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Agricultural And Domestic

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Around the Farm. One acre of land will produce 1,000 bushels of sugar beets, which, made into sugar, will yield 4,800 pounils of sugar ; or into vinegar, 5,000 gallons ; or into proof spiijte, 1,000 gallons, Such aro the possibilities of an acre of ground, witn propöt skill and cultivation. Fattenimí l'iüs. Fattening pigs should be pushed on as rapidly as possiblc before the cold weather. A pound of fat made now costs less than that made next month, and the latter costs less than the same amonnt made iu December. Bemember that the cold weather wastes fat. Ground for Oats. - Ground for oats should be fall-plowed and left ridged, so that the cultivator or harrow niay fit it for seedinsr in the early spring. The land for early potatoes slionld also be plowed and manured. Spread the mar Qure apon the plowed ground and leave till spring ; then plow it under. I bklieye, from experience and observation, that well-improved grass lands, vitli many kinds of grass, not averstocked in the dry season, and a liberal supply of hay, out eaily and well sared for, will prodHèe as good if not better cattlo than too much stuffing ivith grain, which has a tendency to contract the inwards and prevent thrift svhen confined to grain alone. - Sjicmglar. In speaking of the necessity of landdrainage, Mr. Mechi says : "The want of a hole in the great agrictiltural plantpot during the last wet winter luis caused many an agrieultural purse to be only half filled. How strange it is that no farmer would have a plant-pot in his green-house or home without a hole in the bottom, while the same individual of ten does not consider one tobe necessary in the big plant-pot outside." Farmtng is a business similar, in its broad features, to all other trades and manufactures, and should bc mauaged on the same principies. It is unpleasant, therefore, to observe that, while manufacturing and commercial interests have attained a distinguishcd position in this country, asriculture bas not niet with that corisideration whieh its importance demands. "Whatever the material prospority of the country may be, it must be based on that which supplies ths resources of natural life and vigor to the nation. A veky simple process is employed for freeing woodland newly bronght into cultivation from the stumps of trees. A hole about two inches in diameter and eighteen inches in depth is bored in the stamp about atitumn, filled with a concentrated solution of saltpeter and elosed with a ping. In the following spring a pint ör so of petroleum is poured into the same hole and set on fire. During the course of the winter the saltpeter solution has penetrated every portion of the stump, so that not only' this, bilt also the roots, are thoroughly burnt out. The ashes are left, and form a valuable manure. No othee erop gives as large an amount of easily-digestible food for cows, young stock, sheep or hogs, as the sugar beet, while the manure from feeding the beet is of much greater value than when animáis are fed npon almost ny other kind of root. I'rance grows one-half more wheat upon an acre, fatitus a much greater number of cattlo ,han the same territory in America, from :he fact that that country raises enormous quantities of sugar beets for makng sugar, and has the rich manure from ,ho refuse which is fed to the stock. To ïave the full value of the raising of sugar beets we should have the sugar manufactory as well. but until that comes no more profitable erop can be i-aiscd and fed out upon the farm than beets. The ground for beets, like that for any other erop, should be mellow, tilled deeply, and rich. The seed should be sowed as early as possible, in rows from two and a haif to three feet apart - so as to allow the use of the cultivator botween - and the seed should be sown at the rate of three to four pounds to the acre, and the plants thinrwsd out, and, if. ueed be, trausplabted, so as to stand from twelve to fifteon inches apart; this will give large roots, and a erop of twenty-flve to thirty-five tons to the acre. - Rural New Yorker. The bandage system, which we were the first to suggest some twenty-flve years ago, and have often referred to since, is the only effectual protection we have yet seen against the operations of the -worm in fruit trees. We repeat again that in not a single instance have we ever had a worm in our dwarf pear trees where this was properly attended to. It is simply to bandage the bottom of the tree wiik any kind of muslin or clotb, and tie it, letting the bandago be about six inches above ground aud two inclies below. It shonld be applied as soon as the ground is in a fit cöndition to go upon. These " bandages should be removed a,t the end of October, but it will do lio harm to let tliem alone, only that they remdin in good cöndition for another season. As long as this is continued we defy the worm. The beetlc lays its eggs an inch or two above the ground early in the spring, thatis, rs soon as the warm days in March will ai - mit of its coming forth f rom i tu winter quarters ; the eggs are soon hatched by the sun, being lakl on the sun-side of the trunk, and the young grub flnds its way down to the soft bark beneath the soi'l, where it gradually works its way in. The bandage priiMits both the laying of the eggs and the deseent of the grub. Let doubters try it, One man will bandage '200 trees in a day. It may also protect the peách tree in the same way. - Germcntou:n Telegrajih.


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