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TIli: KAST. Thrke seems to be little doubt thnt the littlo sliip Florence, whioh was sent to the Arctie rogions, undei Capt Howgate's dircctions, has boon lost at soa. Sho retnrncil and touched ;it Newfoundland Bome weeka ago, and Bailed thonce for Xcw London. Ot, Binoe whioh time nothing bas been hoard of hor. A ftirious gala prevailed Bhortly aftershe left Ne wf oundand, and the Florence, with her entire crow of thirteed, iücludlng Capt. Tyson, undoubtedly porished iu it. A storm of frightful violenco passed over a largo part of the Atlantic seaboard on tho moniingof Oet :_'::. doing a vast anionnt of damáge to proporty, and cansing po ineopsideraöle loss of lifa Phüadelplria seems to havo been the chief Bufforer, whero prpperty valued at over 11,000,000 was desteoyod, several persons killed, and a largo number woundod. Ehihg lilic a thousand dwellings wero unroofed, cores of churehes damagod more or loss, tho Pennsylvania railroad left in niins, and tho whole water-front of tho city gnbmerged. Oeat damage was doneinothñ places in l'ennaylvania; and in Washington and Albany, in ïaot all alone thé track of the aio. the effect yere most disaatrous. Tho hurricane originated is tlir West Indioa The storm that passed over lYnnsvlvania and New York, ploying guoB wild havoo in Pbiladelphia, was even more destructivo on water chan on land. Eight vcssols wero sunk and twenty-two damaged in tho harbor of Pbiladelphia, while dl along the Delaware river innumerable wrecka mark the track of tlie galo. An oyster fleet, bound np tho river, was soattered like ehaff, nearlvevery veasel being sunk or driven ashore, and sevoral hvos lost On Chesapenke bay the storm was tho severest experienoed for vean, and many Tossi'ls ero drivon ashore. The steamer Express foundered :t tho mouth of the Potomao, and fiftoen livea wore lost. Along the Atlantic coast tho wind attained a volociéy of eightv te niiifty miles an honr, and for over a bmulrod milos the coast is dotted with wrecks. The most stupencLius bank robbery that has startled the country lor many a day oceurred in Xew York city on" the morning of Sunday, Oct 87. liehveen 6 and 9 D'olook oí that moming masked burglars entered the Kanhatfan Savings Bank building, at the cornei of Broadway and Bleeeker streot, and, aftoi handcufting tho janitor, made liim, lundei threats of instant death, revoal the combination of tho safo to thoiu. and delivai up tho kevs of the bank. Thoy theu proceeded to ritle tho yanlt of nearly evervthiug it contained, oonsistmg of atwut" $3,0ti,000 in cash, secnririee and Jewelry. The pmportv lost, noarly all of whioh staiids in tho bank's name, and is tharefore no negotiablc, consista almost entiroly of United Ktates bonds and loca secnrities, only $11,00) iu cash being secured by the robbers. Tuf. gigantio Maahattan Bank roTbery is the sonsation in New York banKng careles. It is considered as remarkable that this particular bank could Ixíou 'so sucoessfulh robbetl. Tho institution is sitnated in the most tbronged part of the city, two bloeks from pólice headmiarters. The" localitv is generalij freqnented at aU honi-s of the night, lui tlie burglary did not ocenr till daylight Two watehmen and a jauitor are employed at the bank. The watehmen left at 0, " aud tho jamtor was then to come down from overhea and look aftcr things. Tho latter was handcntled beforo leaving his dressing-room. The janitor. a simple oíd Oerman, hold the combi pataonkey to tho safe. The reason the bnrglara conld not be seen was bocause thev workcd J'iside the vaiilt v ith tho outsido door closed. Ihei-o are largo gUugj doora and windows to the nank, and passers could seo tho whole interioi from two stroets- Jiroadway and Bleecker. THE WEST. Catholic Bishop Rosecrans died quito suddenly, of hemorrhago of tho Inngs, at Columbus, Ollio, a few davs ago. He was a brother of SUj. Qén. llosecrans. The largest diy-goods house iu St Louis, that of Dodd, BróWn A C"o., bas failod. Their liabilities are placed at $1,200,000, and their assetB at abont the same. The failnre is attributed to the prevaleñco of tlic vollow-fcvei epidemie in the South. Dispatches from tho Upper Missouri report that a body of the ('heyenne fugiüvos reeenÜy from the Indian Territory, havo sneceedcd in getling across tho Yollowstonc and liave gone to joiu