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RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CEMRAL KA 1 1. 110 AD. MAV 1-, L878. aoINO WEM1. i ï 1! : f II r ew +- A.M. A.M P.M. p. U. P.M. p.M. Uetroit, leave, 7 Ou 9 :;." 4 4S 2 SO 6 20 9 rd O. T.Jiinction, 7 15 iO UP 8 00 g OS 0 86 10 10 Wayne Junction J 10 1; 5 2 8 :) 7 lo ld 42 Ypailanti, 8 lu 10 45 C ihi g Dl 1 86 11 in Oeddes, . Ann Arbor, 8 :0 11 00 i :) i 05 8 10 11 21 belhi, S 44 6 4:s Dexter, 8 iiii t 5a 4 22 8 SI Chelsea, 9 IS 7 c H 4 411 8 48 Grana Lakt, 9 47 7 3 5 05. 9 07: ' A.M. Jackson, 10 20 - 1.Ï 8 00 r 00 9 40 ' 45 Alliiuii, 11 04 12 18 g i 0 47 '10 88 1 ( Marshall, 11 S0 I SO -o 7 12 11 UU 1 45 P. M. 8 Battlo Crcek, 12 lü 1 15 ♦ 7 45 11 35 á lo Ualerjburjj, 12 j 8 ($ 12 (17 A. M. A.M. . Kalamuoo, 1 13 :'■ 88 4 80 8 20 12 25 ' 53 Uwlon, 1 54 :'. 11 8 OS l 08 Decatur, ï 11 5 20 1 27 Dowatfiac, 2 :Vi 5 45 1 57 Niles, 8 05 4 07 6 30 i :) 4 24 Buchnnan, 8 l'J t 4:: 2 M Thrue Oaks 3 49 ; 13 3 28 New Buffnlo, 4 u3 4 57 7 28 ö 4ö Michigan City, 4 :)0 i 20 7 55 4 16 t 47 Lake, 5 13 6 02 & 40 ■ 5 04 (i 28 Kensington, IOS C 50 1) lü 5 55 7 10 Ohieago, arriTe, ti 56 j 411 111 31. 8 45Í s OOINQ KAST. 1 I M I I I li i & íJk ia ti _f_ __?_ _pl dl_ 515 A.M. A. M. P.M. I'. M. P. X. (Jhtcago, leave, 7 0 9 00 1 (10 5 15 900 KenxingtOD, 7 50 9 50 4 50 8 r, 'J 50 Lake, 8 40 10 30 i 45 6 60 10 8S Michigan City, l 25 11 10 6 35 7 4ii 11 15 NewBuffalo, '.147 11 '27 6 57 llar, Three Uak, 10 02 7 12 A.M. Buchatian, 10 32 7 4.1 Niles, 1U 45 12 15 8 12 9 U0 12 35 Uuwagiac, 1 1 ló 8 40 1 03 Decatur, 11 3 1 27 Lawton, 11 .'i7 9 2: a. m. Kalamazoo, ! 12 33 1 40 1(1 00 8 6(1 10 26 2 17 UaleBburg, 12 52 . 7 Oil '2 87 Battle Creek, 1 27 2 18 M 7 40 11 08 3 15 ?. " Marshall, 2 25 8 00 J5 8 10 il 37 3 49 A.M. Albion, ÍS2 21 a.m. 8 35 12 05 4 10 Jacknon, .4". 4 05 540 u :V 1'2 50 4 ís Oras I,ake, i 08 l (7 a 80 Chelses, 4 40 6 81 ll 07 Dexter, 6 lio 6 47 10 18 Delhi, 6 lo 6 55 Aun Arbor, 90 r' 1 7 10 10 'S'.i 2 06 6 28 (íeddes, 5 28 Ypsilanti. 5 88 6 24 7 27 10 45 2 20 6 15 Wayne June, 6 02 5 45 " 62 II 05 2 44 7 09 O. T. June, 6 33 ÍK 8 25 11 30 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., 6 48 6 30 8 40 11 45 3 35 8 00 (irnnd Knpñla and Kalarnnzoo Kxprewe arriveH ni Ornnd Uitpidd 'J.Jtt p. m., nud 1MY68 tirand Hapidg (3:15 a. ni. tíundays excepted. ISaturday and Hunday excepted. fljíuly. H. B. LKDYAED, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wkntworth, tí. P. & T. AkI., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Takiug HftVft Monday, July 29, 1878. GOINO SOItTH. OOING SOUTH. Mixwl. Mail. Mail. Mixed. A. M. i', ir. A. M. P. M. 6 50 4 00 Toledo 1U OU 7 00 65S 4ib Nurili Toledo 87 ü .v 7 14 4 ic Detroit JuncUon 4.-. 086 7 31 4 27 Hawthorn y :4 6 19 7 40 1 ::7 Sainarla 9 24 ti 01 8 01 4 47 Seola 9 14 5 49 8 11 4 ".4 l.ol 11 9 07 6 88 s-.'l 801 HonroeJnnctlon 9(K) 529 8 49 " 12 Dundue 8 49 5 02 902 i 19 Macón 8 42 4 4. 