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THE undersignud ni offonng uia burvices to Uashtcnaw and the adjoiiiing Co'Mities. a Uomccoputhic physician. woulfi Biíji that afior liaving prncticed medicine on theprincipies as tauglu in the old echool, and trcaied disenso for tlie lasi two yoars according to the law of HomcDopathy. - (Similia similibus mrantur.) tnught in the ncw school of medicine ; and ha ving compaicd tito suceessoi ibe two sysirms. he unhesitntingly belicves IIoiiKrop.iihy to bo the most safe. certain and siicccsslul rneiliod ol'cure. Disenses, liithoito incurable, are now in most cases, permanirftly eradicated by Honiocopmliy.Afl'octions of the spino. head. uterus, stoinach, &c. &c. liavc nov their certain rem edies. Epilepsy, ninnia, pnrnlysis. neuraliria, bronchnis, llverand lung discases; ecarlet lover, cholera. black measled. mallgnant sore throsn. erysipelas or black tonguc. croup, innamm;i:ions of the brui, Biomach, bowele. &c. &c. ure only a few of the innny ills, that have been stript of their 'errorsby the timelylnpplication of homcRopailiic medicamento. Wiihont further essay, the undersigned wouldlenve ii tú the aftlictedto say, on trial of the remedies, whether Ilomceopalhy is what it clainiB to bo or not. He would oleo state 'hnt he has just rotiirncd from New Yorkand PhUadeíphía, with n comptete asaortment of MEDICAMENTS, jii6t importcd from Leipsic, to tliis place, whore he wil] mlciid to all calis, ond furnish mediuameiiin. books, &c. at the lowftit pricet) From tho close and exclusive attention he is giving ld the study and j;raciice of Homa-opalhy to bc abie to givc saiisfaciion to thosc who moy favor him withiheir patronage. Communicnlions, post paid, from patients at u distancc. will receive prompt iitiontion. 'J'hose who iniy wisli to place ihem.sclves under his treatmoht for any chronic disease, win obtain lodgings eithci at his house, or in oiher places, ot low pricep, THOS. BL,ACKWÜOD, M. I). .Uomcropatliist. Ypsilanii, 2()th Nov. 1845 2 ',9-1 v