Sittüjg Buil pn the other sido of tho ( 'anadia! line Tlie section of country in Kansas recently raided by the Cheyenne-üidians bas been swept ever l.y prairie "lires, which oonsumec nearly everything left by the savages. News of a terrible tragedy comes from Yiuoennes, Ind. An old Freuchman ■ 1 John D. Yacelet, living two miles f ron that town, aud his entire family, consisting of wife and two sous. were murdered at night bv nnknown partios. The object of the crinio was robbery. Inïelugexce has reached Omaha that tho entire band of renegada Cheyennes has boen eaptnredj together with a considerable amouut of live stock. Capt. Johnson, of tht Third Cavalry Battalion, is ontitled to the credit of the capture Tho creditors o) the large dry-goods lirmof Dodd, Brown & Co. whp recontly failcd, havo grantod concessioné which will enable the house to resumo business. Provost, the fieiid who was arrested for the murder ol' the Vacelet family, near Vinc innes, Ind., committod suicido in his cell, in Tncennes jail, by hanging himself with a toweL J.HE Cincinuati Knquirer jjublishes statisties and approximate esttmatea of the corn erop for 1878 a followS: In 51 couuties in Ohio the ïKimber of acres planted is l,i5,0OÜ. Tho yield in bnshela is 63,15,000, being an increase over last year of abont 1,500,009 bushels. In 48 countiesof Indiana tho nnmberTQ] aerea planted ia 2,028,000, Tho yield in bn.shels is M'.'i,(, being abont 2,0tKi,(Kl0 decroaso. In 10 countios in Kentncky the nmnbor of acres planted is 126,000. The yield in bushels is bëing 800,000 deorease. THE SOtTII. The United States mail coach running between Fort Worth and Weatherford, Tex. , was hal tod by highwaymen tho other dav, the mail ponches rifled of their contents, and the passengere stripped of thoir valnaljles. Two füeight trains collided at Guthrie, Ky., rosulting in the killing of three trampa who wöre stealing a ride on the trama No other lives were lost Somb 400 smaJl illicit di.stillers in the jjionntains of North Carolina havo promised, if the CnverniMont will relieve them from prosecution, to refrain from all violatious of the revoque laws in future. The yellow fever is dying out in the South, ïiid refugocs are roturning homo by the thousands. The Memphis local physiciaus are now attonding to the few romaining casos in that city, aud tho relief committee Jias olosed out its charitablo work. The Peabody Kubsistenco Association of ,iv Ork.ans bas taken similar action. In the interior towna of theLower Mississippi vallei a similar enconraging state of affairs is raported, the cold weathor seeming to haveeheokod the march oí the péètUeooe evorywhere. A Memphis telegamsays : "TheCitizons' Belief (Jomniittee are bnsilv engaged in sottling up tho affairs of the organization. Tho receipts of money from the North during the summer thé Treasurer estimatea at Í60,OJO, of which 40.ii;() bas boen oxpondod, lnaving a blanco of f80,000 to be distnbnted amongïoo impóverished orphan aayltuns." A MiaiPiirs telegram says a revised list of those who died and are convalescent in each of tho uewspaper oflices haa been preparcd, and shows the following sad record: In the Appeal ofliee uineteen died, twonty-ono are convalosceiit, and two eseapeu. In the Ava '.anche therè have been ihirtecn doatlis, ten are convalescent, and five were not attacned. In the Ledger omoe bnt one escaped, four deatha ■■.i ii-. ■. l. and niiio employés survived the attiick, and are again at the cases. GEÑER&I ÏHB Orangemen who were arrested while attempting to parade in Montroal on the 12thof lastjuly have brought an action for falso arrest against the Mayor of the city. The National Xarrow-Gauge Convention, adjournod from July IS, met in Cincinnati last weck, about sixty persons being present, represonting roads in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Iilinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Arkansas and Toxas. Tho opening address was mado bj CoL E. Hulbert, of Bedford. Md. He said that, vast as is our present railway nvstom of 7r),0OU miles, the neit generatioD 'wiil roquiro 75,000 more, and narrow-gango roads wero espeoially Miiitol to moet thia want. Recent deaths: Cardinal Cullen, Archbishop of Dublin, and ono of tho most fa mous of tho Catholic prolates; John S. Carlisle, cx-UintC'l States Konator from Virginia; Gen. lames 8. Whitney,n old-time