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The State Grange Will Hold Its

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al moetiug at Lansing December 10. Jacksox ia the only county in the ] Third Congressional district which graoed itsolf by giviug a plurality to tho ignorant and ihflated Dawson. Aaron V. McAlvav, formerly of thia city, who was the Republican candidate for Judge in tho Nineteenth Circuit, was beatón by S. D. Haight, Domocrat. j The official canvassea in the several counties of thia Congrossional district, give: Card, 9,539; Willits, 14,314; Thomas, 7,l4ï. Willits over Card, 4,■17.'). -- ■ Wayxe COUNTY. sends thirteen green members to the LegUlature, - three Senators and ten Representativo : that is thirteen men who have never been in the Legislatura. But several of them have been alderraen and supervisors. Hox. Peter E. L. Pjeihce, Postniaster at Giand Kapids, and former Clerk of Kent County for twelve years, Mayor of the city for three years, and inember of the State Senate in 1867, died on the evening of the 12th inst., aged 5(5 years. He was a genial, popular gentleman and official. Vk beard a leading greenbacker of this city (a candidate) say a few days ago, " We have accomplished all we expacted to : broken up and defeated the Democratie party, and got a good foot-hold for our new party," or words substantially to tbat effect. What do those sincere Demócrata who were " roped in" to the greenback movement think of that ? The purchasera of the Detroit and Milwaukee Kailway have completed their organization with the following officers : President, Samuel Barker, Hamilton, Ont. ; Secretary, James H, Muir, Detroit ; Solicitor, George Jerome, Detroit. Of the directory two are located in Hamiltou, Oat, ; four in Iondon, England ; one in Marietta, Ohio ; and two in Detroit. A oleam of returning sense : that is what is indicated by an article in another column clipped from the Grand Kapids Democrat, and headed " An Honest Dollar." Other Democratie editors who have co-operated with Bro. Messmore in clamoring for " the dollar of tho daddies" or for greenback inflation would do well to follow hia lead back to the sound platform of " honest money." TnE political complexión of the Legislature will be as follows : Seuate - Republicana, 23 ; Democrats, 4 ; National-Greenbackers, 5. House - Republicana, 67 ; Demócrata, 20 ; NationalGreenbackers, 13. The Lansing Kepubliean saya that two Senators have been re-elected, and that twelve other Senators have been in one or tho other branch of the Legislature. Twentynine members of the House have been re-elected and five have seon previons The Washtenav members have all been there. A telegram from Washington siys : " The direcsor of the mint in his annual report expresses the opinión that tbe trade dollar having obtained a favorable position in China, it would not be advisable to repeal the law authorizing its coinage." Then, either let it be made a legal tender or let the bul Hou ownera for whum it is coined be prohibited from putting it in circulatiou in thia country. A dollar that won't pass ourrent for a dollar at cu-tom-houae, post-office, bank, &c, ia a nuisance. The Grand Rápida National Enquirer " put in its best lick" for Messrs. Stnith and Comstook uutil thu campaign ended in the defeat of those gentlemen capitalista who had so philanthropically espoused the cause of the laboring classes, (?) but on the 6th inat., the day after election and when its services were no longer needed, they (Mesars, S. and C ) aeized the concern on a chattel mortgage, Mesara. Clark & Co. should have paid off that debt in fiat money of their own issue, and have taught their two bloated oreditors whose willing servants they had been that " sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander." TlIE Clearing Houae at New York has adopted the following rulea in aid of resumption, to go into force January first : 1. To decline receiving gold coins as special deposita, but to accept and treat thein only as lawful money. 2. To abolish special exchanges of gold check at the clearing-houso 3. Fay and receive balances betwoen bank9 at the cleariu-house either in gold or Uuited States legal tender. 4. Receive silver dollars upon deposit ouly under special contract to withdraw the samo in kind. 6. Prohibit payments of bulances at the clearing-house in silver certiñeates or in silver dollars, exceptmg as subsidiary coin in small suma, say under $10. 6. Discontiuue the gold special account by notice to dealers on the Ut of Januiry next, to termínate then. Which doean't look like the recognition in business circlea of a doublé coin standard. ■■■■ -- ■ ■ Thk county of Washtenaw, for several years reliably Democratie, goes Bepubhcan. The policy of the Abous has been to secure this result. It howled for " honest money" in the face ot tha safest currency the people ever touched, and in commou with the Kepublicans everywhere demanded a financial course that meant ruin to the best mterests of the mannes ot the working people. - Adrián Prets. The Press would do well to attend to iiffnirs in its own county before it hauls the Abous over the coats. lts senior publisher ought certainly to have insured a Democratie viotory in Lenawee County if there was virtue in soft money or in riding two horsea. He was a candidate for tho Greenback nomination for Congresa and failing that wanted the Democratie nomination. He waa 11 all things to all men" on the ourrency questiou. Hia policy gave Smith, Greenback candidate for Governor 2,421 votes, wbile Barnes, the Detnocratio candid ate, received but 2,863. In thia county Smith was givon but 1,302 votos while Barnes received 3,239. But it matters not what are the teruporary results of the policy pursued by the AROC3. It unfalteringly adhered to tho cfirrlinal, unquestioned, well-grennded Doinocratic doctrine on the finanoinl ieauos ; aud the future of the party and the country will attest the wisdom of its conrsa. Mark that.


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