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Our Supreme Court have decided during ita present Bession that the statuto ullowing beasts running at largo in the public highway to be taken by any person and publicly sold by a public officer, and providing that after the expenses of the proceedings and of keeping the animáis were paid the remainder should bo paid over to their owner, who should be allowed a certain timo iu which to rodeem them, is not unconstitutional as divesting property rights without due procesa of law The annual meeting of the Michigan State Beekeepers' Association will be held at Grand liapids, Doe. 4, at 2 p. ra., and continue two days. Moro than a score of the prominent beekeepers of Michigan will take part in the programtne, aud nearly every branch of bee culture will be considered by those specially proficient iu the several branchos. Valuable articles from several of the most extensivo beekeepers in the Uuitod States are also proinised, and the seSBion promises to be more interesting and valuable than any yet held. The cigar factory of M. Berger at Lan8ing, was fired on Monday night at 11 o'clook and its contents entiroly destroyed. The tobáceo and other stock was insured for $2,800, which more than covers the loss. The building was owned by Chris. Wolf. Loss about l,500 ; insured for $2,000. Cannell &, Kdmonils' harness shop and Carpenter's drug store being on eithor side of the faotory, these gentlemen are also out auiall amounts. gA barn ownod by S. J. Vaughn, one niile north of Eaton Rapids, was burned Tuesday night with 300 bushuls of wlnMii, a horse, wagon, and hay. Loss, #1,000; insured for $700. Mrs. Mosher, of the Hillsdale exchange hotul, was thrown from hor carriage while driving into Jonesville a day or two ago, and terribly injured. Private letters received from Geo. V. Fish, recently appointed United States Consul at Tunis, announces his safo arrival there aftor a pleasant trip. Dr. I''inh had made his formal cali upon the Boy of Tunis and prosentod his letters, and had received the formal visits from the representativos of othor nations. He reports his fitst imprcssions of his new post of duty as being very favorable. - Flint (Jlobe. The Grand Bapids and Indiana Kiiilroad Company aro making arrangements to extend their railway track from l'etoskey to crookod Lako, some six miles, thereby conneoting by water communication with Cheboygan and Maokinac. Hundreds of Canadians are invading this State this fall, looking lor work in the lumber woods. They Bay tbey get better food and quarters than when in the omploy of Ontario lumbermen. A Coldwator firm are buying 1,000 head of poultry daily. They eniploy 29 hands, adults and obildren, in killing, picking and packing poultry. J. F. Johnson, of Groveland, üakland County, was robbed of $'200 a short time since by two highwaymen at Reed City. Being an old man, the footpads got away with their plunder. A ditch-digger employed on the farm of W. H. Lintz, of Constantino, has found the remains of a mastadon. The old bye-goue had tusks four feet long.


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