Democratie politictan "f Massachusetts ; John JÍ. Kliffart for tho past twenty-fivo yeara Btcretary of the Ohio State Board of Agricultura The Fenian Brotherhood have abolished the offico of Hsad Onter, whose duties will devolvo upon a General Secretan-, imder lio supervisión of a Central Council. Tnis actÍDii is said to havo boon tho recommendation of James Stevens, ex-Chiof of thn Brotherhood, and 8oon again to assumo the diruction. The stoumship City of Ilunstnn, froiu New York to Galveaton, Toxas, foundered off Prying Pan ahoals, during the recent terrifio galo. Tho passongors and crew werorescued, and landed at Fernandina, Fla. Tho steamer Gou. Barnes, froni Savannah for New York, was lost in the Hamo storm. Fortunately, as iu the caao of tho City of Houston, her passengere and Orew ware all saved. The little Aretie schoonor Floronco, commandod by Capt. Tyson, which va supposed to have leon lost, han arrived safely at Provinoetown, Mass., though in a badly leasing condition. POLITICA 1.. At a political meeting in Philadelphia, the other night, 8ome ono hurled a largo st.m6 at Speaker Randall, which barely misged hU hend The anti-Tamniany Demócrata and Kepublicans of New York city ure running Edward Cooper (Democrat), a bon of Peter Coopcr, for Mayor, in oppoeition to Augustus Schel!, the regular Tammany noniinee. The total Democratie vote, at the recent eleetion in Indiana, was 1!H,!KX); tho P.epóblican voto, 17í),(M0; tho Greonbaek voto, 39,166; Democratie plurality, 15,1)41. President Hayes and Seeretary Sherman visited Cumbci'land, Md. , last week, as guests of tho Cumborland Agricultura] Fair Society, and ialked to the poople on the finalices. Seeretary Evarts, about tho samo time, tlelivered a spcoch on the finalices in New York city. To an interviewer rostmaster Gen: oral Key aipressed the opiüidn that the Republicana f the Paeific coast are in favor of nominating (ien. Grant for Presidentin 1880, and that "if nominated he wil] certainly bceleetcd.".... Official vote of Iowa for Seoretary of State at the Ootober eleetion: Huil, Eiepublican, 134,604; Farnsworth, Democrat and Greenbaoker, 125.114. Hull's majority, 9,88a washington. Secretary of thk Treasury Sherm.x is preparing his annual report to Congroas, touching whieh a Washington corresponden telegraphs: '-In view of the approximation of specie resumption and Iris firin determination to carry tin important flnancial méasure to a full consunmuition, ho will give a retrospept uf what has been aceoniplished, and combat the posltion taken by the ahti-reanmptionistö and BOft-money men that bis policy has been and will be ruinons to the economie interesta of the country. He does not propose, it is stated, to urge additional legislation to enable him to eany ooi the Reenmption act, a !■ regarda that question settled, and, befove s'.ich a measure conld pass, specie paymenta will have been reachod. ., .Attorney General Deveus kas overruled a formor decisión of hia department, rel&ting to the valuatkm of önited States bonds keld by national banbs. Theprevious ruling was that onl.v the face value of the bonds conld be exempted froni capital retnrued for taxation. Mr. Devens' ruling exempts the eum paid for the bonds, matead of their face. Under this rule, it is understood, the banks will have claims for the refundiug of a considerable sum heretofore paid. Information has been received at tbc War Dopartmmit tu the effect tliat tho Mexican General, Treviuo, commander of the troops on tho Rio Grande, bas arrived at Piedras Negras. where Gen. Ord, who commands the United States troops on the Kio Grande frontier, bas gono to meet him for the purpose of consultation as to the plans to be pursned to mairttaid order and prevent cattle-stealing raids into Texas trom tho Mexican edde. The Appropriation Cobimittee of the House will meet iu a few days and begin work upou the appropriation bilis. It. is the expectation of the Gkainnan to liave tbc Legislative bill ready to report at the opening of the session. If anything is done with the bill before the holidavs are over, it will be out of the asual order The project of building a national musical ronservatory in Washington is no-.v eer? tain óf oeing accomplished. Mr. Corcoran, the. banier, who kaa done so mucli for the private nud public institations of Washington, has accepted the Chairmansliip of the