable estimate of their value for f eed when hay is worth $10 per ton. Careful experimenta place well-cured corn stalks as worth about thrce-fifths as much as hay. Much has been previously said as to the methods of curing corn-fodder. A caution may yet be givcn. Let the stalks be thoroughly cured before being stacked. Small stacks will not readily heat and m'old ; large ones will. Put a ventilator, if only three or four rails set on end, spread below and tied at top, in the middle of the stack. Carefully build or protect them on top, so as to shed water. Better finish the husking, if possible, while it is still pleasant weather. It is disagreeable work on a raw November day, when fingers get numb and the body chills quickly. Last year we saw farmers with wives and hiliTreii tlms employed wlien snow waa m the ground and all through the stacks. And so it will be again with athers who are behind-hand. Husking machines have been much improved since fiist brought out. For 1,000 bushels of corn it will pay to use a power-husker. By and bv the thresher-men -will have machines to do -his work, and shell the corn at the same time. Somo of the steel and chillerl iron corn-cob milis will grind corn in the husk. For cows, cattle, hogs and mules (and perhaps horses, when it is carefully used), it may be thus ground, conveniently and economically. The corn may be cribbed in the husk, and used as required. If not'perfectly dry, grind small quantities at a time, is it will heat if kept in large bulk. Harrowing wheat in the fall should only be done when the surface of the land is dry. No kind of cultivatiou should take place when the ground is wet. Experimental cultivation should be done as eaiiy as possible. Deep plowing is not needed. To kill weeds and mellow the surface are what is wanted. Harrowing may be dono safely two weeks after sowing, and repeated twiee or thriee. Then grass seed may be sown, but not before. It will take at once on the mellow soil, and soon get ahead of that treated in the usual letalone manner. Wheat needs nitrogen at this season, and so does the grass. One hundrod pounds per acre of nitrate of sodawoiild be a help to both. Mangels and beets are injured by frost. These slioulil be gathered and secured in pits this montli where frost is prevalent. The fresh leavcs have an injurious efl'ect upon cattle if . fed in excess. A day or two after cutting they may be fed safely- a pressed bushelbasketful at a time, sprinlded over with a liandful of wilt. Horses that have been on pasture ■should now be taken up at night, and have some dry feed. The change of feed from gree.n to dry should be gradual with all stock ; otherwise, the appetite may fail, and the animáis lose thereby. Milking coto eannot be kept in full flow without ampie rations of fresh fodder. As the pastures become bare, newly-cured corn-stalks, cut and mixed with chopped roots and sprinkled with middlings, and ground corn and oats, may be given. Liberal feed always pays with the right kind of cows. The aim in feeding now should be to get the stock into good condition beforc cold weather, remem'bering that an animal the winter HnM is as good as half through it already. Sheep, if fed liberally and managed carefully, are most profitable stock. The better we do for them the better they -.vill do for u's; bacïly managed, they are likely to prove a failnre. Feeding slieep for market is a profitable business for those who have judgment to buy well, to feed well, and to sell well. Two profits can easily be made; a big manure heap and good pay for feed and care wül be returned to the skiUfnl feeder. For more detaüed information " Stewart's Shepherd's Manual" may be consulted. Feeding for pork may best be begun at once, using up the soft and poor corn first. Some feed green stalks, cut fine, and mixed with meal; this will j bring the pigs into a thrifty condition, to be finished very rapidly in November. It is a great mistake to stint anmuüs in water ; 75 per cent. of their weight is water. Digestión eannot go on without it. "Water is, therefore, food in one ! sense, and an ampie supply should bc : providcd fov e very animal to drink when iüclined. If cus are expecíed during the ;er, tliey must be provided for now. Dis3ose of the old hens; select as many of ;he best young pullets and feed them ,vell. Give wheat, pöakefl in hot water, mee a day. Barley, buckwheat and 3orn, in eq'ual proportions, may make the vest of the food ; chopped cabbages ill help. Provide clean quarters, plenty oi water, gravel, old rnortar and charpa!. Make the house warm; do not crowd too many into it, and a fjood sup}ly of eggs will rcsult. Vinegar-making is a sort of fermentation greatly faeilitated by a kind of low microscopio plant, popularly known as the " mother" of vinegar. Placing eider in old easks containing this, and ïm'xmg eider with old vinegar, hastens the process. Top-dress the orohard with fine manure this month, or later. Leave no dead weeds, grasa or other rubbish neai young trees to harbor mice. Kccentlyiilinitcd teSBS should liue a conioal mound of earth, about a foot high, around them. Strawberries are sometimes öijurea by too nmch covering; the straw,marsli hay or other material should be placed freely upon the soil, but only an inch or two thick over the plants themselves. Raspberries of tender sorts are luid down an'd febVfered with : few inches of earth. This is quickly done by two men__one to trend over the plants and the other to put on tho soil. "Jasper Adaik" writcs, "Wliat is the significante if vou drop your fork aud it sticks uprigh't in the Hoor':" We don't know wliat the superstition is, ,) asper, but if you sit down to the tablc aud l-.reak a cracker into your luit and then jmt your soup píate on your teftd and walk out, it signiiies tliat you are dangevonsly liable to pet most awfully dxkaátü-Burdette.


Old News
Michigan Argus