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Tase quinine dissolTed in milk. .1 tañese wotuen do not use pins. The tattlesnake lives to be 10 veáis oía. An Ohio paper noniinates Secretary Sherma'i for the Presidency. It i eomputed that his caxnpaign has cost Öea. Butler over $150,000. Table-coveus of white paper are the latest novelty. No washing required. Over 200,000,000 paper collars are mnually consumed in the United States. The Vienna theaters issuo no checks to enable partios to go out between the fiets. The Dukeof Devonshire lately cleared near $100,000 by the sale of thirty shorthorns. Cleveland has 370 lawyera - one to every oighty-seven malt. adulta of the city. No Boston polieman jg Jlowed to discuss religión or politics at the stationbouseB. A T.icin fall of snow has made the roads in Manitoba very bad, and tied up Ilir country. Baltimore phptographers have mude Buccesafiü attempts to photograph by the electric light at nigbt. The death of Jefferson Davis, Jr., leaves the ex-President of the Southern Coni'ederacy without a relative bearing the name of Davis. Tinciii: has been no inórense in the acreage or production of corn in Great BritaÉa during the past ten years, and little in that of meat. A maït ín Santa Barbara eounty, Cal., is making a living by clearing farms of jjquirrels at 10 cents an acre, and j antees tliorough work. Senatdk Mokton's son, a revenue I agent in Alaska, did not learn of his father's death until he reaehed San I Francisco a few days ago. The loss by the yellow f e ver, throngh the déstruction of crops by neglect, stoppage of trade. and minor causes, is estimatcd at $200,000,000. An elephant buttcd the end out of a car on a Kentucky railroad, feil with his forelege asfnide the couplingQ, broke his tusks, and had a foot cut off. The Ttalian Government has adopted plans for 2,500 miles of new rajlroads, to cost about $150,000,000, to be secured by a pledgo of the public credi . A KKi'KNT cxamination it Goa, India, of the body of St. Francis Xavier showcjd it to be as well preserved as when exposed twenty years ago. A orazy girl in North Carolina was discovered the otuer day playing with a rattlesnake, from which she liad removed the rattles, without any harm from the reptile. A HEsiDENT of Grand Eapids, Mich., imvstod $3j00O with a Chicago broker, being desirouti of aeoumnlating a fortune with rapidity. He lost it all, and was sned l'or sü.TÖ of :i balance. The time has now arrived wlien the lonely tramp smokes his pi]ie in the hay-inow, and the calculating farmer ascertains the next morning that the insurancc will about half cover the loss. A pauty of geologists while reoently en route from l'olkstone to Boulogne saw what to many of them was positively a sea serpent, but one of the party wliipiKul out :i glass and discovered that it was a floele of wild fowl. ' The San Fnuicisro ('all states that up to the close of September an even hundred cargoes of this year's wheat had passcd out of the Golden Gate. The aggregatc is 178,156 tons, worth $6,037,497. This is the largest export movement of the great ataple during the first qttftrter of any harvest year in the hisföry of San Francisco. The Cologne (lazedle, says that one of the most rlourishing branches of industry in Prussia at present is the fabrication of arms. The great factories are busy on ïtussian orders for mitrailleuses of a new kind, alter a Swedish model, which is said to surpass all that has been knmvn till now as to quicknessand thc mass of balls fircd at a time. , liu:.MiX(aiAM baby ljas been suffocated with sweetmeats. Tlie innocent was 8 weeks Old, and had been left in the care of a little girl about 5 years old. She gave him some of the candy peculiarly known as " rifle-balls." The sweetmeat stuek in the baby's throat, mid beíOre a dot-tor could besummoned death had resulted from suftbcation. Tuk Chinese population of San Francisco has been lately reported as 32,000, including 7,000 servante. Of cigarmakers therc are 5,000 ; of tailors, 3,000 ; of boot ainl shoe makers, 2,800; laundrymen, 1,500; merchants and professional men, 1,000; professional gamblers, 1,400: peddlei-s. 2,500. while the rest are fishermen, laborers, and miscellaneous. There are 2,000 women. One-thiiu) of the liquid portion of the sewageof Paris is conveyed to Genncvilliers, a kind "of peninsnla made by i the windings of the Seine below AsI nieres. A medical visitor says that he did not discover as much smell as lie has often detected in walking over farms manured with guano or in the ordinary mauner, and he could not learn of any unfavorablc effect on the health of the people. Magnifioent crojis are raised Maky Stali'a, of Traverse, Mich., stepjied on a loóse floor-board, and feil through into the room below, where sat a young man who had never seen her bef ore. He may have been sentimentally impressed by the fact that she came down to turn from above, for before j night lie asked her to marry him, and she assented ; but evidently he judged too hastily, for within two months he ai)plied for a divorce. THE BIKD AND THE BVILDER. Wait, UtüObird, Ou your clnoralcl trtt : stay. 'rtarling bird, And keep siriiiic to nu; While jour cage f !iühl. While your cmv l t-'ilil. Siag, heart ol sopg Your beM iliUrin u'li ■: My titsk is tong; Love, keep Binfnñg t(1 nw Till ynnr cae I Ijniltl. Till your cago I güd. Sd evening L1J O'w liit (larknog troe, And vi.ii-c appiülij ii fllflh'ing siülliUfc' tO 1UC,. ■■ Why building po late! The bird does not wait." -Barper'e m-;.v.


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Michigan Argus