Advisory Committee. His conneotion wifch' tke ff air tt sures its certain Miccess A big batch of moonshiners in Xortli Carolina have been made happy by a sort of general amnosty granted bj the Attorney (lenend ou condition tnat tliey will bo Boïiest and law-abiding citizens horeafter. Tliis decisión is made in accordance witli tho recommendation of the aeting CoümissioBei of Interna] Bevenue, and applies to Bome 400 persons. Thcy will all plead guilty to the charges against them, and sentence upon them will be suspended during gooil behavior. Tlifv promiso not only to not viólate the law themselves, hut to lise their intluence to prevent others froni transgressjng. FORKIGN. A fresh outbreak of the Kaffir war is expeeted by. the F.nglish in South África. One of the most poworful chiefs of tho Zulus threatons open hosülities. üut ho will doubtless 1 thrashed into submission long before the British troops reach the capital of Afghanistan. The British tdvance npon Cabul has been postponed until next year cable dispatcli says that Count Schouvaloff will succeed Qortechakeff au Bnssian Prime .Minister, on account of the latter's precarious health. A cable dispatch says that "affairs uear Constantinople are more and more assuming the same semi-hostile phase as before the meeting of the Berlin congres. Turkish troops havo bees moved into positions vaca tod by the Bussians, and the earthworks are being repaired and armed before Constantinople and GallipolH The Turks are arranging to increaao their fortes, and are aummoning half-pay ofiicers to aetive duty. A specirl committee for the defenseof the capital has been formed at the Seraskierafe." Auvicés from Sania l'niz represent that the condition of the island since the insurrection is hopeloss. About 100 nogroeö have been exeCUtod, hut the insurreetionary spirit remains alive. St. Tlionia has lost over $1"O,IKX) by the insurrection, whilo S:!,(XX),OÜO would nol cover the damage done in Santa Cruz There bas been a groat inundation on one of tin' branches of the river Nilo. Twenty villages were submerged, and upwardof 1,000 lives lost The yomig King Alfonso, of Spain, luis just made a narrow escape from an asSMsin's bullet. Whilo driving in tho streets of Madrid, a man in a blouse fired a pisto! at him. The King was uot touched, and continuad on his way to the palace aniid the acclamations of tho erowd. The man was iminediately Soteed by the soldiers and taken" to prison. llie would-be assasain is named Juan Sforcasi, a member of the International Society (ermanv has suc oej ded in negotiating another loan of 60,000,000 Jn;irks. . . .SeveralGeiman Socialist newspapers, aiiti.-ipating Buppression, announce their discontinuance, and at the same time advertisc tl appoaranoeof new journals by the sanie pub lishers. Moncasi, the would-be assassin of the King of Spain, confesses that he journeyed to Madrid solely for the purpose of killing that monarch The British Minister euergetically insists upon tho execution of the convention between tlie Porte and England abolishing the salo and unportaUon of slavee The newe from Bulgaria is alarming. 'J'he notables an organizing a movoment for the exterminatiou of the Bfohammedans1, and the Russians encourage a secret eommitteo in procuring arais. The great strugglo is likely to take place during th winter Tho bankruptcy is annouuced of John Tunes Wright ,v Co., of Glasgow and London. Wright is one of tho imprisoned Directors of tho Ghisgow liank. Stookholdees in broken Glasgow 13ank will have to puy a ruinous price for the easy-going carelessness which allowed their managers to waste the nieans of the concern and overwhelm it with debt. There is no limit to the liability of shareholders except their ability topay; and itissupposed that the assessinent of $2,oUU per share, or 5rJ() por cent. of the par value, will exhaust the fortunes of many of the victims, lea ving a large ballaueetoboultimately made good by those of largor wealth. . . .In the oironlacto the eignatory powers in regard to the new rebellion soutii of the lialkaiis, the Porte describes the condition of tho MubsuImans in Bulgaria and Roumelia as intolerable, and declares that a foreigi power is co-oporating with the Salvonic committees at Sofia, and aiming at the establishment of a new and independent state.


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