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At Ferry's Rook Store. TO THE PUBLIC .'! rllK undürsjgned liaving rcturncd from New M Yoik with n ncw, laigu and valuablo atock i 'ooks, Slalioiicry and Paper Hangings, now reády to sell for Cnah, riny ihing in his r je at hts ncw stand on Main streel, oppole II. Eeiiker's Bi iel; Siore. He will sa y 10 ook pui. luscis. by lus effirts lost full on _ 9 re'urn lnm iNew York, the price of nearly w ■ei y tliin:; in his line lias been suld i less than 1 rctofore. and hnd ii not been for blin, puichurs'would linve continued to pay ihe pricesherefoi e charged. Ha can say nlso. tliat his nales havo been bo'-]' ond bis nioíl áitiguina expectations. shon-iní; t i ' anclusively that a public benefncior, nlthough gi vrr só sm'ill. Will not go unrewardcd in th is en31 ghtened coinniunily. (y He 3 ïhankfu! f"r tlio fnvors nlrcady bestowed, cj ná wiíúld resppctfully s 'licitn continuonce f the -"1 nulo; undlie would s;iy to thiise who never liave urohaied books of hirn, ihnt he C'1! show tlini 4i Mieles and ptices wiili ple.isure a' nny time 1 lioy niay cali whether they wish 10 purclüiso or h iot'. ' s' Cash orders Trom the countiy will be attendeu 11 0, (ïnd tlie loUs pneked as wc!l oj if the y.vrs] ons werc (irefcnt to nuend tlie purcliaisës. He c vül Ieo bell to child.-on as cheap as ihcir p.ents. f Purchasers will do wcll to examine his stock t md prics heforo purclmsin eleewheie. p Doii't forgcl tlic ■place; be sure you cali c iíPERRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main , Street, a few doors South of the Public h Square, in the same room ícilh C. Bliss, Waich Malccr and Jeweller. WM. II. PEr.RY. „ Ann Arbor, June 27, 181G. 2G9-tf f