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- The Board of Supervisors acljourned from Friday last to January 'i. - The Enterprise reporta the arrival in Mancliester of English sparrows. - The Pomological will meet in Firemeu'a Hall next Saturday, at the usual hour. - By order of the Board of Supervisors the County Treasurer elect will have to give bonds in the sum of Y150,000. - To-morrow evenhïg, Nov. 9, Col. Kohert (i. Iugersoll will appear at the Opera House, see advertisement iu this paper, - " School keeps " in that new Fourth ward school building at Ypsilanti, and all are delighted with their new quarters. - Will the city pay tor the gas necessary to illuminatü the dial to that clock in the Court House tower 'i That's the questiou. - üu Tuesday eveuiug Dr. North read a paper on " The Causes of Typhoid Fever " before the Anu Arbor Medical and Surgical Society. - The Comniou Council has allowed Recorder Clark $12.") for sortiug and filing the papers of previous years miscellaueosly stored in bis office. - $491 was estimated as the amount necessary to finish the east rooms in the basement of the Court House. And the Supervisors did not order the work done. - Leonard üover's famous comedy, " Our Boarding House " will be brought out at Hill's Opera House, next Wednesday evening, Nov. 13. See advertisement iu another column. - The Circuit Gourt stands adjourued to Tuesday next, November 12, at which time the chancery snit of Tho Regenta of the Uuiversity vs. S. H. Douglas will be proceeded with. - There was another rush at the post-offico last Saturday evening, and the pólice tried wbat virtue there was in "clubs." It is time that rowdyism at the post-office was broken up. - At the Couucil meeting on Monday evening last a vote ot thanks was extended to Gov. Ashley and the railroad officials, and to the citizens of Toledo. It was because of that recent excursión. - Hon. Samuel McCaughy, of Huntington, Indiana, visited our city last week, and while here called at the Argus ofiice and renewed his subscription. He is one of the Indiana Democrats who will have the Aeous. - The subject of Kev. J. T. Suuderland at the Unitarian Church next Sunday morning will be " Making the Most of Liie." In the evening he will give the first of a course of lecturas. Subject : " Is Iuquiry in Religión Safe P ' - Sec'd Asst. Postmaster-Genoral Brady has written to C. A. Chapín concerning the proposed postal service over the T. & A. B. R. : ' The postal route to which you refer appears jnnecessary, and none bus been ordered by the Postraaster-G-eneral." - As Jacob Storms, of the Fifth ward, who .9 60 years oíd and a little deaf, was coming up :owu to his work in A. D. Seyler's, on Monday aiorning last, he wasstruck by an engine near :he depot and badly bruised, though not fatally njured. His escape was a narrow one. - The creditors of Calvin and Gilbert Bliss ïave been notified that on Monday, November 11, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the District Court iloom, in Detroit, the Court will inquire and letermine whether their proposition for com)osition has been duly and legally accepted by heir creditors. - At an early hour ou Monday niorning last, 3ennie F„ aged six years, son oí Charlea H. Worden, died of scarlet fever, having been taken the Saturday evening precediug. Benton Crossman, about the same age, son of James Crossmau, of St. Joseph, Mo., died of the same disease the same day. - ïhat " Daboll " of Sweet's came out as we predicted. It was good enough to get a job on, but no "prorit" could be figured up by it after all. And so he besieged the Board of Supervisors and got an inereaseed allowance of $340. If that figure leaves him a margin we shall be surprised. - The entertainment given at the residence of Judge Uooley ou Tuesday evening was a very pleasant aiïair. The programme included both vocal and instrumental music and recitations by Miss Chittenden, preceptress of the High School. We are told that Mis C. rendered her selections admirably. - Bev. J. T. Sunderland, pastor of the Uuitarian Church, will preach uext Sunday morning on " Makiug the Most ef Life." In the evening he wil! give his Brst Sunday night lecture of the seasou. Subject, " Is Iuquiry in Religión Sale ? " TI113 will be tollowed by lectures regnlurly on Sunday evemngs UU til April. - Ypsilauti Sentinel : While diggiug in the gravel pit one day last week, the workmen unearthed some human bones. It is supposed that they are those of an Iudian, as an aboriginal comotery is knowu to have been located near there. Üur thanks are due to W. Rowley for a look at the bones and iuformation regarding their discovery. - Just after noon on Mouday a barn was burned on South Ingalls street, owned by J. Hodge, together with a quantity of furniture stored therein. Loss estimated at $500. The students who were just coming out of the recitation rooms rallied in large numbera, - worked hard, and saved the adjnining barns. The firemen responded promptly to the alarm, but having a mile to draw their engines were not on the ground in time for saving work. - On Tuesday the flrst marriage ceremony was celebrated in the new Catholic Church in Northfield, the groom being Pat. Keefe, of Chatfield, Minn., nephew of Ambrose Kearney, of this city, and the bride Miss Mary O'Hara, daughter of John O'Hara, of the township of Ann Arbor. The ceremony was performed by Bev. Father Jos. VanWaterslioot. The happy couple left for a short wedding trip, and will go to their Minnesota home in about two weeks.


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