9 20 5 29 Azalia s :2 4 29 9 51 5 14 Milán 8 16 3 58 10 1" 6 ■'! .Nina S 08 :; N 10 ;(." e; 117 rniiiia 7 68 :: 14 1054 817 Vpsihuitl Junctlon 7 4.'i 2M 11 20 USO Ann Arbor 7 :to 2 M J. S. MORRIS, Gen'l Superintendent: J. M. Asiiley, .Ir., At. Supt DETROIT, HILL8DALË AND SOUTHWESTERX RAILROAD. To take efiect Aug. 19, 1878. OO1NO WK8T. QOIÜO EAST. STATIONS. Mail. Kxp. ■ UTATIONH. Kxp. . rtil Ypflilantl.... 10:45" 7:40 ' M' M Saline 11:16 :lu liankara G:15 2::10 Bridgewater..ll:: 8:28 Hillsdale .. 6-80 2:40 Manchester. 11:53 8:48 Manches ter.. 8:28 4:19 v. h. Bridgewater x:48 4:8] Hillsdale 1:35 10:30 Saline 9:10 4:53 Banken 1:45 10:40 Ypsilunti.... '.':4." 5:20 Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. C 1 AÑADA SU TUi:H IfV I.IMIN. y The Oiily American Route Through Canuda Trains leave M. C. K. R. Depot,, city linie, as follows: Atlantic Expresa, daily, 4 00 a. o., Wagner car to Roston. Kast Day Express, daily, 12 10 noon, Wagner car to New York and BostOQ. Lightning Express, ilaily excepi Sunday, 11 10 p, 111., Wagner car to Búllalo and Rochester. Toledo tniins leave 7 50 a. 111. exeept Sunday ; 3 10 p. m. daiiy ; G 50 p. m. exeept Sunday, For Fayette ti 30 p. ni. exeept Siimluy. 95f For informatloQ and tickets apply toG.W, yhaipless, agent M.C. R. R., Aun Aroor. W.K. MUIR, Gen'l Manager, st. Thomas. Ont, M. C. ROACH. Pass. Aginl, Detroit. l'UANK 1:. SNOW, 1 "ii. Pass. and Ticket Agt. Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNEI) ! o NEW GOODS1 And pnces LÜWER THAN EVER. I hare purchaaed in New York, for cash, bd4 I Hm now daily receiving one of the largtMt and most select stocks of &roo6ZÍO8 111 WitshLenaw County, consisting of a iuU atid well Mleoted LINE OF TEAS, All of the new crop - including ruupowler, ImperialN, Vonue: If - HonH IfysoDN, .l;iuuis. OoloiififM, B orioHH, Conoust Siriichont,. und Twunkaj'üt Together with a full line of COFFEHS, consistíne of the followiDi? brand: MOCHA, OLD QOV'T JAVA.MAKACAIHO. LAUUAYKE.SANTOS and RIO both roasted and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinjr in the line cf Pure Spices, Canaed fruita, and Vegetable. We huve ft full and complet liae of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIso, a choice asuortment of Ladiea and Ge n tlenienB U nder wear. Cali and examine tioods and Pi ices and we will in sim: stttisfachon. EDWARD DUFFY. Maynard'e Block' cor. Main íind Aun 9treeta Ann Arbor. Mich. ÍÍ?Hiphest cneh price paid for all farra produce. "TBi ÏCTN A. 1N8DKANCB COMPAiW. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incluí'" Re-Insurance Eesorve, $4,735,092.86. ïïftt Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-lnsurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C. MACK, Affent, Aun Arbor. llniverslty Letter and Note Hi-ails, wlth and without Oats, In Hodder1 Patent ltloting Pad Covera- 100 and 120 slicets In a book- for le at the AKüUS Office. í A f a weck in your own town. $5 outfit free. 1 r f No risk. Reader, if yon want a buaincís Iñ I I I ut whioh persona of either eex cau inake 1)UU eat pay all the time they work, wrlte or particular to H. Hallett & Co., Portland, M.


Old News
Michigan Argus