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Qrder your NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, fee, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE! THE STJ1T for 1879. The Sun will be printed every day during the year to como. Ita purpose and method will be the same as in the past : To present all the news in a readable shape, and to teil the truth though the j heavens ff.ll. The Sun has been, ia, and will continue to be independent of everybody and everythïng save the Truth and its own convictions of duty. That is the only policy which au honest newspaper need have. That ia the poliey which haa won for this newspaper the confidence and friendship of a wlder coHstituency than wae ever.enjoyed by any other American Journal. The Sun is the newspaper for the people. It is not for the rich man against the poor man, or for the poor man against the rich man, but it seeks to do equal justice to all intereats ia the community. It is not the organ of any person, elass, sect or party. There need be no mystery about its lovea and hatee. Xt is for the honest man against the rogues every time. It is for the honeat Deinocrat against the dishonest Republican, and for the honeat Republican as against the dishonest Democrat. It does not take its cue froiu the utterances of any poiiticlan or politica! organization. It givea its support unreservedly when men or mensures are in agreement with the Oonstitution and with the principies upon which this Bepublic was founded for the people. Whenever the Constitution and constitutional principies are violated- as in the outrageons conspiracy of 1876. by which a man not elected was placed in the President's office, where he still remains - it speakB out for the right. That is The Sun's idea of independence. In this respect thera will be no change in ita programma for 1879. The Sun has fairly earned the hearty hatred of rascáis, frauda, and humbugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to deserve that hatred not less in the year 1879, than in 1878, 1877, or any year gone by. Thk Sun will continue to shlae on the wiclced with unmltigated brightnera. Wnile the lesson of the past should be constantly kept before the people, The Sun does not propose to inake itself in 1879 a magazine of ancient history. It la printed for the men and woraen of today, wh ose concern is chiefly with the affairs of today. It has both the disnosition and the ability to aflbrd its readers the promptest, fullest, and most accurate intelligence of whatever in the wide world is worth attention. To this end the resources belonging to well-established property will be liberally employed. The presentdisjointed condition of parties Ín this country, and the uncertainty of the future, leud an extraordinary significance to the events of the coming year. The discussion of the press, the debates and acts of Congress, and the movements of the leaders in every section of the Kepublïc will have a direct hearing on the Presidential election of 1830 - an event which must be regarded with the most anxious interest by every patriotic Amer ioan, whatever his political ideas or allegiance. To these elementa of interest may be added the probabllity that the Democrats will control both houses of Conaresa, the increasing feebleness of the l'raudulent Administration, and the spread and strongthening every where of a healthy abhorrence of fraud in any form. To present with accuracy and clearnesa the exact situatlon in each of its varving phases, and to expound, accordingto ita well-known methods, and the principies thatshould puide tip through the labyrinth, will bean important part of Thb Sun'8 work for 1879. We havo the means of making The Sun, aa a political, a literary and a general newspaper, more ntertaintng and more useful than ever before; and we mean to apply them freely. Our rateof subscription reinain unchanged. For the Daily Sun, a four page sheet of twenty-eight columns, the price ly mail, postpaid, is 55 cents a month, or SG.50 a year; or, including the Sunday paper, an eight page sheet of fifty-six columna, the pnce is 65 cents a mouth, or #7.70 a year, po9tage prepaid. ■ The Sunday editfnn of Tur Sun ís alno furníshed separately nt #1.30 a year, poslage paíd. The price of the Wkkkly títiN, eight pagvs, flflynx columns, Í3 Jftl a yoar, postage paid. Forclubs of ten sendinc SI O we will send an extra cojiy free. Address, I. W. I'XÍI-AM, 1711 Publishcrof Thk Sun, New York City. THB GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! ORAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK.Is capecialIy rec. TRAPE MK i"X mi" Self Abunc; ns 8Si"' J5eiore lainngLo 0F MKMo-fter Taking. ry, Universal Lassitude, Pain in thk Back, Dimness op Vision, PiiEMATunE Old Aqe, and many other (Use ases that leadlo lnsanity, Consumption and a Prematnre Grave, aII of which as a rule are firat oaused by 5eviating from the path of nature and over indulgence. The Speciflc Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experi ence in treating these special diaeases. Full particular in our pamphlets, whioh we deaire to send free by mail to every one. The Speciflc Medicine ia sold by all Prugfjists at $1 per packnge, or aix packages for $5, or will be ■ent by mail on receipt of the inoney by addresaing THB WRAY MEDICINE CO.. 1674 No. 10 Mechanica' Block. Detroit Mieh. JKBold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son, and by all druggists everywhere TT0U8E AND LOT FOE 8ALK Lóente! in a desirable part of the city, and ín good repair. Also a home to rent on favorable temía. Xnquire at the Anuus office, ei 22 THOMBON 8TEEBT. Ann Arbor, Maroh 14, 187S. ltiTStf. O PECIAL OFFER ! THE NEW YORK Weekly World AN EIGHT PAGE NEWSPAPEE, Will be sent Cpostagö prepaid) t'rom until Jtinuary 1, 1879, FOR TEN OENT8. This Special Offer ís made to enable the People to see for themselvea how gooil h paper THE "WORLD ia and how worthy it U of iheir support. We will Pay the Postale -AND SEND - THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD ONE YI.AIt FOR ONE DOLLAR I Or 50 ets. for 6 Months. Which ia lesa than two cents a week ly the yewr, for a large EIGHT PAGE PAPER. Address, 'THE WORLD, ' 85 Park Row, N. Y. Seiul-Weelcly EditioM, SSperyear Iallj Editlon, I o " Datly, without Sunday Edition, 8 " CUT THIS OUT AND HAND IT TO YOUR NEIUHBOR. PURE GUM RUBBER BOOTS Being free from dulterative mixtures, will give longer service than common Bubbel Boots. Their great popularity has led to many cheap imitations, hanng a Dvll Fimsb. but this aeason the "CANDEE" CO. wn,L VARNISH Their PÜKE QÜM BOOTS, and to dUtinguisk them from the common kind, will attach a RUBBER LABEL on the front ot the leg, bearlag the Inscription CUSTOM MADE. PITRE GUM. These Bootg have the Patent Metal Heel Plate, which prevents the heel wearing awajr ■o quickly, and ihey will have also the patent Outside Stationary Strap Instead of the very ineonveninnt web insid ■trap, used ob other makes ot Boots. ASK FOR THE "CANDEE" BOOT.


Old News
Michigan Argus